What Just
Might Happen Here
Jeffrey Epstein
Imagine this scenario if you have the courage…
You are sitting in your car with your family waiting for a school bus to
unload. Children are disembarking the bus when you spy an old car speeding
toward the intersection. “That lunatic is going to hit those
children!” you say to your spouse who is sitting beside you.
That’s the last thing you remember before waking up in the hospital.
The nurse tells you not to speak but you struggle through your pain to
ask, “Where are my wife and children? What happened?”
The nurse walks away and the doctor steps up to your bed. You notice for
the first time that you can only see out of one eye and that you are
hooked up to a multitude of machines.
“Sir, you were in the direct vicinity of a car bomb, a suicide bomb.
Your family is dead. I am sorry. You need to rest. When you are feeling up
to it the police want to talk to you about what you saw.”
Or this…
You have been on the Internet and have forwarded an email critical of
the government performance to some of the people in your address book. You
didn’t write it but you agree with the statement and therefore thought
to share it with your likeminded friends. You shut your computer off and
head on up to bed, as is the norm for you.
Suddenly, at 3:00am, five unidentified men kick in your front door and
race up the stairs. They have automatic weapons and their faces are
covered. You are in a fog. Your wife is screaming. You hear your kids
screaming. You don’t know what is going on.
As you gather your wits the five men are holding your children, with
weapons to their heads, at the foot of your bed. It all happened so fast
you feel like you’re moving in slow motion. You move to act but are
cracked over the head with the butt of a rifle. “Try that again and your
youngest gets a bullet in the head,” a voice commands.
You sit half conscious with blood dripping down the side of your face
and the same voice asks, “Did you send an email criticizing our
government to John Smith today?”
You think back to all of the emails you sent and then remember the last
email that you forwarded. “John Smith, John Smith, did I send it to
John?” you think to yourself. You feel another crack to your head.
“Answer!” the voice says.
“I don’t know. I can’t remember,” you say to the unidentifiable
Suddenly, the one holding you’re your youngest child kicks her legs
out from under her and breaks her arm just at the elbow. As she shrieks in
pain, crying out for you, you lunge to her defense. One of the other men
lifts his weapon and shoots your wife in the head. She is dead.
“Did you send an email criticizing our government to John Smith
today?” the voice screams in a more impatient tone. This time one of the
men has a pistol to your oldest child’s head.
If you don’t think that these two scenarios can play out in the
United States
you are uninformed not only to the threat of radical Islamofascism but
also to the consequences of losing the War on Radical Islam.
The threat is real. Thousands who have escaped the brutal oppression of
Islamofascist regimes recount their horrors each day. A scant few who have
broke away from the ideology testify to anyone who will listen about the
Caliphate that radical Islamic organizations like al Qaeda, Hamas,
Hezbollah, Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade and a plethora of others want to set
up, not only in the Middle East, but throughout the world.
Their victory would mean the end of the
United States
and the end of the free world as we know it. To them, it is not about
politics, it is about religion, a radical religion where the law allows
for beheadings, stoning and maiming, a radical religion that uses terror
as its tool of choice to keep the masses in line.
We are America’s
Truth Forum (formally the People’s Truth Forum), a group of
non-partisan, non-political concerned citizens committed to bringing the
truth about the threat of radical Islam to the American people. The
government won’t do it. The media won’t do it. That leaves us.
We need your help.
We are organizing a symposium that will bring together the most
important voices on the subject of radical Islamofascism. Our speakers
include; Dr. Harvey Kushner, Robert Spencer, Laura Mansfield, Brigitte
Gabriel and many more. They will share their extensive knowledge and
first-hand experience with radical Islamofascism and help everyone
attending to understand just what we are up against. This symposium is set
for the Spring of this year.
But we are meeting resistance at every turn and in every way.
In order to make this happen, we need your financial support. Every
dollar amount helps no matter how small the denomination. Each and every
penny donated to our cause will be spent on our cause. We are not a
special interest group that farms its funding out to other organizations.
We are firmly committed to the task of bringing the truth about the threat
that Islamofascism poses to the American people to
the American people.
If we fail, the Islamofascists win a crucial battle in the War on
Terror…and we move a step closer to the scenarios depicted above.
Please help us to help
. Give what you can.
Sincerely yours,
Jeffrey Epstein, President
P.O. Box