Hypocrisy of "Acadhimmia"
by Ibn Rushd
I am fed up with western academics. They parrot to Islam, and
trumpet their cause without fail. If a voice says otherwise, they
are silenced with a bad grade in the classes. I am a voice who has
been punished. Merely for citing a book by Ibn Warraq, "The
Quest for the Historical Muhammad". I barely used it in an
essay, and yet I was penalized simply for its presence in the
bibliography. I had written about Jews and Muslims through the
ages. I discovered it was not rosy and peachy. As a result,
the entire essay was trashed. Every source was "biased"
and "not scholarly". Even an encyclopedia was no better
than porn. Bat Ye'or was an evil woman, and not worthy. Ibn
Warraq had "an axe to grind" and Ibn al-Rawandi was "an
angry man".
These are the exact quotes!! I do not lie! I'm so ashamed of
being a part of this institution, where the funding is very likely
coming from the KSA (Saudis). It's so scary when everywhere you
go, there is a Muslim watching to make sure you say the right thing.
And if not a Muslim, then one of their faithful representatives: an
acadhimmi. These people are nuts! They don't deserve our
funding or our notice. If these people are ignored, then they will
go out of business. I advise you not to send your kids to programs
such as Middle Eastern Studies, Religious Studies, Cultural Studies,
Islamic Studies, or the like. These people are nuts.
As for me, I am speaking under a pseudonym as I may be expelled or lose
my job, or something else terrible that I don't know which! I
can't tell anyone about this as they will think I'm the crazy one.