No Muslim Holiday Classes Off: Univ Of
Grant Swank, Jr.
Now this is using sense and
If I were in
Saudi Arabia
, I would not stage a sit-in if a certain holiday I considered a holiday
did not cancel university or college classes. I would take it as that’s
the way things are in
Saudi Arabia
. In other words, with courtesy, I would co-exist with a culture different
from mine.
But when Muslims move into a
culture other than theirs, they have a hissy fit. We have to put out the
red carpet and make all sorts of changes for the Muslim newcomers. After
all, they insist. After all, we are nice people. After all, they are going
to get mad. After all, we are a people of manners. After all, they might
blow up our buildings. After all, we don’t like buildings blown up.
So we have discovered that in
non-Muslim nations where Muslims move in there are all sorts of Muslim
demands. For instance, the one in
is particularly Muslim brattish. Muslims demand that the religious
symbolism in the British royal seals be eliminated. So there. Listen up.
The Muslim discontents have spoken. And don’t we all known that Prince
Charles has let it be known that he is "fond" of Islam.
Now there is a self-censorship
going on within the
and like neighboring countries. Why? Because the non-Muslims fear saying
or doing anything that would disturb the Muslim immigrants. After all,
artist Theo van Gogh had his neck slit open in broad daylight on a very
public boulevard. Oh, and his torso was stabbed repeatedly. Why? Because
he put out a film telling the truth about female Muslims being tortured
and slain by Muslim males.
Further, when a high school near
where I live had a few Muslim students show up, the school turned over a
particular room as their prayer room. There was no prayer room afforded
those of any other religion however. And when it came to Christmas there
were no Christmas symbols or observances permitted. So it goes when a
nation is scared out of its wits. Or, on the other hand, when certain
citizens in free countries go nuts about being overly illogically polite
to those who would take over the countries.
Therefore, it was encouraging to
know that University of Albany President Kermit Hall did not go along with
canceling classes on certain Muslim religious holidays at the
. He cancelled out the idea that the Muslim holidays of Eid ul-Adha and
Eid ul-Fitr should be days off from regular classes.
The usual religious holidays
observed throughout
will continue to be days off for students and faculty, such including Rosh
Hashanah and Yom Kippur, according to the AP.
University rejects plan to end marking religious holidays
Copyright © 2005 by J. Grant
Swank, Jr.
Email: [email protected]