I’m Comforted: Muslim Sites Searched
J. Grant Swank,
So Muslim sites were searched by the federal
government. Makes sense to me.
Muslim sleeper cells. Four thousand Muslim web sites
spewing forth hate against non-Muslims. A Muslim Koran that teaches how to
hate Jews and slay both Jews and non-Muslims in order to satisfy Allah.
Islamic killers international setting up schemes in every corner of the
planet. Islamic suicide enthusiasts wiping themselves out to have eternal
orgies with playboy bunnies.
bombings by Muslims.
9 / 11 crumbled by Muslims. Muslims threatening Jordanian king’s head
being severed from his neck. Muslims demanding that religious symbols be
removed from British official seals.
overrun with Muslim Brotherhood extremists who declare that to commit
suicide for Islam world rule is their chief aim for waking up in the
Artist Theo van Gogh in broad daylight murdered by
Muslims via slit throat and knife thrusts across his torso. The French
writing up laws governing immigrants coming into the country, mostly since
Muslim threats mounted against their culture. Muslim Turkey demanding that
the European Union right into law statutes against "Islamophobia."
That is, if anyone in
says anything negative about Islam he can be put in jail.
Muslim zealots blowing up New Iraq daily. Muslim
zealots blowing up
daily. Muslim zealots winning municipality elections in
West Bank
. Muslim Iranian president proclaiming there was no holocaust and that
should be wiped off the Earth. Muslim Palestinian Authority unable to
quell its own murdering crew. Muslim Syria willing to hide Iranian nuclear
and chemical materials so that UN inspectors can't find them.
Now with all that going on would there be any reason
for the
federal government searching Muslim areas for possible malcontents? I
would think so.
So US News’ David E. Kaplan gives us the detail:
"In search of a terrorist nuclear bomb, the federal government since
9 / 11 has run a far-reaching, top secret program to monitor radiation
levels at over a hundred Muslim sites in the Washington, DC, area,
including mosques, homes, business, and warehouses, plus similar sites in
at least five other cities."
Thank you, federal officialdom. Thank you for taking
seriously my safety in the
. Thank you for not sitting on your hands. Thank you for doing what we
people at the grassroots were hoping was taking place: vigilance 24 / 7 in
order to secure our country.
With illegals pouring in totaling 11 million, many
being criminals or criminal-wannabes. With many of them having Islamic
killer intentions, tied to training schools elsewhere where they learned
techniques in how to undo our society, it’s comforting to know that a
watchful eye is probing about the dark corners. And why should not some of
those corners entail Muslims in
I have not heard of any Argentine immigrants planning
sleeper cells lately. Have you? Or Brazilian immigrants? Or Nigerian
immigrants? Or Greeks immigrants? But I have been hearing a lot about
Muslims doing a lot to unravel the planet’s civility.
Now there’s all this fuss about legality. The
federal officials say that what they did was within the law. Some
professors on egghead campuses disagree. Of course they would disagree.
They’re into their library files and not out in the streets where the
illegals have swamped neighborhoods so that local police can’t nab them
soon enough. In fact, local police departments have complained about the
inrush of illegals raping, robbing and murdering to such a high degree
that in some locales the law has been torn to shreds.
It is a comfort for me to know that there has been
surveillance going on since 9 / 11. If there were not, I’d be the first
to want to know why not. But now at least the periodical informs me that
secret agents have been doing their job. And quite well, it appears from
the reports.
I propose that they keep on keeping on. Add to their
forces. Give them more equipment, whatever is necessary. If we don’t do
that the Islamic killers international will in fact undo the campus
professors and their families as well as the human rights committees
having fits this weekend because the government is doing its job.
Copyright © 2005 by J. Grant Swank, Jr.
Web: www.truthinconviction.us
Email: [email protected]