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Muslim Dad Sets up Sons to Murder
Daughter's Boy Friend
By J.
Grant Swank, Jr.
December 14, 2005 -- She had his child.
The boy friend then was killed by her father. In other words, the family
was "dishonored."
Dishonoring a Muslim family can yield a killing. Whoever did the
dishonoring is to be slain. Sometimes it's by bullet or knife or whatever.
But the dishonoring must be vindicated. Therefore, Allah is satisfied.
This goes on every day. It is happening while I type.
Such devilish customs are frightening cultures not used to such barbarism.
Therefore, as Muslims move to non-Muslim societies, they keep their
traditions such as "honor killing." That of course cuts through
the civility of cultures that do not tolerate such devilment.
Arash Ghorbani-Zarin, 19, was cut through with a knife 46 times. He had
been seated in an automobile in Oxford in November 2004.
The reason he was slain is because he was accused of impregnating Manna
Begum, his girl friend. With that, her two brothers slaughtered the boy
Her father, Chomir Ali, 44, set it all up. He convinced the brother to
slay the girl's boy friend. "It's just the way Muslims are,"
Cheherazad Jmil reported to the press. In other words, such doings are
common place. It is expected from the Muslims in certain communities.
When honor killing takes place, often the press does not report it. Often
the police do nothing. Often even the females in the Muslim community
shield the murderer. If anyone protests the honor killing, he is turned
upon by Muslim males in particular.
Females are not considered worth that much by Islamics. The women are
possessions of the clan's males. If they get out of line, they may find
themselves killed. In this case, it was the boy who was accused of
impregnating the girl who was slain in order to retrieve the honor of the
The girl would walk through the neighborhood holding the boy's hand. That
is not permitted by Muslims who are legalistic in adhering to their
customs. Therefore, the boy had to be gotten rid of.
A friend warned the girl not to hold hands in public. Nevertheless, she
continued. "It's shameful for the family," a friend to the girl
informed the media.
According to the Guardian: "A father and his two sons were today
found guilty of the murder of a university student 'to vindicate the
family's honor.'
"A jury at Oxford Crown Court ruled that 44-year-old Bangladeshi
waiter Chomir Ali ordered his two sons Mohammed Mujibar Rahman, aged 19,
and Mamnoor Rahman, aged 16, to kill Arash Ghorbani-Zarin, a 19-year-old
university student who was in a long-term relationship with Ali's
daughter, Manna Begum, on November 20 last year.
"The three will be jailed for life.
"The body of Mr. Ghorbani-Zarin - an Iranian Muslim studying
electronic engineering at Oxford Brookes University - was found in his car
in Spencer Crescent, Rosehill - an Oxford suburb. He had been stabbed 46
times, mostly in the chest."
With Muslims moving increasingly throughout Europe and Africa as well as
North America, concern from non-Muslims is rising. The non-Muslims are
coming to realize that the chief aim of fanatic Muslims is Islamic world
rule. There are 4000 web sites spewing forth hatred against non-Muslims.
Jews in particular are hated, being called "Jew-pigs." All
non-Muslims must be slain, according to Allah's dictates in the Koran.
There are sleeper cells throughout the free countries. These could explode
at any time, thus imploding the culture. There are schools where Islamic
teachers instruct boys and girls how to hate and kill for Allah's sake.
There are TV programs in the Middle East instructing the same.
Females who do not follow the legalistic Islamic customs are in danger of
being wiped out. For instance, "Ms. Begum's close friend Cheherazad
Jmil described her as a 'strong character' who never wore a head scarf or
Muslim clothes, but opted instead for jeans and hooded tops.
"She said she had warned Ms. Begum her actions would cause
embarrassment to her family."
Many Muslim communities expect their females to cover their bodies from
head to toe. In some cases, if a Muslim female shows her ankles she will
be beaten by her husband. She may even be slain. There are cases where a
brother slays his sister because in some fashion she has dishonored her
clan. Then the brother will take the dead body, hugging it and crying, for
he did not want to slay his sister. Nevertheless, "honor
killing" demanded it.
In non-Muslim cultures this sort of behavior is anathema. National
non-Muslim leaders are slowly coming to realize that this infusion of such
carnage cannot be tolerated in a non-Muslim society.
Muslim leaders in Muslim countries usually turn their backs on such
horrible customs. It has become so ingrained in such countries as
Pakistan, that it is difficult to get villages and rural areas to change
to a civil manner of living.
Copyright © 2005 by J. Grant Swank, Jr.

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