Hate Preachers Thrown Out of Britain
J. Grant Swank, Jr.
The Awakening continues. Freedom-based nations are realizing more and more
that hate speech from Muslim mosque clerics cannot be tolerated. Hate speech is
the forerunner of killing, the baseline for the killing cult called
Therefore, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, referring to such hate speech
as an "evil ideology," is tightening the grip. Britain will not
tolerate its liberties being prostituted by those who would do in the liberty
country. The hate preachers are a direct contradiction to the freedom of speech
in Britain; therefore, the contradiction must be eliminated.
According to Al Webb of The Washington Times, "tough new rules (were
passed) yesterday under which ‘preachers of hate’" will be "thrown
out of the country or banned from entering it."
That’s the solution to the Muslim murderers global. They must not be
permitted to remain in a freedom-based environment. Toss them out or don’t
allow them to enter.
The only other choice is internment for all Muslims in that all Muslims are
killers potential. The killing cult demands that every non-Muslim in the world
be eliminated. Therefore, those Muslims who don’t rise to the occasion of
slaughtering non-Muslims must be slain as cowards.
The threat is ominous and real. Consequently, those in authority must no
longer promise the civilized citizenry tough rhetoric. They must come through
with laws that clamp down on those intent on ruling the planet in the name of
the Koran’s Allah.
"’We have a number of names that we are considering at the moment,’
and the first deportations could come ‘very quickly -- in the next few
days,’ Home Secretary Charles Clarke said."
Clarke has been at the forefront of up-to-the-minute decision making
regarding the killing cult leadership. Therefore, his efficiency is taking hold
down to the grassroots in follow through to the tough backup provided by the
Prime Minister.
Blair stated earlier: "’Let no one be in any doubt that the rules of
the game are changing.’"
It will come to this in America. Americans are realizing that sleeper cells
have been located in every neighborhood cordial to Muslim infiltration. Mosque
clerics instruct their own on how to attack schools, churches, homes and
There are 4000 Internet sites ablaze mentoring the devout on how to take over
the world for Allah. Organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic
Relations (CAIR) are badgering at every turn to get their voice legitimatized
while all the while it holds to the pro-killing cult tenets. It’s site says
otherwise; but the truth is just the opposite from the public relations gimmick
used on the site.
No longer does US President George W. Bush refer to Islam as a "peace
religion." He now refers to it as an "ideology of hate."
What is amazing is that the Christian church in America — that is,
particularly the theologically liberal segment — is silent on the issue. Yet
these congregations have access to audiences weekly via the pulpits by which to
warn the congregants of the Muslim threat in their communities. But rarely is
anything stated factually concerning the killing cult. The National Council of
Churches remains basically silent as Islamics plan their take-over.
In Britain, Clerke has provided a listing of speech that cannot be tolerated.
It includes a delivery that
• Foments, justifies or glorifies terrorist violence.
• Seeks to provoke others to terrorist acts.
• Foments other serious criminal actions or attempts to provoke others to
commit serious crimes.
• Fosters hatred that threatens to lead to ethnic violence.
It was the July 7 attack on London’s transport system that prompted the
government to come real on the Islamic threat agenda. "Britain is facing a
‘real and significant’ threat from terrorists, and the government and
law-enforcement agencies must take countermeasures, Mr. Clarke said."
So it will come to pass in America as well as other freedom-based nations
that want to protect their liberties against the killing cult enthusiasts.