Blair Sees the Light Re Islam Finally
J. Grant Swank, Jr.
We are slowly moving from deception planted to
enlightenment. It was not too many months ago that political leaders, including
US President George W. Bush, were speaking of the Muslim clot as a
"religion of peace."
Now Mr. Bush speaks of Islam as an "ideology of
Just in the past few hours, British Prime Minister Tony
Blair has referred to the same disease an "evil ideology." Finally the
facts are coming to the fore. Truth is having its twilight. Islam =
"hate" and "evil." Yes!
When these two men come to the light regarding the killing
cult, then surely others will. The question is if those within the Muslim
conclave of power clutch will own up to the reality that they are a part of the
murdering cult. Hardly. If they confess such to the media, they are due to being
slain by their own.
Islam facts: the Koran Allah states that all Muslims must
kill non-Muslims. Those Muslims who don’t must themselves be killed. In the
end, only Muslims inhabit the planet. That’s it — plain and horrific.
Now Blair has come to the press microphones to state that
he no longer regards the Islamics are devotees of a nice hold on deity. They
have blown up parts of
and sliced through innocent lives. They sent their own bones into the air for
gaining a playboy orgy in Allahland, such promised in the unholy treatise known
as "The Koran."
I presume that Mr. Bush will no longer refer to that
publication as a "holy book." I presume none of his cabinet members
likewise will refer to that book as a "holy book." Heretofore, they
have done just that as we who know the facts about Islam have winced and
As the world community for peace gets deeper into the
Islamic hell canyons, the peace lovers will shout that Muslims must go. Islam
must be shut down, just as any killing cult is shut down. At least this must
occur in the freedom nations. If the Muslims continue to provide for "honor
killing" and such atrocities in the name of Allah, then there is little
freedom peoples can do about it.
But at least within the liberty countries, we must snuff
out the sleeper cells where mosque clerics teach hate and slaughter. We must
broadcast worldwide that such Islamic web sites as the Council on
American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) are fostering slicing through every non-Muslim
There must be an exceptionally concerted effort on the part
of every non-Muslim to wipe this scourge from the Earth.
Right now we are twiddling. We are playing the fiddles.
This cannot continue. An all out attack must be made by all peace peoples
against the enemy that would level everyone non-Islamic into the dust.