Bush Should Not Encourage Turkey to Join EU
J. Grant Swank, Jr.
US President George W. Bush and Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip
Erdogan talked with one another in Washington DC in the last hours.
According to Reuters, Mr. Bush encouraged Turkey to continue
pursuits to become a part of the European Union, a measure
particularly important to Erdogan’s leadership.
"Bush told Erdogan, who leads the largest Islamic party in
Turkey, that he continued to support his bid to join the European
Union, although an EU crisis over adoption of a constitution for the
25-member bloc has raised doubts about expansion.
"French and Dutch voters rejected the proposed EU
constitution in referendums last week -- decisions motivated partly
by fears that Muslim Turkey may eventually join the bloc.
"Turkey is due to start EU entry talks in October."
When French and Dutch voters said NO to the newly written EU
constitution, one of the main reasons for that response was that
they fear Turkey’s membership in the EU. They don’t want it.
Turkey’s presence is not healthy, not good, not sane.
Though Turkey continues its public relations program of
broadcasting that it is a totally secular nation with merely a
Muslim backdrop, it is not just that simple a secular society. It is
very much Islamic. Very much so. In fact, so much so that Turkey
convinced EU’s Council of 46 to pass a law that anyone criticizing
Islam throughout Europe could be jailed or worse.
Is that a totally secular Turkey? Or is that Muslim-based Turkey
intent on overtaking the world for Allah, just as the Koran
Therefore, understanding this, it is unfortunate that Mr. Bush
encouraged Turkey to continue with EU involvement, let alone another
attempt to join the EU. It is hoped that the European voters will
continue then to ward off Turkey. Admitting Turkey into the European
community is exceptionally dangerous. The continued immigration of
Muslims into European countries is bringing havoc.
It is the same anywhere Muslims are spreading themselves, and
that they are indeed doing daily, especially now in Mexico and
throughout South America.
Wherever there are poverty and governmental corruption, Islam
flourishes. This means that more and more zealot Muslims are gearing
up to slay all "infidels," that is, non-Muslims. Those
Muslims not courageous enough to slay the non-Muslims will
themselves be slain by the devout Allah worshipers.
Mr. Bush should not have given the nod to Turkey’s Prime
Minister regarding EU membership. Instead, he should have warned
Turkey leadership that any more teachings of killing off non-Muslims
will not be tolerated by civilized countries.