Neither Iran nor
North Korea cares about humanitarianism, public relations or a freedom
spread. They don’t care about their own citizens. Therefore, why would
they care for any human being elsewhere?
They care only for
their naked might, especially to set off-balance the United States as the
most powerful country on the planet.
Therefore, when
Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi announced to media today that his
nation is "determined" to continue with nuclear enhancement,
guess what the motive is? Watch out, though, for Iran has a fancy devious
side to its bald motive. It is to mask nuclear doings as "peace
furtherance," that being a good thing, according to Xinhuanet News
dated May 3, 2005.
North Korea has no
such public relations concern. Its military and nuclear prowess is simply
out there — in your face, like it or lump it.
Iran plays peek-a-boo
regarding its persona — sometimes demonic to the nuclear destructive
core — threat threat threat! — while at other times appearing to be a
part of the commendable intelligent population of the planet.
When Kharrazi gave
his speech today before a UN conference overseeing the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty, he informed his audience that Iran has been
"eager to offer assurances and guarantees that those technologies
‘remain permanently peaceful.’"
As believing that is
like embracing Cuba’s Castro for a cigar smoke share.
"’But, no one
should be under the illusion that objective guarantees can theoretically
or practically amount to cessation or even long term suspension of legal
activity which have been and will be carried out under the fullest and
most intrusive IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) supervision,’
he stressed."
Right. Like Beelzebub
is John the Beloved.
America has long held
to the position that Iran blows hot air and is up to no nuclear good
except to scare the world spitless. In other words, Iran is going to
manufacture weaponry to put the free world in its corner — dunce cap
went on with his beleaguered complex revelation: "’It is
unacceptable that some tend to limit the access to peaceful nuclear
technology to an exclusive club of technologically advanced states under
the pretext of non-proliferation,’ he emphasized."
Naturally the Iranian
statesman could be believed as being a part of the peace conclave if he
were out in front with the US President’s freedom spread global.
Thus far, there’s
been no inkling of Iranian governmental powers at all interested in
democracy, personal liberties or a freedom base for any community. It’s
all about Iranian power clutch or nothing.
As representatives
from 187 nations sat, listening to the olive branch delivery, it would
have been most fascinating to psyche out each one of those brain cells in
attendance. Whatever, the conference has a long way to go till
benediction. Its exit is set for May 27.