The freedom spread has not missed
Iranians knowledgeable of the New Iraq
progress are now demanding that Iran become a democracy. They want
freedoms like unto those in a democratic politic. They are deluging
Iranian cities with clamor and protests, informing officialdom that it’s
time for a dramatic change.
The result has been "violent
clashes," according to SMCCDI Information Service. Throughout recent
hours these clashes have increased in western Iranian metropolitan areas
in particular. These include Mahabad, Baneh and Piranshahr.
The streets have been clogged with
protesters screaming out for a "democratic change in Iran."
Islamic dictatorial forces have upped their presence in opposition to the
mob gatherings.
In Mahabad especially there has been
reported a death as well as numerous citizens injured due to the conflict
between those calling for a political change and Iranian security forces.
When additional militia were ordered into Marivan, they were not able to
control the masses. Accesses to thoroughfares are being blocked by
"enflamed tires."
When United States President George W.
Bush began his call for liberties throughout the world, citizens in
dictatorially controlled nations got hold of the challenge and are now
letting their angst known to the powers-that-be. Mr. Bush continues his
litany of liberties for all.
Those who are worn down by despots are
echoing his beliefs within their own borders. It is a yearning of every
human being to breathe free air. America has been blessed by its liberty
milieu; others want that same opportunity.
There is now New Iraq planting its
democracy. Afghanistan bravely continues with its liberties established.
Ukraine has come forth as no longer tied to Russia but more in league with
the United States lifestyle, even to registering to become a member of
NATO. Egypt has promised free elections forthcoming. Therefore, there are
those in Iran who conclude they are due like chances for democracy in
their time.
"Violent clashes continued,
yesterday and this evening, in several western Iranian cities, such as,
Mahabad, Baneh and Piranshahr. Hundreds of protesters came, again, into
streets in order to call for a democratic change in Iran, despite the
heavy presence of Islamic regime's forces.
"Slogans against the Islamic
regime and its leadership are consistently shouted by protesters in chase
and run actions. Several security agents have been also injured in the
clashes by armed masked individuals.
"Several official buildings and
banks have been heavily damaged by fire. Protesters have been energized,
since Wednesday, by the events in Iraq and its electoral process having
lead to the election of the new Iraqi executive."