For Females?
Grant Swank, Jr.
left with questions here.
to the Lancashire Evening Telegraph, there’s a first in those environs.
Muslims are going to have an all-female high school.
in particular, according to the Koran and custom, does not afford
education to Islamic females. They are garbed from head to foot. They are
not permitted to have an education, hold a job, look at a non-Muslim —
considering it might be a bit difficult to do that when one’s head is
cloaked, leaving but a little opening for eyes to peer through.
so-called "honor killing" is still going on in some Muslim
communities, females who trespass according to males present being shot in
the head or done away with via some other murdering means.
when I read that Muslim females, young ones at that, are going to be open
to book learning in
, what gives here?
report reads: "
’s first Muslim state school is expected to move to purpose-built
premises and double its number of pupils within five years. Privately-run
Tauheedul Islam Girls' High School, in Shear Brow,
is due to open its doors as a voluntary-aided school in September 2006.
Around 280 children are expected on the new school's rolls in its first
year as it remains on its present site."
are Muslim schools in other parts of the world where students are
instructed that Jews are "descendants of monkey and pigs." They
are taught how to kill Jews in particular. So it is that their instructors
breed murderers global for the next generation. These kinds of schools
have been receiving some documentary attention via American media.
what’s with this
girls’ high school supposedly providing legitimate curricula?
with Darwen's Council's education director, Peter Morgan, has confirmed
the school will be allowed ‘to grow’ and eventually move to a new
"He said: ‘The governors, with the support of the authority, will
expand the number of pupils to 600 within next five years.’"
means that Muslims are going to give primary attention to educational
advancements to girls, but not just a small group, an enlarging group.
Does that mean a takeover eventually of the community by Islamic radicals?
legitimate questions are not evidences of lingering paranoia but proper
questions, knowing what the killing Koran teaches, mainly, that
non-Muslims are infidels and must be slain in the name of Allah.
what kind of Koran instruction will these youths be receiving?
establishing a Muslim state school, Mr Morgan said, was simply reacting to
the demands of the community. He said: ‘What came out very strongly in
consultation was the parents who wanted a Muslim faith education in the
same way as someone of a Catholic or Church of England education.
parents felt marginalised as they had to seek an education for their
children in the independent sector. They said although Muslims represent
30 per cent of the community in terms of number of children, they were not
being recognized in same way as other faiths."
this bogus propaganda? Is this a reflection of the lies told by CAIR
(Council on American Islamic Relations)? Is this a not-so-subtle plot?
"’What they wanted to do was join the community of schools within
the borough and develop with the resources and expertise you get from
being in this family,’" representatives inform reporters.