Rejoicing Applauds Iraqi
J. Grant Swank, Jr.
In Baghdad, as boom blasts were heard in a near distance, the voting
station opened. Some standing in line offered prayers heavenward. Others
"continued walking calmly to the voting stations." Then there
were shouts lifted to the skies: "We have no fear."
The nay-sayers are in shock.
Checking the politically liberal web sites, there is hardly a mention
of the large voter turnout in New Iraq. A slight mention, then on to
trivial news bits. That’s pretty much the menu for the Dem-friendly,
anti-Bush overview.
Predictably, Aljazeera site draws attention to the dead. Other than
that, few positive reflections. Detour headlines read: "Bush:
Iraqi poll won’t end U.S. occupation," "U.S.
planes fly over Iranian airspace," and "UN:
Donors overlook tsunami-hit Maldives." Got it?
The Washington Post headline reads: "Iraqi Turnout Higher Than
Expected." Thank you, WP. After that a couple mini headlines
regarding Iraq, then the next news is about a British plane crash. So
much for expansive detail, let alone a cheer or two for freedom’s
advance. After all, Washington Post, your presses run in a democracy.
Would it not help your milieu to give applause to others coming under
the freedom umbrella? Appears not.
With Ted Turner in angst over FOX News supplanting his CNN, it’s
FOX where specifics are laid out powerfully and truthfully. Thanks to
the reporting team: Dana Lewis, Geraldo Rivera, Jane Roh,
Shepard Smith, David Lee Miller, Megan Dowd and The Associated Press.
FOX reported that the Sunni cleric boycott barrage didn’t pan out.
Haranguing for Sunnis to stay home rather than go to the polls, the
cleric has now had to pull back his rhetoric. "Better-than-expected
turnout" eventuated in locales where Sunnis and Shiite Muslims live
side by side. The grassroots folk appear to be thinking for themselves,
treasuring freedom’s prospects rather than bowing down to crippling
Hamad Hmoud Shagti, governor of Sunni province, Salaheddin,
broadcasted from the radio stations, urging Sunnis to get out the vote.
He encouraged a proud showing at the polls. "This is a chance for
you as Iraqis to assure your and your children's future," he said.
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan gave his nod from Nigeria where
he’s positioned at the moment. He gave forth that the New Iraq initial
move to a democracy planting is "the first step." Thank you,
Mr. Annan.
One thing particularly hopeful in all this hilarity for liberty’s
push focuses on the Kurds. They may just have that prized opportunity to
"gain more influence in Iraq after long years of marginalization
under the Baath Party that ruled the country for 34 years."
Democracy has been birthed in New Iraq, given the initial shove by
Iraqi Freedom Operation’s three-week-win war under US Secretary of
Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Though the political opposition has tried to
malign Mr. Rumsfeld, US President George W. Bush praises him, and
rightfully so. That duo — Bush and Rumsfeld — started two years ago
that which has eventuated in today’s freedom’s celebration in the
Middle East.
Of course, praiseworthy anecdotes will echo into years to come. Those
voting today will have stories to share with the next generation and
then the next.
With impending doom crashing down upon New Iraq, people went to
polls. They cast their ballots. They told the enemy to scat. Now their
alluring future beckons. Iraqis voting around the world cried tears of
joy, informing reporters that love for their home country was now
glowing brightly in their hearts afresh.
In Baghdad, as boom blasts were heard in a near distance, the voting
station opened. Some standing in line offered prayers heavenward. Others
"continued walking calmly to the voting stations." Then shouts
lifted to the skies: "We have no fear."
FOX reports: "’Am I scared? Of course I'm not scared. This is
my country,’ said 50-year-old Fathiya Mohammed, wearing a head-to-toe
"At one polling place in Baghdad, soldiers and voters joined
hands in a dance, and in Baqouba, voters jumped and clapped to celebrate
the historic day.
"At another, an Iraqi policeman in a black ski mask tucked his
assault rifle under one arm and took the hand of an elderly blind woman,
guiding her to the polls.
"’This is democracy,’ said Karfia Abbasi, holding up a thumb
stained with purple ink to prove she had voted.
"’We have defeated the terrorists today,’ Ahmad Chalabi, a
secular Shiite who is running for the National Assembly on the United
Iraqi Alliance list, told FOX News. ‘The winds of freedom are sweeping
across Iraq.’"