Kill A Jew-Pig, Go To Heaven
J. Grant swank, Jr.
An exceptionally detailed report on behalf of Palestinian Media Watch
was given to the Knesset. It related specifics regarding the Palestinian
Authority’s ongoing indoctrination of its public concerning wiping out
Jews — " the defective, corrupt, descendants of monkeys and pigs,
enemy of God."
According to Arutz Sheva, Arabs gain heaven’s portals when doing
away with any Jew or Jews. This is taught not only in community halls
but in religion classes and academic settings. It is furthered by
political leaders in Palestine.
It, in other words, is "official." It’s a planned hatred
followed by murdering Jews curriculum set forth for the younger
generation especially. Therefore, the Muslim murderers global intend on
carrying on their bloody legacy into the future without interruption.
Heaven is the goal. Allah has decreed it. It’s guaranteed.
"Kill a Jew – Go To Heaven" is the report given to the
Israeli leadership. It provides page after page of fine-lined
documentation regarding the Islamic ideology. The rest of the world had
better take note for there are Jews worldwide. They too are
"pigs." Then after the Jews, come the rest of the infidels —
Gentiles worldwide. That is the agenda set forth by the uncompromising.
Therefore, when persons read Muslim Internet sites such as CAIR
stating just the opposite, consider it blatant propaganda. It is
All the more the American school system should wake up to the fact
that the Islamic doctrine is the same the world over. It is not confined
only to the Palestinian Authority’s goal of ridding Israel of Jews. It
is meant for the United States as well.
Therefore, when school systems invite Muslim persons to instruct
school personnel on Islam, they must understand that the mentoring for
teachers is seen through by these kinds of Islamic disciples. They are
indeed wolves in sheep’s clothing — nothing less.
Yet in a high school near where I live, the high school provided a
prayer room for Muslim students. No such accommodations were provided
for Jews or Christians. And when Christmas and Hanukkah came, there was
no mention. However, the Muslim presence continues to receive special
"The report to the Knessset notes, ‘The murder of Jews is
presented not only as beneficial to Muslims and Arabs, but as necessary
for all humankind'... These findings are based on a thorough study and
analysis of eight years of official PA television and PA-controlled
daily newspapers. This report documents how this hate ideology has been
taught consistently for years, well before the war started in September
2000, and continues even after the death of Yassir Arafat.'
"At the Knesset briefing to a group of 80 ambassadors and
diplomats, Palestinian Media Watch Director Itamar Marcus presented many
examples from the PA-controlled print and broadcast media, including
numerous video excerpts. He showed the systematic way in which this
hatred of Jews is promoted by the PA's religious, political and academic
elites, and is taught via cultural, educational, religious and even
entertainment frameworks.
"’As in Nazi Germany, there is an entire culture of hatred in
Palestinian society today, from textbooks to crossword puzzles, from day
camps to TV music videos,’ Sharansky added, ‘and the end result is
the calling for the murder of Jews as Jews.’
"This week, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) toured PA
Television studios, instructing the director to ‘transmit the reality
as it is, without censorship or cosmetics.’"
There you have it: the newly elect head of PA giving his endorsement
to killing Jews programming. So what is the rest of the world to
conclude? It concludes that peace talk from the leadership is
double-talk of the worst genre.