Gerald A. Honigman
I can't get the image out of my head.
There she was, Ashleigh Banfield,
MSNBC's rising star, standing before a statue of the great Muslim warrior,
Salah al Din, in
, glorifying the Arab claim that they were his modern descendants in
the fight against Jews and other allegedly new crusaders in the region.
Arab tyrants love to make such
's twin butchers to the east are famous for this as well. Saddam still loves to
present himself as Saladdin reincarnate. He needs to be hung quickly...better
yet, gassed.
And poor Saladdin is rolling in his
A Kurd from northern
(where Arabs later gassed and massacred Kurds by the tens
of thousands), he indeed led the fight for the Dar ul-Islam against the
crusaders in the
Holy Land
. But those were the early centuries, and despite the Abbasid Revolution
(largely supported by the Mawali) which toppled the
Damascus-based Arabist Umayyads over such issues, non-Arab converts to Islam
still sought to win equality in Arab eyes (and escape special taxes)
by toeing, especially well, the Islamic line.
Listening recently to the
Muslim but non-Arab Iranian President's renewed remarks about
's destruction, some things change...and some things never change.
The way for non-Arab Muslims to
pass the ultimate litmus test is to out Arab the Arabs in Jew hatred.
Some of the worst hate-mongers on
campus that I encountered were from
, and so forth. That was the ticket to stand tall along side Arabs in
the Muslim Student Organization, etc.
So, while Iranians are now busy
slaughtering Muslim Arabs in oil-rich Khuzistan, Muslim Kurds, Muslim Baluchis,
Muslim Azeris, and others as well in the name of their own national interests,
they're religious credentials remain impeccable. Supporting Hizbullah,
Hamas, and Islamic Jihad in the struggle to exterminate the Jew of the
Nations (whose population includes tens of thousands of Iranian Jews who
fled for their lives), insures this as well.
Back to Saladdin...
In 1968, the Kurdish
nationalist, Ismet Cherif Vanly, wrote The Syrian 'Mein Kampf' Against The
Kurds (
). So I couldn't help but feel sickened by seeing that MSNBC
reporter endorsing the Arab line while standing in front of a mounted
statue of Saladdin. If he only new what the Arabs would be doing to his own
people centuries later...long after their conversion to Islam, and still going
on as I write this article: Kurdish children being forced to sing songs praising
their Arab identity in schools; Kurds slaughtered for nothing more than
seeking to be able to retain their own cultural identity while obtaining some
semblance of equality; and so forth. A visit to such websites as
will be instructive indeed.
Keep all of this in mind when you
consider that the above murderous, despotic junk heap leads the pack in
attacking those allegedly "racist Zionists" who have made Arabic the
second official language of their state, have Arabs who side with Hamas as
representatives in the Knesset and leading demonstrations at Hebrew
University, and have, as citizens, the freest Arabs living anywhere in the
Middle East. And this despite the fact that many of the latter do indeed
compose a potentially dangerous fifth column.
But now we come to the real
reason for this article...
Despite Syria's deadly hegemonic
attitudes and actions towards what it sees as its Lebanese
"provinces;" despite its appalling treatment of Kurds, native
Jews, and others as well; despite its support for terrorists undermining Iraq's
attempt at democracy; despite the great likelihood that many of Saddam's weapons
of mass destruction found a home in Syria; despite Damascus' support of major
terrorist organizations whose aim is the destruction of the Jew of the
Nations and giving safe haven to those organizations within its own
borders; despite its record as mass slaughterer of any and all who decent,
author of the infamous "Hama Solution;" etc., etc., etc....America
would be squeezing the Jews right now--not Syrian Arabs-- if
circumstances were just a bit different.
Sad but all too true.
not opposed
, the Foggy Folks would be pressing forward with former Secretary of State James
Baker's pledge to Assad the First, butcher of
, of a total Israeli retreat from the
Golan Heights
. Dubya has made Baker, the Bush's close family friend (whose law firm
represents the Saudis), his Special Middle East Envoy. I've written much about
Baker's Jew problem elsewehere, so we'll drop it for now.