Mental Health
By: Frederic-John
know that prophets are not ‘’normal’’ person, that they are
‘’off the track’’ and that their acute personal relation with God
transform them into somehow psychic case. Among them some became notorious
conquerors: Moses, Joshua, Genghis Khan or even Joan of Arc but none of
them transmitted an everlasting message of war (Jihad) like the Prophet of
Islam: Mohammad. So much that our world is still in the process of endless
islamisation. Few weeks passed by without violence perpetrated by Muslims
around the world. Is it in Indonesia, in Sudan, in Bali, Iraq; the attack
on the World Trade Center, both the Madrid or London trains, the riots in
France, crowded manifestations worldwide for the fatwa asking the live of
Salman Rushdie and all those implicated in the publishing of his
‘’Satanic Verses’’, up to the killing of Theo Van Gogh.
is obviously wrong with Islam and we must turn to the mental health of its
founder, Mohammad. It’s about time to ask ourselves: was Mohammad a sane
person, even within the special sphere of prophethood? Let’s look at
some evidence that Mohammad was insane, beginning with the account we have
from Ibn Ishaq/Hisham…
related in his ‘’Sirât Rasűl Allâh’’ (translated by Alfred
Guillaume) that, first, Mohammad was himself convinced being
‘’possessed by evils’’ and that, accordingly, not to become the
‘’village’s idiot’’, he tried to killed himself, by throwing his
body down a mountain (p.106/153). It is then said that Gibril came to his
rescue but, still, Mohammad doubt and the storey could have ended there.
vision repeated itself, leaving Mohammad in an inner struggle about his
own sanity. It is reported (idem) that he stood confused, in the middle of
nowhere, until Khadija’s messengers (his wealthy wife) found him on the
high ground above
, undecided about his own sanity.
is indeed Khadija who first supported and soothed Mohammad in the crucial
phase when he himself entertained the deepest doubt about his own sanity.
‘’Woe is me poet or possessed’’
asked the shaking husband. That’s when she brought him to her Christian
cousin, Waraqa b. Naufal, who confirmed eagerly that her relative was
indeed invested with the genuine mantle of Godly prophethood. What was her
authority on the matter?
like this testimony wasn’t enough and Khadija had to convince him
furthermore by a test to ‘’verify’’ if the entity appearing to her
husband was indeed an angel or an evil. She asked to meet her while this
entity was appearing to the Prophet. When it came to be, she engaged into
sexual preliminary, asking at different stages if the entity was still
there. It happened that in the process, the entity left when the arousing
got warmer. Khadija then said to him: ‘’O
son of my uncle, rejoice and be of good heart, by God he is an angel and
not a Satan.’’ (106/153; 107/154; 111/155). Her deduction was that
an evil wouldn’t have leave while the arousing was indulging
we can clearly see that Mohammad’s mission was never, ever, confirmed by
some godly signs with supernatural proofs, but by merely two women, one a
Christian cousin and the other one being his wife, surely not interested
in the suicide of his husband, with all the guiltiness implicated, not to
mention a Mohammad possessed by evils, like some ‘’village’s
So far it’s easy to see that Allah never send a clear and divine sign to
Mohammad, neither did Gibril answered by anything comparable to Gideon’s
asking in Jud.6.36-40, or the Burning Bush for Moses, the colon of fire,
the ten plagues; nothing but the testimony of two earthly women…
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