- It was supposed to be an outcry against Muslim terrorism by the
American Muslim community. In reality the fatwa issued by the Fiqh Council
of North America denouncing the recent terror attacks in London and
elsewhere proved more in line with the al Qaeda training manual than a
fatwa from a "religion of peace." And CBS News ran with it.
On July 28th, CBS
News reported that the 18-member Fiqh Council of North America wrote
issued a fatwa -- a religious edict -- that stated:
"There is no justification in Islam for extremism or
terrorism," the scholars wrote. "Targeting civilians' life and
property through suicide bombings or any other method of attack is haram
or forbidden."
report went on to say that the fatwa stated that those who perpetrated
terrorism (read suicide bombings) in the name of Islam were
"criminals, not martyrs," and that it is a Muslim's "civic
and religious duty" to help law enforcement investigate terror
attacks and protect civilians.
By all appearances this fatwa was exactly what the American people and
the people of the free world have been expecting from the Muslim
community. But appearances can be deceiving and CBS News has been
According to Laura Mansfield, an analyst for the Northeast
Intelligence Network - an organization whose work has been recognized
by the FBI - the Muslim scholars who head up the Fiqh Council of North
America have praised suicide bombers, endorsed jihad in support of
Palestinian aggression and have been convicted of having ties with terror
Ms. Mansfield reports:
"According to the chronology of Islam in America, on the American
Muslim Perspective website, on March 10, 1998 the ISNA Fiqh Committee was
reorganized as the Fiqh Council of North America “to create a larger and
more authoritative body of Muslim scholars to effectively confront the
many legal issues facing Muslims in North America.”
"Taha Jabir Alawan (Alawani) was publicly identified in an affidavit
by U.S. Customs special agent David Kane as a director of "Safa Group
companies including International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT),
FIQH council of North America, Graduate School of Islamic & Social
Sciences, and Heritage Education Trust." It went on to state "In
October 1999, a confidential asset of the FBI, who has provided reliable
information in the past, furnished the Washington Field Office of the FBI
a copy of a fatwa 36 (declaration) signed by Al-Alwani at some point
between December 1988 and November 1989, proclaiming the truth by the
powers invested in us by Allah, that Jihad is the only way to liberate
Palestine; that no person or authority may settle the Jews on the land of
Palestine or cede to them any part thereof, or recognize any right therein
for them. "
"Muzamil Siddiqi, head of the Fiqh Council, is quoted in an interview
regarding the fatwa as saying "Suicide bombing is forbidden in Islam.
This is not the solution, it is not the right way of doing things.
Occupation is wrong, of course, but at the same time this is not the
way." But in a 1995 speech he praised suicide bombers. "Those
who die on the part of justice are alive, and their place is with the
Lord, and they receive the highest position, because this is the highest
honor," he was quoted as saying by the Kansas City Star on Jan. 28,
"One of the better known former members of the Fiqh Council of North
America is Abdurahman Alamoudi, currently serving time in federal prison
after pleading guilty to terrorism related crimes."
In light of the fact that al
Qaeda training manuals captured in Afghanistan during Operation
Enduring Freedom instruct terrorists within their organization to deceive
their captors, it is hard to believe, given their history, that Aalawani,
Siddiqi and Alamoudi were ingenuous in their fatwa.
Recently, The
People’s Truth Forum, a non-partisan organization sponsoring the
symposium The Radical-Islamist Threat to World Peace and National
Security to be held in Connecticut on September 21st, was
rebuked by CBS/Infinity Radio when the PTF’s president, Jeffrey Epstein
tried to buy commercial time to publicize the event. The official
statement from CBS/Infinity Radio was that, “Too many people might be
emotionally affected by the subject matter…It’s too controversial to
be aired at this time.”
CBS/Infinity Radio’s decision comes on the heels of
the recent terrorist bombings in London which claimed over fifty lives
while injuring thousands. It also comes as CBS covers debate over whether
a controversial “Museum of Tolerance” should be included at the new
World Trade Center.