CBS/Infinity Radio: Saving Us from the
By Frank Salvato
July 2 4,
"Those who think terrorism is incident specific don't understand the
terrorist mind.""
-- John Howard, Australian Prime Minister, July 21, 2005

second attempt at terror attacks in London, coming exactly two weeks after the
first deadly round, have once again wreaked havoc in London, leaving its people
wary and insecure about their surroundings.
With people on edge on both sides of the Atlantic, it is surprising that
CBS/Infinity Radio would pass on an opportunity to carry advertising for a
symposium on terrorism designed to educate the American people on the terrorist
mindset. But that is exactly what happened.
As we fight our daily battles in the war on terror we can be sure about a few
things: information equates to security, knowledge to acquiring the upper hand
against our foes and that if we bury our heads in the sands of appeasement we
will all soon be bowing to the East several times a day.
Make no mistake; there are some among us who believe that this "War on
Terror" is a recent development. How wrong they are.
The Islamo-fascist extremists who enjoy sawing people's heads off with saifs and
stoning their own women for being raped have been waging war against the West
for over three decades . They have literally declared war on the United States
and the West, very clearly and in writing.
So, a question needs to be asked. Why would a major media outlet like
CBS/Infinity Radio refuse to allow a non-partisan, private sector group to
advertise an educational symposium on terrorism? I can give you their answer --
as unbelievable as it is -- but first a bit of background.
Jeff Epstein, a friend of mine who I met during the 2004 election cycle, has an
organization titled "The People's Truth Forum." Its goal is, "to
educate the American people on controversial topics of national
disseminating critical information that is not readily available, via
conventional channels, to concerned citizens."
Currently, his organization is sponsoring a symposium titled "The Radical
Islamic Threat to World Peace and National Security." Given the events of
the past two weeks in London this seems like a timely and necessary educational
opportunity. At least one would think so.
I have been doing what I can to help Jeff make the symposium a success. I agreed
to help him because I believe most Americans would benefit from the knowledge
and expertise of the speakers that he has assembled for this event.
Harvey Kushner, a noted terrorism expert, has instructed the FBI and FAA. Robert
Spencer has written several books on the subject of Islamic terrorism and
publishes the popular website JihadWatch. Laura Mansfield, an author and
counter-terrorism expert, alerted British authorities that the first bombings in
London were imminent weeks before they occurred and Brigitte Gabriel is a
Lebanese born journalist who has experienced the terrorism of Islamo-fascists
first hand.
By all accounts, these people know what they are talking about and bring a very
important message -- and an incredible amount of knowledge -- to this public
forum. So, you can imagine my surprise when Jeff contacted me in an incredulous
state last week.
It would appear that he had been in talks with a local radio station in New
England -- a CBS/Infinity Radio affiliate -- to run some commercials publicizing
the upcoming event. At first everything was wonderful. The local sales manager
even complimented Jeff on how professional the recordings were. A sales schedule
(agreement) was sent to Jeff for his approval and the commercials appeared set
to run.
One day later, Jeff received a phone call from the sales manager saying that his
station would not be running the ads for the symposium and that their agreement
would not be honored.
When the sales manager was pressed for a reason he said that the Legal
Department at CBS/Infinity Radio had instructed him not to run the ads stating,
"Too many people might be emotionally affected by the subject matter...It's
too controversial to be aired at this time."
What? Emotionally affected? Too controversial? Aside from some of the freakish
statements that come out of the black helicopter crowd on the liberal left and
the radical right, this is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever
Wasn't it too controversial to run innuendo-based "news" items about
Quran desecration at Guantanamo Bay? Isn't the opportunistic coverage of
innocents being beheaded for the thousandth time risking that people might be
too "emotionally affected by the subject matter?" How controversial
was forging a memo in an attempt to topple a sitting president?
CBS/Infinity is no stranger to controversy. In fact, they thrive on it. Given
the fact that until recently their most valuable radio personality was Howard
Stern I seriously doubt they give a rodent's behind about the effects their
programming has on the "emotions" of their listeners.
They didn't mind covering the "atrocities" at Abu Ghraib ad nauseum
but allowing advertising to promote knowledge on a topic that pertains directly
to the safety and security of an entire nation is, "too controversial to be
aired at this time." If there was ever an example of a politically correct
agenda this would be premier.
CBS/Infinity Radio has an opportunity to do something right for a change. They
can choose to put their politically motivated agenda aside to help publicize a
non-partisan educational event that would facilitate, as my friend Jeff put it,
"a potent message for both our citizenry and our first responders."
If this were a propaganda-fest featuring a panel of endorsed
rumor-mongers CBS/Infinity would likely smile upon the suggestion of
coordinating a simulcast as a "public service" to their listeners. But
it's not. Instead, a panel of experts has been assembled to address a most
serious issue facing the American people and CBS/Infinity is so blinded by their
agenda of subterfuge that they once again do a disservice to the American
There will be no half-truths and manipulation at "The Radical Islamic
Threat to World Peace and National Security Symposium," only experts and
facts. Perhaps someone would be kind enough to buy a couple of tickets for the
legal eagles at CBS/Infinity. Lord knows it would do them good to be
re-introduced to the idea of presenting facts over fiction.
(Frank Salvato is managing editor of