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Are Muslims the Jews of Today?
Australian Lawyer Stephen
Hopper thinks that Muslims are being dehumanized in the public discourse
surrounding terrorism, in the same way Nazis dehumanized Jews before World War
II. He’s not the only one to see such a connection. Kari
Vogt, Norwegian Islam expert at the University of Oslo, has
compared Ibn Warraq’s book ”Why I am not a Muslim” to anti-Jewish
fabrications “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.” Professor Bernt
Hagtvet, also from the University of Oslo, sees many parallels, but also
some differences. There are far more Muslims in Europe now than there were Jews
before WW2, and their numbers are rising fast. Swedish historian of religion Matthias
Gardell claims that Islamophobia is perhaps the greatest threat to democracy
in the Western world today. Swedish writer and leftist intellectual Jan
Guillou has stated that the rhetoric employed by the Nazis against Jews is
now used to target Muslims. The Nazis thought that all Jews were part of an
international conspiracy to control the world and subdue others in their own
lands. Guillou thinks the exact same thing is now happening, only this time,
Muslims are the victims of this hate.
The curious thing about this mantra warning against “Islamophobia”, which is
now commonplace in the media, is that very few bother to analyze it properly. If
they did, they would discover that the Jews of today are, well, Jews. Jews are
suffering attacks
across much of Western Europe at worse rates than at any time since the rise
of the Nazis in the 1930s. In Sweden, an anti-Semitic crime is reported to the
police once
every three days. The Jewish congregations in major cities Stockholm, Göteborg
and Malmö are forced to spend up to 25 percent of their membership fees on
security and hired guards. And most of these hate crimes are perpetrated by
Muslims. Even some non-Jews from Sweden say
they feel "liberated" when they go to Israel. In Israel, you know
who the country's enemies are, and you are prepared to fight for your country
and for your convictions. It is hard to overstate the extent to which Sweden
is a politically repressed nation, thanks to self-proclaimed guardians of
the Multicultural Truth such as Mr. Guillou. No dissent is tolerated, and the
few "racists" who try to raise a debate about Muslim immigration are
attacked, sometimes even physically.
Jews in the 1930s were a minority everywhere, and had no country they could call
their own. Jewish refugees were rejected by many countries even when some of
them tried to escape the rise of the Nazis. Muslims today count more than one
billion individuals, and constitute the majority in about 60 countries
worldwide. In most of these countries, non-Muslims face various levels of
discrimination, or even in some the continuous threat of physical extermination.
Jews in Western countries do not constitute a terror threat, and never have.
Muslims do all the time. Jews do not have a history of more than 1000 years of
armed attacks on Europe, India, Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.
Muslims do. Jews do not cut the throats of Buddhist monks in Thailand, massacre Hindus
in Bangladesh or stab Christian nuns in Egypt. Muslims do. Jews do not take
hostages, decapitate them and distribute videos of their acts. Muslims do. Jews
do not gang
rape Christian women in
Western nations. Muslims
do. Jews represent the most
prosperous and talented ethnic groups in Europe. Muslims in Europe are
ranked close to the bottom of all indicators of education and social
achievements. Muslims, being 20 % of the world's population, have produced only
three Nobel laureates in science and literature, whereas Jews, being only
0.2% of the world's population, have received more than 120 Nobel prizes in
science, economics, medicine and literature. Jews before WW2 filled up
Europe’s universities. Muslims now fill up Europe’s prisons.
In fact, the comparisons to the 1930s make a lot more sense if you compare
Muslims to the Nazis. And there was a connection, even during WW2. Adolf Hitler
is reputed to have stated his admiration for Islam, and thought it would be a
better match for Nazism than Christianity, with its stupid notions of compassion
for inferior people. Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the grand mufti
of Jerusalem and the leader of Muslim fundamentalists in Palestine, resided
in Berlin as a welcome guest of the Nazis throughout the years of the Holocaust.
The Nazi-Islamic love affair remains strong. Hitler's 'Mein Kampf'
is a bestseller in Islamic nations such as Turkey, at the same time as Turkish
PM Erdogan wants anti-Islamism to be accepted as a crime
against humanity in the EU. And not few Muslim leaders state their wish to
finish what the Nazis started. Broadcasts from imams in the Palestinian
Authority have stated that: “The day will come when we will rule America.
The day will come when we will rule Britain and the entire world – except for
the Jews. Listen to the Prophet Muhammad, who tells you about the evil end that
awaits Jews. The stones and trees will want the Muslims to finish off every
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