Born Again as an Infidel-
an article titled
Born Again as an Infidel Eleanor
Green explained her disenchantment with religion and why she left Christianity
for Orthodox Judaism and eventually left Judaism as well.
essay was rebutted by two Orthodox Jews
Born Again as an Infidel Ivan M. Lang 2005/04/21
Rebuttal: Born Again as an Infidel Matthew Cohen 2005/04/22
This is Eleanor's Response to Mr. Lang
Dear Mr. Lang,
I am surprised that you would suggest I am not a real
Jew, when we both know that the old adage applies still, "If you have
2 Jews in one room, you have 3 opinions." I know ultra-Orthodox Jews
who can clearly explain the laws of Kashrut, for instance, but others who
tell me that "Kosher" means food blessed by a rabbi. We have
those who wear only white shirts and black hats and those who wear modern,
modest clothing and a small kippah. There has never been, nor will be,
uniform agreement among us as to how we interpret halachah. Your rebbe
tells you it is this, mine it is that, and each community retains its own
local chumrot.
Thus, my argument is born from my observations on the
inside of the very religious right. If you do not live in
, or a similar community (and I assume by your English name that you were
not born into a Chassidic sect), you will see the very behaviors I spoke
against, should you ever visit. If you are unfortunate enough to be a baal
teshuvah, you will see the stratification that drives many of them away
after many hurtful experiences.
You did not deny that our rabbis taught that all Jews
have a place in the WtC. We may have local ideas about exceptions to that
rule, but no such exceptions are given in Pirket Avot. You also know that
by halachic standards, I am not a heretic, as I worship no other god and
never would. As I was taught the Noachide laws, "no idolatry" is
a part of the monotheistic command, and Mother Theresa could not be
classified as obeying either that or monotheism. She prayed to statues of
the Virgin and other saints. The general rule on homosexuals is "no
sexual immorality," which the Torah does classify as an abomination.
Those who split hairs say it is the act of sodomy that is forbidden, but
the need for the Orthodox homosexual community to create the film,
"Trembling Before God" about their struggles is evidence enough
that the message is clear.
I suggested nowhere that anyone was "doomed
forever." Being ineligible for the WtC does not mean "doomed
forever." You also know that in spite of the eleven-month maximum,
our rabbis teach that some people are so evil that they will be
exterminated during this process, much like a worn-out garment in a
washing machine.
Of course, Moses would not lose his place in the WtC
for killing the Egyptian because he became a Jew at Sinai and killing was
perfectly fine in those days, so long as the victim was either a Gentile
or a Jew who disagreed with some matter of religious opinion. We ignore
the Torah allowances that we know are not moral, but our ancestors had
limitless license to kill ignorant savages for worshipping idols, even
though they had no Torah to tell them not to. You may also know that
many Orthodox Jews do not believe in hell at all, since there is no
mention of it in the original Hebrew in our Bible...only the grave or
vague "abode of the dead."
You're right; the European continent, beginning with
, used our Bible to establish their systems of government. That is why
untold numbers of people were killed for the impossible crime of
witchcraft, Jews were killed for things such as stealing bound devils and
using them to catch fish (you can check's archives for
confirmation), the Crusaders warred against the Muslims and any Jews on
the way there, raping, pillaging, and plundering. All because our Torah
said, "Your eye shall not pity him" and "leave nothing
alive that has breath."
Our Bible is also where the European monarchs found
the justification for the king to rule as both political and religious
dictator. Our Bible's description of us as deserving exile is why we were
expelled from nearly every nation in which we lived.
I agree with you on another thing. Our religious
ancestors did give the males at least, the gift of literacy in an age when
it was rare. Einstein didn't drop a bomb on
did. Jonas Salk invented the polio vaccine. Furthermore, if you believe
that we invented a system of justice, you need to read the code of
Hammurabi, which has many laws verbatim like our Torah, but was written
centuries earlier by Gentiles. If you believe we invented the concept of
mercy, you need to read the works of the far East that also predate our
Torah. If you believe that our country was founded on religion, I would
refer you to "Freethinkers: a History of Secularism in
" by Susan Jacoby, also paternally from Jewish stock. Our nation was
founded as a system divorced from religion by agnostics and Deists who
rejected the inspiration of the Bible. We did not establish human rights,
nor make women better off. While we were implementing Torah, our neighbors
had women priests. The Egyptians had women on the throne, and married
Pharoahs are depicted with their queens in the same chair as they. Many
heathen gods were female.
Our ancestors did not get their brains from the
rabbis, nor from religion, but from the values still held by secular Jews
like myself. And yes, I was born a Jew by any halachic standard. My mother
is one. Those values are the importance of literacy and a love of
learning. Those who ventured outside our religious books to utilize those
values were indeed brilliant thinkers in the end. Yet, ultra Orthodox Jews
today will not read any book, even a Jewish one, without the page in the
front certifying it by a rabbi they approve of.
I've not only read many Jewish works, but spent
hundreds of dollars on lessons and schooling. I read Maimonades'
"Guide for the Perplexed" on my own time. There would be no
brilliant Jewish scholars today without the love of literacy, born out of
fear that we would lose our cultural identity in exile. As for that
argument, may I direct you to two other groups? The Christians began with
Jewish values as the Nazarenes, who originally did not believe Jesus was
divine, but were instead like the modern Lubavitch group who await the
time when they believe God will raise their Rebbe to be the Messiah. Paul
changed that. Yet, their religious zeal eventually resulted in the Dark
Ages in the end and stultified man's progress for a thousand years. The
tide turned when the persecuted Christians seized the throne of
. They then were more cruel persecutors than they oppressors had been.
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