Chirac and the Second
will not allow organized gangs to make law in the suburbs,” said French Prime
Minister Dominique de Villepin. The authorities “will not give in” he told
the French parliament; restoring order is the “absolute top priority.”
Chirac’s foreign and domestic policy birds are coming home to roost—big
birds, nasty birds, vultures, buzzards; those that feast on the carrion of dying
civilizations; not the wretched helpless pigeons, billing and cooing, on
Brando’s rooftop in On The Waterfront; these are like the beasties
Alfred Hitchcock unleashed on Tippi Hedren in The Birds.
Republic is quite determined, by definition, to be stronger than those who want
to sow violence or fear,” French President Jacques Chirac said after a meeting
with his ministers and top advisors. “The law must have the last word.”
Pepe ducking his head and looking up at the sky when he said that? Perhaps.
Birds coming home to roost make an awful lot of noise. Ask Cauliflower McPug.
Cauliflower was always hearing birds. Fortunately, for McPug the feathered
creatures he heard were imaginary—he had taken one punch to the head too many;
sort of like Chirac. Unfortunately for Pepe, the birds are far from imaginary
and are of the most deadly and far-ranging species. Jihad ornithologists have
spotted them attending Osama bin Laden seminars in the desert, gathering in the
back rooms at Saudi Royal Palaces with the Muslim Brotherhood, and, most
recently, lurking among the gargoyles atop Notre Dame Cathedral.
Sarkozy, French Interior Minister, referred to the delinquents— Whoa!
Delinquents? That’s a good one. It conjures up images of Potsy and Ralph-Malph
about to take part in a Happy Days escapade…Anyway, Sarkozy referred to
the delinquents as ‘rabble’ and ‘scum.’ Ah, at last, a man with a
head on his shoulders! And he has promised a ‘war without mercy!’
So the
birds have come home to roost—call them scum, organized gangs, those who want
to sow violence and fear. Chirac and de Villepin and Sarkozy have a problem on
their hands—a big problem; a national and cultural crisis—and unless they
can muster up the courage to call a ‘Muslim’ a ‘Muslim’ they are going
to fail.
call them scum. The New York Times prefers
‘insurgents.’ Call them ‘rabble.’ The
Socialist Daily Worker prefers
‘ruthlessly exploited masses.’ Are they organized gangs? They are in a
sense. The BBC uses words like poor, unemployed, underprivileged, disenfranchised,
disaffected, victims of discrimination.
and its running dogs describe the ‘delinquents’ as immigrants from
North Africa
. That’s good—it’s bit more direct. They also describe them as Arab and
African immigrants from
North Africa
. That is even better—but nobody calls them Muslims; that would be
insensitive, politically incorrect and might needlessly alarm Irma La Deuce. Not
that there isn’t cause for alarm. Some of the ‘delinquents’ have said
scary things. “He (Sarkozy) makes us suffer,” said one. “He’s a racist.
He’s put fuel on the fire.” “We’ll stop when Sarkozy steps down,”
threatened another ‘delinquent.’ And from hundreds of throats came the cry,
“This is our land!” and, of course, the ubiquitous “Allahu akbar!”
Let’s get this straight—Marie Antoinette’s
land is their land? Louis XIV’s land is their land? Charles Martel’s land is
their land? Jacques Chirac’s land is their land? Yes—it says so in the
Qur’an. “Your land is their land.” Look under dhimmi and Dar al-Harb.
An editorial in the Tehran Times
by Hassan Hanizadeh calls on Muslim countries to observe their religious and
humanitarian duties and to form a committee to investigate the deaths of two
Black youngster—thug A and thug B—and the living conditions of Muslims
residing in France; the said report to be submitted to the Organization of the
Islamic Conference and the Islamic Human Rights Committee, not to be confused
with the Heinrich Himmler Human Rights Committee or the Ilse Koch Death Camp
The editorial warns: “
is in such a critical situation that the expansion of the demonstrations could
lead to the collapse of
and its division into Muslim and Christian sections.”
This thing is getting seriously out of hand. It’s
well past Hitchcock and Brando and is gaining steam. These are not ordinary
birds—these creatures are straight out of the 7th Century; Islamic
pterodactyls thirsting after dhimmi flesh with no more remorse for the fate of
its victims than Rodan had for what was left of
. You have a problem, Jacques—just say so. You can explain later why you led
into Dante’s Inferno.
Eliot Ness wasn’t afraid to call Al Capone a gangster and Shane had the
courage to tell Wilson he was a dirty Yankee liar and the meathead, in spite of
considerable family restraints, could call Archie a bigot, and Curly could give
Moe the raspberries knowing full well he would get a finger in the eye, you,
Jacques Chirac, the last, perhaps, in a long line of mostly uninspiring French
leaders from Louis I and Charles the Fat to Napoleon and Charles de Gaulle, with
a little courage, could go down in history as Jacques the Savior. One
cataclysmic moment of truth would do the trick. Suck in your stomach, grab de
Villepin with one hand and Sarkozy with the other, close your eyes, open your
mouth and say, “ Islam is the cause of our problems and I’m not going to
take it any longer.”
the worst that could happen? Some dirty looks, a finger in the eye—didn’t
bother Curly—a fatwa or two, a visit from a suicide bomber, slippage in the
polls? That last could really hurt. Suppose Peewee Herman knocked down a
half-dozen Harley-Davidsons while parking his bicycle in front of a Hells Angels
bar. Would he survive the night? Not likely. Chirac’s chances of finding the
political courage to successfully handle
’s current emergency are not any better. It’s a shame.
is at a crossroads—to the left is dhimmitude, to the right,
. Charles Martel is waiting.