Islam Betrays
A historical perspective
By David Yeagley
The best deal
ever got from the world was from the Achaemenid
emperors of ancient Persia. The most
significant threat
has ever received is from modern
, the distant progeny of
Persia. The ancient emperors ordered the prosperity of Israel, by law. The modern
rulers of Iran vow to “wipe Israel
from the face of the earth.” What has brought about this
change of heart?
Islam, in a word. The Quran. At least that’s what most Muslim activists
would have us believe. Animosity and fanatical hatred of Israel
are evoked and encouraged by many statements in the Muslim text book. The
present leadership of the Iranian
of Islam certainly advocates this hatred. Despite whatever Qur'anic
texts indicate a contrary
course, Ahmadinejad has taken the lead in denouncing the existence of


Iranian President,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad |
the Great |
I visited Astan Quds Razavi in Messhad
(eastern Iran) in 1999. I dined with an esteemed professor and cleric, and
specifically asked about
. The professor emphasized the idea that Islam is against the state of
, not against the Jews, nor even Jews living in Palestine. Muslims are against the way in which the state was formed, and
condemn the state of
as immoral.
But this is a far cry from the
original Persian idea. It fact, it is the antithesis. Cyrus the Great
ordered Jews living in
to return to
and to rebuild their temple, the temple of the true God. (Ezra 1:
1-11). This decree (538 BCE) including returning all the loot the
Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar had taken. These returning exiles
(42,360) carried back with them some $452,000 dollars (according to the
international gold standard before 1933). The first Persian emperor
was clearly a Zionist.
Eighty years later, under Darius, another group of Jews decided to return
to Jerusalem. In 457 BCE, Ezra and about 1,500 pious men brought to Jerusalem
some $4.4 million. Darius, emperor at the time, declared that the
Jews should not only be exempt from taxation by the satrapies
(provinces governed by Persian imperial viceroys), but that such satrapies
Syria, Palestine,
Phoenicia, and Cyprus) should contribute from their royal, tax-funded treasuries, to the
establishment of Jewish worship at Jerusalem.
Cyrus II allowing Hebrew pilgrims to return to and
rebuild Jerusalem |
Persecution of minorities (Baha'is) in Iran 19the
Century |
That’s beyond Zionism! And
Darius threatened to hang anyone who did not cooperate with the Jews in
re-establishing their national, religious identity. It was imperial
support of the Jewish religion.
But Islam has changed this glorious Persian disposition into an intense
and hideous hatred of the Jews, and a monstrous blasphemy in the very name
of religion. Such is one effect, anyway, of the Muslim religion in
the world; intended or otherwise.
How shall the religion of Islam be prevented from creating such an effect?
How do we keep Muslims from hating Jews? It
isn’t just Arab Muslims who manifest this hatred. It is also Asian
Muslims, and African Muslims. It is Islam, at least how Islam is
taught, that creates in all people this seemingly inexorable and violent
animosity toward Jewish people.
I see this as gigantic weakness. That the Islamic identity should be based
on a visceral aversion to another people of which it is a seriously
deformed imitation. This is a shame and disgrace to any people with
As an American Indian, I feel no obligated to hate
America. America
is a wonderful nation. I do not need to resent white people in order
to feel Indian. (I think white nations are rather spectacular in their
accomplishments. And I might add: I attribute their achievements to
Judeo-Christian cultural values.)
That a country with such noble history as Iran
should indulge in a crippled approach to reality is indeed a sad
commentary on the effect of Islam. More than any other country, Iran
has revealed an egregious liability and abuse in the Quran itself. Some
Iranian writers believe that Islam has virtually
ruined Iran, and made
a catastrophe of a once great culture. Amil
Imani says Islam is committing cultural
genocide in
Only a country in weak cultural
condition would fall prey to the ravages of Islamicists.
has evolved too far from its roots, morphed and blinded by the recent
centuries of Islam.
The wonderful talents of Iranian/Persian people are evident the world
over, despite the oppressions coerced upon them. Perhaps soon a true
and great mehdi (savor) will appear in Iran, one with historical objectivity, and not the Imam Mehdi, whose
soon-expected appearance apparently serves only to strengthen the cruel
chains of monolithic mania.
Women in pre Islamic Iran. Aquarelle by Shapour
Suren-Pahlav Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies (CAIS)

Women after Islam |