Islam: Religious obligations? Or
illegitimate excuses to sue?
DC Watson
Now that the running list
of Muslim criminals in the United States has been established: and the "Muslim
fanatic self-test checklist" has been instituted: the fact that "passionate"
Muslims using our legal system for their own benefit should also be exposed.
Muslims, certainly not all, but many, are attempting to manipulate the American
Justice system by hiding behind the curtain of "religious freedom".
Yet, their claims of "religious obligations" are not entirely
legitimate, and deserve a closer look.
Since the existence of Islamic moderates in the
United States
, with a few exceptions, appears to be more myth than reality, Muslim fanatics
have taken their so-called "religious obligations" and demanded
special treatment in
that they'd never receive in the Muslim world. The names of these sensational
beings are included, for they too deserve to be in the spotlight.
Florida: Sultaana Freeman, a convert to Islam, "sued the
Florida State highway department in 2002 for not permitting her to remain veiled
for her driver license photograph, saying it violated a state statute protecting
her free exercise of religion."
You can see Ms. Freeman here in a mugshot taken when she was arrested in 1998.
From the article: "According to assistant attorney general
Jason Vail, Freeman was arrested for child abuse after one of the twin foster
children she was caring for broke an arm. She pleaded guilty to a lesser charge
of aggravated battery, and the children were removed from her care". A
winner for sure.
"Freeman, her husband, and a local Islamic scholar all
testified that removing the veil would violate the strict code of Islamic law,
Just a few things:
1. Possessing a valid license to drive in the
United States
is a privilege, not a right.
2. This is a prime example of a Muslim refusing to accept the fact
that Shariâh law does not apply in the
United States of America
, and even if it did, it does not override the U.S. Constitution.
3. Covering a woman's face in a Driver License photograph is not a
requirement of Shariâh law. In
Saudi Arabia
("Bigotville") women are not permitted to drive. In
United Arab Emirates
, and
, women do not cover their face in Driver License pictures.
Is Ms. Freeman's claim not a complete farce, or should we all rent
Batman and Cat Woman costumes the next time we renew our driver's licenses?
: Curtis De Veaux, according to the Associated Press article, a "practicing
Muslim for about five years" was recently involved in litigation with the
city of
over wearing a beard (prohibited by the Fire Department) while working as a
Firefighter, "refusing to shave his beard on religious grounds".
a Muslim column: "If growing beards was mandatory in the Noble Quran, then we
would have nothing to argue about. But since it was mentioned in the Sayings of
our beloved Prophet peace be upon him, then it is important to know whether this
law should apply to all times and all places or not. Some of our Prophet's
Sayings and laws were made only to solve situations that occurred 1400 years ago".
So, was it Muhammad who invented the practice of profiling?
"Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ordered Muslims to grow beards, because
he didn't want them to look like the Pagans."
"It was important back then for Muslims to look different than
the Pagans for both security and cultural reasons. By making it easier for
Muslims to distinguish each other easily, it would certainly enforce safety and
security among them.
Muhammad practiced this protective measure, so why do Muslims cry about it in
the West?
: Somali Muslim cab drivers: Instead of acting like they have some sense and
praying in a different location, away from the restricted area at the
airport, where they're required to remain in their vehicles like everyone else,
they decided to disrespect the law, and leave their vehicles to pray. 1
These clowns should be ticketed, not because they're Muslims, but
because they've demonstrated a complete lack of respect for the laws of this
Other Muslims in
have participated in disrespecting uniforms, side-stepping security guidelines,
and refusing general job duties in the name of Islam:
: Cynthia Rhouni: Hijab
for police officer.
Tennesee: Ibrahim Barzinji: Muslim
refuses to haul beer, sues former employer.
walk off the job over prayer dispute
From this column, Ibrahim Hooper from CAIR: "Muslims are
required by their faith to pray five times a day. Most of the prayer times are
flexible, but the sunset prayers must be said at dusk". "The prayers
themselves take only a few minutes."
Actually, as I've stated several times, I know a few Muslims, and
they'll be the first to admit that their prayers take more than only a few
Bottom line: Certain Muslims in the
United States
believe that the laws of Islam, and what they claim are laws of Islam take
precedence over American law, and company rules and regulations, and they
demonstrate no concern over who it inconveniences. This is a lack of common
consideration for a host nation, its way of life, and its daily operations.
: Muslim criminals and Muslim lawsuit mongers have reared their ugly heads. For
such a small community, they certainly generate an abundance of problems,
further demonstrating that unless change occurs, on their behalf, not ours,
these problems are going to continue.
Muslim population:
Perhaps it would be a reasonable strategy American employers to
better review their potential new hires. Perhaps it would also be a reasonable
strategy for Judges and Attorneys in this country to obtain a better grasp on
matters that they are either defending, or making decisions on, as it is
apparent that lawsuits being filed by some of these Muslims should be more
carefully examined, because they are wasting American taxpayers money with this
ridiculous, defiant behavior.