Busted! The not-so “Grand Illusion”
“Hate crime, hate crime, hate crime.”
“Call the FBI again, call on them to investigate this
hate crime.”
“Alert the media again, tell them of the
“Islamophobes” threatening Muslims with this hate speech again.”
· “Quickly,
call the State Department again and schedule another meeting about
Islamophobia. If they ask why again, tell them it is about hate crimes
against Islam, again.”
“File another lawsuit, this is a hate crime. This is
incitement to violence against Islam and an attack against Muslims.”
“Put this on the website in the “Incitement
Watch” section, it is another Islamophobic hate speech.”
the all too familiar words and actions of a few Muslim advocacy groups
operating in the
United States
no mistake; the information to follow certainly falls under the category
of hate speech, beyond a shadow of a doubt. However, the hate isn’t
coming from Americans or Westerners, it’s coming from the minds and
straight off of the fingertips of Muslims. Or at the very least, Muslim
apologists. While Islamic organizations continue with their crying and
whining for the protection of Muslims from so-called “Islamophobia”
here in the “Great Satan”, there are those who have figured out a way
to sign on at a computer terminal, have allowed their emotions to get the
best of them, and in turn have let their true feelings for non-Muslims to
be exposed.
With the permission of the Faith Freedom International website,
e-mails sent to FFI, submitted by those who reveal that they are
anything but peaceful, tolerant, and non-violent, have been reviewed and
brought to you in this column.
This information will help to serve notice to Americans, including
American Government officials (who are seemingly blind to this situation),
everyone living in free societies around the world, and to the decent
people in the Muslim community, that there are those claiming to practice
the Islamic faith, supposedly religious people who, with their own
comments have earned their place in the spotlight.
The following data contains profanity, threats of physical violence,
atrocious grammar, and a blatant refusal to use “spell check.” Reader
discretion is advised. (Note: for the purpose of preserving authenticity, spelling in the
commentary below has not been altered. Comments in their entirety can be viewed here:
reading, please feel free to forward this information to Muslim groups in
. Ask them if they will publicly condemn these e-mails.*****
(SWA) will give you what you deserve in the afterlife and I will watch and
smile, while you burn in hell”....
peice of shit....(have the balls, post this letter on your website) My
advise to good-for-nothing vagabonds like you around, "plan the
way this swine has planned, go and get hold of a major
religion which you don't practise, built a website (cowardly) and
start abusing right left with notions illogical and out of context.
Further, "tell that you are a chicken fearing for your life and
there are Muslims out there to get you and that's the reason you are
hiding like a rat." Don't chicken,
Post this on your website you mother fucker”...
or shall i say u mad bastard?”
“1st of all Ali is a muslim
name so y use this name. If i met u somewhere out on the street i would
love to cut your throat, u dirty bastard. I pray that u rot in hell and u
will rot in hell. dont ever call my prophet a peodophile. u scum. when u
read this mail of mine i hope have a heart attack and u go cabbage. u
dirty son of a bitch”.
son of a bitch! u will be burnt in hell forever. u committed blasphemy.
curse on your birth. If I see u I will cut u in million pieces, u bastard,
bullshit. May God destroy u soon at my hands”.
know you are bloody jew because only jews are scared from the growth of
instead of writting sumthing against islam & MUHAMMAD (PBUH) u should better see
wats in your fucking religeons BASTERD... hinduism is based on cast
system (which is totaly inhuman) chritianity is entirely based on the
stupid idea that some normal human being was the son of the GOD ...and so
is every other religeon!!!... just think about what will happen
to u when u will die SON OF A BITCH!”
pictures you put on your website are some of them of Ashura, and i read
your comments about it. You wrote bad comments about it. You better delete
them, if i findout who you are, i'll fuck you, peace of shiet! You better
not say anything about my Imam Ali , and never say a bad thing about day
of Ashura. Tear you apart!”
“Dear Ali Sina,
materials over the faithfreedom.org, is very very offensive”.
“You have proofed that your a
true kafir who will end up in hell.........deep in hell. Your mind
have been poised by satan...I taking my chances to track you down......the
moment i see you .....you are a one dead meat, thats for true. Go to
but not least:
Did u see the video of the american that was beheaded in
?? Thats what gonna happen to you when i and my friends are gonna catch u.
We are currently working on finding information about you, one of my
friends is a computer genius. I have gathered muslims all over the world
to dispatch any of them to your location. Once u have been beheaded we
will use your head to play soccer and your body will be cut into pieces
and fed to the dogs. Shut down this website, then we shall not kill you.I
give you 1 month to think about it. Make your decision wisely”.
Unfortunate, yet educational. By all means, keep these e-mails
coming. They serve as evidence, and lend support to many points.
these individuals, instead of working on improving the image of Islam, not
to mention their spelling and grammar, have disgraced their faith, and
clearly wish to inflict harm on those who have spoken out against Islam.
Many of them live among us. American brothers and sisters, have your
collective eyes been opened yet?