Open Letter to CAIR
By D.C.
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR): Asalaam-Alaikum. You know,
for a decade now, it seems you’ve strived for respect and publicity on
the American front. Many articles have been published about your
organization, most in an unflattering format. The columns written about
you have provided factual data about your activities, statements you’ve
made, including your criticism of not only Americans exercising their
right to free speech, but also your criticism of American governmental
policies. For this, your organization falls under scrutiny all across the
United States
Meetings with the American government that you’ve regularly
criticized have been called, not to address strategies to improve
relations with the American people, but to address your concerns that so
many Americans have negative views of Islam. Instead of working to
integrate and coexist, it appears that you’ve taken the back door
approach with the State Department in hopes of stifling the right to free
speech in
, our first amendment.
your organization’s name includes the word “relations”, one would be
hard pressed to identify your efforts to improve relations with the
American public. Since the
poll was recently conducted and published, which revealed that 44%
of Americans would limit Muslim civil rights, rather than actually
exerting efforts to improve this figure and gain the trust of the American
public, you’ve once again called on the American government to resolve
the “nagging issue” of “Islamophobia”. Although you’re
considered by some to be a speaking body for Islam and Muslims in
, know that there are many in the Muslim community who either don’t know
who you are, or they have nothing to do with you.
the government entertains your organization is anyone’s guess. Perhaps
simply keeping friends close, and enemies closer could be a logical
explanation. Otherwise, at least part of the friction between Muslims and
the American public can be blamed on your name-calling, insults, and
intimidation tactics. Sure,
has its share of easy-going, kindhearted people, and that’s a wonderful
part of our culture.
also has more than its fair share of heavy hitters that are not
intimidated and not willing to play the Dhimmi under any circumstances.
and kitman shouldn’t be attempted in an effort to label this column a
hate speech, or “Islamophobia”, because the majority of decent Muslims
are not what this column is all about.
column points to you, a few Muslim “guest speakers” on college
campuses, Imams in the American Sunni and Shiite Mosques, and Islamic
educators in the Madrasses, funded from abroad, who preach the radical
Wahhabi version of Islam, hate for Americans, Jews, Christians and Western
culture while standing on American soil.
of our University and college campuses have opened their arms to radical
Islamists, and have allowed them to speak at their rallies and other
events. In some of these instances, they have attempted to spark a
revolution against the
United States
, assisted by safe, tucked away radical college professors who seem to
believe everything is
’s fault. They don’t realize what they’re partnering up with, but
tens of millions of us do. Like radical Islamists, they are a danger to
our society. Their seditious tendencies should be closely monitored, and
dealt with appropriately.
members of your organization have made very clear their defense for
arrested and convicted terror suspects, as well as intentions for an
Islamic America, in public, and on record, you call on the government,
television networks, radio stations, and news publications to refrain from
publishing or airing statements or programs that are negative of Islam, or
call for the firing of employees that make such statements.
days ago, a Muslim speaker named Amir-Abdel Malik-Ali, announced as “a
specialist in international politics”, gave a speech at the University
of California at Irvine and offered the following commentary while
standing on American soil:
“And we have to sacrifice too, while we live here, in Am-ri-ka.
The belly of the beast. The number one imperialist in the world. But,
let’s call it a state, ok? And then you go get some Uncle Tom
Palestinian leaders to fall for this okey-doke. Two state solution is off
the table. No. One state. And check
this out! One state majority rules. Us, the Muslims.”
at Berkeley Lecturer in Islamic studies, delivered his April 2004 call for
uprising against the
United States
. Again, on American soil:
was taken to peruse the CAIR website, which lists an abundance of
articles, but searching for any condemnation from you regarding the
statements made by Ward Churchill, Hatem Bazian, or Amir-Abdel Malik-Ali
came up empty. The archived columns were saved and looked through again,
but turned up no condemnation of these men and their comments against
. Perhaps you just didn’t have enough information to comment on this
matter, like with the issue in
you certainly had the time to research the comments made by one of our
decorated American war heroes, did you not? You even made time to speak to
the press about him, correct?
United States Marine Corps Lt.
General James Mattis, who led troops in
, made
statements that apparently offended fragile feelings:
Of course, this officer, who
has obviously been fighting, and defeating Muslim terrorists near the
threshold of hell, is a true American patriot, and has certainly fought to
preserve his, and all of our right to free speech.
in textbook fashion, you demonstrated no hesitation in condemning the Lt.
General’s comments, going as far as calling on the Pentagon to
discipline him. Forget that this man has won the Bronze Star, he offended
a Muslim group, who now seek to jeopardize his career. (Mr. Awad from
CAIR): “We do not need generals who treat the grim business of war
as a sporting event," these disturbing remarks are indicative of an
apparent indifference to the value of human life."
Actually, Mr. Awad, what we don’t need, or want is you, or your
organization telling us what we need or don’t need. In review, the
Taliban in Afghanistan committed crimes against humanity for years until
the U.S. removed them from power, including hangings from light posts and
cranes, throat slashings, shooting and beating women, burning entire
families alive, and many other horrific acts, which can be viewed at the
provided links:
you have a problem with how the Taliban was dealt with how they are spoken
of, what does this say about you? Better yet, instead of criticizing an
American who has risked his life so that you can live here in freedom and
make your remarks, why don’t you and your friends put on the uniform,
and go to the Middle East, to fight Muslim terrorists and terror
sponsoring states?
comments, whether intentionally or unintentionally, have provided some
insight as to where your allegiances lie, and it is disgraceful,
especially since you live here. Incidentally, there are no plans to
discipline Lt. General Mattis.
review, it seems that your organization also has issues with the
inmates, who as a reminder to you, were picked up on the battlefield
fighting for the Taliban and al Queda against American forces. Not in
uniform mind you, but trying to kill Americans just the same. Since you
live in freedom in
, why are you so concerned with their detention? Although your group
didn’t write these columns, you certainly haven’t backed away from
posting them on your website.
column titled “I entered the hellish world of Gitmo” can be viewed at
the following link. Apparently the writer didn’t realize that
is a prison, not a resort.
the meantime, since you and the aforementioned speakers have stood on
American ground, insulting this nation, its citizens, and its culture,
badgering and disrespecting my fellow Americans, as well as America’s
War against terrorists, is it a fair assumption that the time has come for
a public forum face-off so your tactics can be addressed properly? May we
please come to an agreement to finally go head to head, three or four to a
side, once and for all, in front of the nation?
about the frivolous lawsuits. Forget about running to the State
Department. Let’s just settle this. Attack dog tactics have failed to
intimidate everyone. You have my promise of no unprovoked violence. I’m
not a
Middle East
scholar, or an expert on Islam, so soundly defeating me should be easy,
right? The question is, are you game?
send an E-mail to the following website directors so that we can iron out
the scheduling and availability details.
[email protected]
[email protected]