Prince Charles: Islam's New Ambassador
Cinnamon Stillwell
Prince Charles of Wales and his new bride, Camilla Parker Bowles, the Duchess
of Cornwall, were just in the United States, hobnobbing at the White
House and imparting royal pearls of wisdom. According to statements made prior
to this visit, Prince Charles thinks the U.S. is "intolerant" towards
Islam. In Prince Charles’ view, it’s all gone downhill since 9/11 because of
the Bush administration’s "confrontational" approach to Muslim
countries. In fact, he
made these comments during a meeting with Muslim leaders soon after 9/11.
Of course, Great Britain’s "tolerance" for Islam is hardly the
model to follow. After allowing Islamic extremism to fester openly in Muslim
mosques and neighborhoods (to the point where the nickname "Londonistan"
became commonplace), the UK
was attacked by homegrown terrorists on July 7, 2005. The London bombings
were the culmination of years of turning a blind eye to the cancer within.
Initially, there was much talk about retaining a sense of "British
identity" in lieu of the self-destructive multiculturalism that had
engulfed English society, but that has since faded into obscurity. The
"stoic" British spirit in the face of terrorism and the country’s
historical legacy of wartime endurance were also popular topics. But instead of
defiance, the British reacted more with resignation. "We can take it,"
was the mantra uttered by many an Englishman in the wake of the bombings, as if
bearing terrorism rather than fighting it was their unavoidable fate.
But even after these brutal attacks, the British descent into dhimmitude
continued. Radical groups such as Al
Mahajiroun are still calling publicly for jihad against the West and
the creation of an Islamic Caliphate to rule Britain. Members of the British
government such as Respect Party MP George Galloway openly side with Islamists
against their own country, going so far as to aid in the propaganda battle with
regular appearances on al-Jazeera
and other
Arab media outlets.
Muslim voters and politicians are having an increasing influence on the
British political landscape. When Queen
Elizabeth knighted the Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain,
Iqbal Sacranie (now Sir Iqbal Sacranie), it was the epitome of this
trend. Although paying
lip service to condemning violence against civilians (a word with multiple
connotations among Muslims), Sacranie has also said of the July 7th terrorists:
"Nothing is clear about what motivated them." In a country where
knighthood is conferred upon such luminaries as Sir Mick Jagger and Sir Elton
John, the honor bestowed upon Sacranie is hardly shocking. But something tells
me rock stars will have less of an impact on British politics in the years to
come than will Islamists.
To cap all this off, British banks are now fazing
out piggy banks because they "offend Muslims." It’s apparently
not enough that Muslims abstain from eating pork, as do devout Jews. The mere
sight of a pig-like figurine is an affront to their purity. At this rate, it’s
just a matter of time before the sight of women’s uncovered heads will also be
deemed offensive to Muslims and such freedoms will go the way of piggy banks.
The Islamic Caliphate is encroaching and England is appears to be going down
without a fight.
Prince Charles certainly seems to be on board for the change over. His
visit to Georgetown University’s Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding
while in the U.S. was simply the icing on the cake. It turns out his
fascination with Islam, along with various New
Age pursuits, has a long history.
In 2000, Prince Charles made
a point of visiting former singer Cat Stevens (turned Muslim convert Yusuf
Islam) at his Islamia School in Britain, where he congratulated Cat a.k.a. Yusuf
for his efforts to spread "peace and harmony through education." The
fact that Stevens is an
active sympathizer of terrorist groups and was deported back to Britain
after appearing on a no-fly list in the U.S. would seem to belie such claims.
The Prince has also become
a patron of the UK’s Center for Islamic Studies, along with the late King
Fahd of Saudi Arabia, who once donated 33 million dollars to the school.
When Prince Charles became Supreme Governor of the Church of England in 1994
he opted
to call himself not the traditional "defender of the faith," but
rather "defender of faiths" so as not to offend non-Christians. A year
earlier, he gave
a speech in which he urged the West to overcome its "unthinkable
prejudices" about Islam. Of Islam’s unthinkable prejudices towards every
other religion in the world, he had little to say. Prince Charles tends instead
to employ the logic of moral relativism by
equating Christian "extremism" with Islamic extremism, as if the
two are comparable.