CAIR on Path of Self Destruction
By Bill Petersen
For anyone that had the misfortune of
witnessing the Tucker Carlson “interview” with CAIR mouthpiece Ibrahim
Hooper on MSNBC Tuesday night, several things were readily apparent. To the
uninformed, naïve middle-American, it should now be obvious not to expect any
mercy from the proponents of the “most merciful Allah”. But to those of us
burdened with greater insight into the Islamic hate machine, this exposition
served as yet another reminder that CAIR’s vision of “American-Islamic
Relations” amounts to nothing more than unconditional dhimmitude here in the
USA. The CAIR-free days of years past are indeed a distant memory.
Carlson’s brief segment dealt with
CAIR’s recent uproar over a recent Boeing print ad featuring their Osprey
aircraft “attacking” a fictitious mosque. Pathetically, Boeing has
apologized and retracted the ad in response to the deafening Muslim whining.
Hooper’s unbridled arrogance in suggesting that Boeing must now investigate
and find introspection regarding its motives had Carlson’s (and my) blood well
beyond the boiling point. Over and over again, Carlson demanded that Hooper
answer one simple question: What is the
bigger crime, Boeing’s ad or the fact that Muslim insurgents are using mosques
as military strongholds? Yet time after time, Hooper dodged, weaved and
denied that any such practice exists, even in the face of hard evidence
delivered by the increasingly agitated host. Class, you have just completed a
crash course in “Islamic Deceit and Arrogance 101” delivered to your
television in a bite-sized 5-minute package.
It is interesting that CAIR hand-picked
a guy that could pass for a
lumberjack to be the face of its insidious organization - ostensibly to make
its “message” more palatable to the American public. But this calculated
deception, which is a typical Muslim tactic, has grossly backfired. From the
moment he opened his ample mouth, Hooper’s “likeability factor” plummeted
to somewhere between that of Adolf Hitler and Howard Dean. It seems as if CAIR
is actually trying to wake the sleeping giant of American wrath towards Islam by
repeatedly poking it with sharp sticks. Let’s sit back and watch CAIR continue
their ongoing string of public relations blunders - it can’t be too long
before that bad boy finally wakes up.