The Jordanian
Bombings: An Islamic Wedding Gift
J. Stock
The wedding
had been set for after Ramadan on
November 9, 2005
. A young couple was celebrating
their future lives together and sharing their joy with 300 friends and family.
This scenario is not so different from weddings in
. The bride was lovely in her white
gown and the groom was handsome in his tuxedo.
The only difference for this couple is that their marriage will start by
burying their fathers and eight other family members instead of a honeymoon.
As this Muslim
couple celebrated the beginning of their new lives together, a stranger wandered
into the wedding hall, placed himself in the heart of the happy crowd, and blew
them and himself to bits. This
wedding and its guest were the victims of an Islamic attack on a “soft
The term
“soft target” is code for innocent civilians that are much easier to kill
than heavily armed soldiers. And the
killing is what it is all about for these Islamics.
This couple and their guests were Jordanian, and
has been assisting the West, specifically
, in fighting Islamic terrorists. Therefore,
any citizen of
is a fair target for Islam. A verse
from the Quran states, “Slay the transgressors where ever you find them.”
This young couple and people at the two other sites in
were considered “transgressors.” Nearly
all those killed were Muslim.
While some in
the Islamic world will be outraged and claim that these murderers are not
“true Muslims,” it is a simple fact that those suicide bombers and those
that sent them are following the Quran to the letter.
Last week, the
authorities in
were luckier. What was reported as
a “significant attack” on Australian civilians was thwarted before it could
be carried out. Islamic cleric Abu
Bakr, a strong supporter of bin Laden and terrorists around the world, was
arrested as the ringleader of the group.
has been a busy week for Islamics. The
liberal media has tried to blame the riots in France and now Belgium and Germany
on “high unemployment” and lack of jobs rather than admitting it was Muslims
sensing a chance to tear something apart and shoot at police.
This was a chance for Islam to test the system and the government
it hates. It also exposed western
’s dirty little secret.
dirty little secret is that most western European countries, have “no-go”
zones. These “no-go” zones are
Muslim neighborhoods and the police and firefighters do not enter these
neighborhoods unless they absolutely must do so.
These “zones” belong to Islam and all non-believers enter at their
own risk. Non-Muslims on the fringes
of these “Islamic zones” suffer violent attacks from roving bands of Muslim
men and boys patrolling “their” territory.
The outrage is that this behavior has been allowed.
is just beginning to pay the price for hoping their Islamic problem would just
go away if Muslims were just left alone.
, lovely television shows directed at small children teach these children that
it is a joy to become a suicide bomber in defense of Islam.
The children are taught that Allah will be pleased with them if only they
die killing the enemies of Islam.
the ten minute film, translated by the Middle
East Media Research
Institute, a young Palestinian boy must watch as
“evil” Israeli soldiers beat and kill his parents and brother.
The boy then joins a “resistance” group who will help him avenge the
deaths of his family. Tearful
surviving family members bid him farewell with these words, “Go, my
children. Go and show the Zionists how brave and heroic are the children of
.” The story ends when the boy,
laden with grenades, blows himself up in the middle of a group of Israeli
soldiers who all have the face of Satan. A
friend of the dead boy picks up his friend’s blood-stained keffiyeh
head-dress, drapes it over himself and walks into the sunset presumably to
become a suicide bomber himself.
The Arab news
channel, Al-Jazeera, realizing that the world was growing restless with Islam
calling suicide bombers “martyrs,” has now renamed the act of killing
one’s self to kill others, “Paradise Operations.”
The message is clear: kill
for Islam and paradise awaits.
president of
has publicly declared
should be blown off the face of the planet.
Mohamed El Baradei, the head of the United Nations International
Atomic Energy Agency is a Muslim and he seems to be making excuses for
and its advancing nuclear program. El
Baradei always wants to give
“a little more time” to be honest about a program that was hidden and lied
about for almost 20 years. Can El
Baradei truly be trusted to monitor a Muslim country?
Can he put his responsibility to monitor
’s nuclear activities above Islam?
, two 17 year old Christians were shot in the head, point-blank, on their way
home from church and a few weeks ago three Christian girls were beheaded.
Most of
remains in denial that Islam is a real threat not only to their lives but their
cultures and way of life. Here in
, people have become complacent about the threat, continuing to cling to the
idea that Islam is a nothing more than a peaceful religion that has been
high-jacked by a “handful” of bad people.
The problem is that this handful equals millions of people who are
determined to kill and die for Allah. These
terrorists are convinced that a violent death is the only path to paradise.
For the most
part, so called “moderate Muslims” remain silent in their condemnation of
this mass murder and many quietly cheer the killing.
News agencies are reporting that even in
, a country of almost six million people--nearly all Muslim--only a few hundred
people took to the streets to protest the recent bombings.
Ironically, a Palestinian man was lamenting that he lost family in the
wedding bombing. “Muslim killing
Muslim--this shouldn’t happen!” he cried.
But blowing up Israeli weddings is acceptable.
Why has
not been struck again? No one knows
for sure but all agree it is just a matter of time before there is another
attack on American soil. The
appeasers believe that if
pulls its troops out of
will be safe. What the peaceniks
seem to forget is that
was not occupying
September 11, 2001
. If we pull the troops out of
, Islam will see this action as a sign of weakness and will step up terror
attacks around the world. Perhaps
fear of mass retaliation from one of the few countries that has stood up to
Islam is making the terrorists hesitate. But
Islam’s apparent success in cowing
will give them courage.
Americans need
to look at the video of the devastated wedding from
. Next week or next month those
videos could be from a wedding in
St. Louis
or a mall in
. It could be grammar school in
or a hospital in
San Diego
is full of “soft targets” and Islam has plenty of people who wish to take
part in a “paradise operation.” It’s
, so are we ready?