How Long Before
By Barbara
J. Stock
Liberals in
are trying to take over the White House and dictate to a sitting president who
should be on his personal staff. The
media follows the president to foreign soil to hound him about “Plamegate,”
and all the while, parts of Europe are coming unglued.
The liberal media in America barely mentions it.
The media carefully sidesteps the fact that the riots in France are
Islam-driven. The riots in Denmark
are barely mentioned. The Muslim
riots will spread and demands for Muslim autonomy will be made.
This is just the beginning of the war for Europe.
The second phase of the Islamification of Europe has begun and all the
mindless journalists care about is that “Scooter Libby” pled innocent at his
first court hearing.
On the surface, it seems that the youth
of Paris are just out raising hell and burning cars for the fun of it, but that
isn’t what is happening at all. The
suburbs of Paris are burning and it isn’t because of some bored kids.
What no one seems to want to mention is the fact that is it angry Muslims
who are burning the city every night. Cars
are overturned and the violence is escalating.
A woman on crutches exiting a bus was doused with gasoline and set
ablaze. These “boys” have now
moved from burning cars to burning people.
The story was reported that two Muslim
boys were trying to avoid a police checkpoint and decided to hide in a
high-voltage electric substation. The
boys were killed when they touched something they should not have touched.
The police deny that they were chasing the boys, but Muslims have used
this as an excuse to tear up schools, trains, shops, and any car that dares
venture near them and their “turf.”
Islam seems to own the suburbs of Paris
and it’s unlikely it will give them back to France.
It is equally unlikely that France will demand the suburbs be returned to
French control. Chirac seems
befuddled and unable to regain control of streets of his own country.
This is just what Islam was hoping would happen.
Many French authorities seem bewildered
and unable to deal with the uprising. What
did they expect? When a country
opens its borders and allows Muslims to pour in without demanding that they
accept the local culture, riots should not have been a surprise.
The vast majority of Muslims that have immigrated to European countries
come with no intention of blending with the locals.
They have come with a purpose and that purpose is to take over the
country. Most Muslim immigrants
gather together, live in poverty, are unemployed and living on the dole with
nothing to do but reproduce, get angry, and be taught endlessly that Islam will
make it better. Of all the countries
in Europe, France has probably been the most accommodating.
This is its reward.
France is witnessing a skirmish.
A “feeling out” of what the French authorities will do and how this
uprising will be dealt with. So far,
the Muslims are winning. Some
arrests have been made but it seems as though the French are just hoping the
rioting Muslims will just get tired and go home.
So far, that doesn’t seem to be happening.
The violence is spreading and along with the fire bombs, guns are being
Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin
stated, "The return to calm and the restoration of order are the
priority--our absolute priority." Unfortunately,
de Villepin offered no solution to the problem.
What the French should do is deport each and every one of the rioters and
their families back from whence they came--but they won’t.
That wouldn’t be “politically correct.”
Meeting a crisis head-on just isn’t the French way.
The government will try to “reason” with the rioters to get in touch
with their anger so that their anger can be understood.
Muslims will make demands and those demands will be met.
Round one: Islam wins.
The French will blame themselves for
their lack of sensitivity to the Islamic way of life for the unrest.
After consultations with Islamic leaders it will be decided that
expecting Muslims to become French was an infringement on their rights.
In the end, it will be the French that change, not the Muslims.
Once again, Islam will be rewarded for violence and its cause will be