Things that Offend
J. Stock
Burger King
will be withdrawing and changing the logo for its ice cream cups because, if one
looks very closely and has a good imagination, the logo appeared to some Muslims
to look sort of like the word Allah in Arabic if it was viewed from just the
right angle. Not wanting to offend,
Burger King caved in to the constantly complaining and whining Muslims who seem
to find some offense in just about everything these days.
One has to wonder just how many Western Muslims can even read Arabic.

The Taliban
found offense in the ancient statues of Buddha in Bamiyan, Afghanistan, and blew them to bits.
These Muslims also found offense in several smaller and much easier to
destroy ancient clay and wood-carved statues at the same location.
All of these irreplaceable pieces of history were destroyed because some
Muslims found them “offensive.” Should
the great pyramids of Egypt be destroyed if someone finds them offensive?
The Taliban also found music, flying kites, dancing
of any kind, women leaving the house without a male family member, and balloons
offensive. Any woman leaving the
house without being covered from head to toe was so offensive that she risked
being beaten to death.
Strict Islamics find the human female body offensive
and feels every woman should be covered from head to toe.
Muslims will tell you that they cover their women out of modesty and
respect but this simply isn’t the case. Strict
Islamics believe a woman is born in sin and is just one living, breathing sin
that needs to be covered at all times so that the public cannot see her shame.
If a woman crosses a man's path while he is praying, he must begin anew because
the woman is offensive to Allah.
An incomplete list of people Islamics also seem to
find offensive is: all Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, ex-Muslims, and all
These days, it seems that Sunni Muslims find Shia
Muslims to be offensive as well.
Also offensive is any reference to the Quran by
non-Muslims that does not expound on how every word is perfect and written by
God himself. Anything less than
complete agreement is an offense that often carries a death sentence.
Just ask Salman
Rushdie, author of “Satanic Verses,” who had to hide for years to stay
alive, and Theo Van Gogh, who paid with his life for speaking the truth about
This past week, Governor Mitt Romney of
Massachusetts suggested that since virtually every terrorist attack around the
world has been carried out by Muslims, it might behoove us to listen in on what
is being preached in American mosques. Just
as a reminder, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was planned with the
assistance of Muslim cleric, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, better known as the
“Blind Sheik.” As expected, the
Council of American/Islamic Relations (CAIR) went ballistic. To no one’s surprise, CAIR did not claim that Islamic
governments don’t eavesdrop on Christian churches.
Of course, Islamics don’t do that; Islamic governments just burn
churches down, occasionally with the people still in them.
Strict Islamic countries find women wearing white
socks sexually provocative and offensive. Pictures
of humans or animals are offensive and men who shave their faces are offensive.
Card playing is offensive. Girls
attending school and receiving an education are also offensive.
Women who vote are also offensive.
A woman daring to leave her home without permission
even to rush her sick child to a doctor is offensive. Of course, female doctors are offensive so any woman
requiring medical care can’t receive it because all the doctors are men.
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