The Great Lie of
J. Stock
As America
cleans up after Katrina, the Islamics must be tremendously disappointed that the
confusion was brief, the death toll much less than predicted, and that Americans
have quickly moved to help fellow Americans in a time of need.
Like spoiled
children, Islamics have decided they didn’t like being bumped off the front
page of the major newspapers and television outlets by a hurricane.
How quickly people can forget about them.
The Iraqi people have suffered the effects of an al Qaeda tantrum to get
their faces back on page one. Even
the elusive and camera shy Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
couldn’t resist bragging about the great “kill” that Islam carried out in
Iraq. Taking it a step farther, al-Zarqawi
has dedicated himself to killing as many Iraqi Shia Muslims as possible.
is the great lie of Islam. Since
the attack on America on 9/11, Muslims have been telling the world that Islam is
peace, Islam is love, and Muslims never kill except in self defense.
Another Islamic lie is that Muslims never lie.
There is hardly a Muslim living on this planet who truly believes Islam
promotes peace and love. There are
many who wish Islam was peaceful, but they know that peace is not on the
Islamic agenda and never has been throughout history.
Iraqis who were just looking for work were tricked into coming close to a car by
a suicide bomber, and their reward from Islam was that they were murdered.
In that car was a fellow Muslim. So
not only has Islam lied about only killing in self defense, it has also lied
about never killing another Muslim. The
lies just keep piling up and Muslims just keep denying it all.
American who believes that the mass slaughter in Iraq is only happening because
American troops are there is simply not applying the most basic form of logic.
If foreign “freedom fighters” are in Iraq to assist the poor and
oppressed Iraqi people rid themselves of the occupying infidels in their midst,
why are these true followers of Islam killing the Iraqis and not the American
troops? Occasionally the
Islamic terrorists do get lucky and take down a few Americans here and there,
but for the most part, it is innocent Iraqi men, women, and children that are
the intentional targets. When
American troops landed on the beaches on Normandy, did they begin killing the
locals to free them from the occupying German force?
Iraq, Islam is doing what it does best—terrorizing. Quoting ex-Muslim Ali Sina, “Terrorism
is not an ideology, it is a tool; but the terrorists kill for an ideology. They
call that ideology Islam.” That
quote is worth reading twice because it speaks volumes and coming from a man who
was raised in Islam, it carries a lot of credibility.
Recently, Adam
Gadahn, an American-traitor-turned-Muslim, took to the airwaves to issue a new
threat. Gadahn referred to
the deaths of 3000 innocent people on 9/11 as a “blessed event.”
He went on to explain that Islam is “peaceful” but it will only
accept peace on “its terms.” For
anyone who has not yet figured out what those “terms” are, it can be put in
a simple way. There is only one
“term.” That term is not for
Americans to leave Iraq or Afghanistan. That
term is not for Americans to leave the Middle East or to stop supporting Israel.
That one term is: When every human on Earth has converted to Islam, there will
be peace on Islam’s “terms.”
Please note
that while telling the world how peace-loving Muslims are, Gadahn talks of
massive attacks on civilians living in Los Angles and Melbourne, Australia.
He goes on to advise the world, “…this time, don't count on us
demonstrating restraint and compassion."
Where and when has Islam ever demonstrated restraint or
compassion? Islam does not even
show compassion for fellow Muslims, why would it show compassion for
Saddam Hussein
butchered over 100,000 fellow Muslims. Why?
Because Saddam is a Sunni Muslim and those he killed were Shia Muslims.
Putting this into an example that is easier for some to understand,
let’s compare the non-Catholic alumni of the University of Notre Dame and
Catholic alumni of Notre Dame. The
Catholic alumni feel they better represent the beliefs of the university because
they are Catholic so they set about killing all the non-Catholic alumni.
All have graduated from the same university, but one group feels superior
to the other.
Sunni Muslims
seem to have no qualms about killing fellow Muslims as long as they are Shia
Muslims because the Sunnis believe they are superior and represent the true
teachings of Islam. Al-Zarqawi,
a Sunni Muslim, has announced his plans to kill any Shia Muslim defending
democracy in Iraq. There is nothing
“peaceful” about mass murder. The
basic premise of Islam being a peaceful “religion” is, in fact, a lie.
If the basic premise of any belief is based on a lie then that entire
belief is a lie. Islam’s basic premise is not peace, but subjugation by force.
an American court, if a witness is caught in one lie, no matter how small, the
jury may believe that everything that witness has said is a lie.
Islamics repeatedly lie and yet, the gullible continue to believe when
Islam professes to be peaceful.
constantly remind the free world that there are over a billion Muslims in the
world. Perhaps Muslims should be
reminded that there are over two billion Christians in the world.
There are also a million followers of Hinduism that are not terribly fond
of Islam.
Christian God teaches us that murder is wrong.
According to Muslims like al-Zarqawi, “God ordered us to attack the
infidels by all means.” Bin Laden
told ABC News that while the West rejoices in life; Islam rejoices in death. The
problem isn’t that Islam teaches lies; the problem is that Islam IS the lie.
Islam is perhaps the greatest lie ever perpetrated on mankind.
As Mr. Sina has said, “Terrorism is not an ideology, it is a tool; but
the terrorists kill for an ideology. They
call that ideology Islam.”