The Exodus of
Gaza: Will It Bring Peace?
J. Stock
Fool’s gold
has been scooped up for hundreds of years by desperate people who mistook the
worthless golden rocks for the real thing.
Experienced miners were never fooled by the look-alike mineral because
they knew what subtle differences to look for.
So what is the
world to make of the removal of Jewish settlers from Gaza?
Is it a real move towards real peace or just a fool’s peace?
For Israel, it
was something that needed to be done. Not
because it was “occupied” land, but because it was just not a feasible
situation. It took over 30,000
Israeli troops just to protect the 8,000 Israeli citizens that lived there.
For Hamas to claim some great victory is just outrageous and nothing more
than Islamic bravado. If Hamas was
so all-powerful, why didn’t it just overrun the Israeli troops and push the
civilians out? Why didn’t it just
take back the land? The answer is
simple. Hamas failed. Israel is giving up the occupied areas because they have
decided it is in Israel’s best interest to do so.
The inability
of surrounding Islamic and Arab countries to defeat the tiny Jewish state has
been a source of humiliation for decades. Even
when the Arab countries managed to put their own differences aside and join
forces, they were unable to defeat Israel.
So, Islam resorted to what Islam does best—terrorism.
Despite the claims, the suicide bombers were sent to die to destroy
Israel, not to give the Palestinians a state.
The fate of the Palestinian people has always been an afterthought.
Has this
withdrawal from the Gaza caused celebration in the surrounding Arab countries?
It certainly has not. Jordan
is already protesting the possibility of an Israeli pullout of parts of the West
Bank. Why? Jordan is
terrified of the prospect of over 300,000 Palestinian refuges in Jordan wanting
to join up with the new Palestinian state and taking a chunk of Jordan with
them. The fact that Jordan stole
the land from the Palestinians long ago seems to be a well-kept secret. No Palestinian Muslim has ever screamed about Islamic Jordan
being an “occupying force.” Rarely
is the fact mentioned that Palestinians in Jordan have been treated very badly
by their fellow Muslim host who keeps them confined in camps.
But it gets
worse. Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1994.
Jordan’s King Abdullah has notified both Israel and the United States
that a pull-out of Israeli-held sections of the West Bank might violate that
treaty. Now, read the above line
again and give it careful thought. Haven’t
all of the Arab/Islamic states surrounding Israel been demanding for years that
the “occupied lands” be returned to the Palestinians?
Of course they have. How
many Middle Eastern kings and princes would appear on television stating that
the Jews had to leave the “occupied lands” of the Palestinians? Now that the
return of those lands is a real possibility, Israel’s neighbors are objecting!
It is being
reported that Egyptian forces will be moving into Gaza to maintain control and
to take charge of the Palestinian Authority forces. Those Egyptians are not going there to control exuberant
Palestinians but the murderous members of Hamas who have vowed to use the Gaza
to launch attacks into Israel. Egypt,
which signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979, knows that the Palestinian
Authority has neither the power nor the will to control the Islamic terrorists.
How long Egyptian control will last is difficult to predict. Hamas and al Qaeda will have no guilt pangs over killing
Is Egypt
putting its people into Gaza to protect Israel?
Of course it isn’t. Egypt
fears al Qaeda. Hamas and al Qaeda
are terrorist brothers and they both hate Egypt for declaring that Israel had
the right to exist. With Hamas in
charge, groups like al Qaeda would flood into Gaza and use it not only to launch
attacks at Israel, but at the “apostate” country of Egypt as well.
Just a few months ago, the Egyptian ambassador to Iraq was kidnapped and
beheaded by al Qaeda in Iraq and Egyptians were labeled as “infidels.”
Egypt does not want Iranian Katyusha rockets
being fired at it from Gaza.
King Abdullah is acutely aware that Egyptian forces will be in Gaza and has
already declared he will not tolerate Egyptian forces patrolling the West Bank.
Fearing Egypt will exert too much influence in the West Bank, which
Jordan considers its back yard, King Abdullah has stated that he will not allow
Egyptian forces anywhere near the Hashemite throne.
So, what do
the Palestinians want? No one
around them seems to care much. The
sad truth is that no one has ever cared much about what the Palestinian people
wanted. They ceased being people
and became a “cause.” If they
obtained a Palestinian state and peace, they would cease being tormented and
oppressed Muslims that Islam could use to enrage Muslims all over world. Islam
would lose its “cause.” Palestine
would become nothing more than another Islamic state that can’t get along with
its Islamic neighbors.
doesn’t want a Palestinian state. Palestinians living in squalor, hungry
children, and innocent people caught in the crossfire between Israeli troops and
Islamic terrorists are martyrs to be held up like trophies. Islam needs the
Palestinian people to continue suffering. That
is why there will never be peace between the Palestinian people and Israel.
Islam won’t allow it.
The plight of
the Palestinians has been the Islamic cause for so long that the powers that be
in Islam have no idea who or what they would use to whip up the ignorant into a
killing frenzy if the Palestinians get their state.
Even Mohammed Atta of 9/11 fame stated one reason he hated America so
much was because of its support for Israel.
It was the evil Jews making the Palestinian Muslims suffer.
This struggle is over 50 years old now.
Muslim children are taught about the poor, downtrodden Palestinians being
oppressed by the evil “occupying” Jews of Israel and they believe it is the
absolute truth.
Can there be
peace between Israel and the Palestinians?
There is only one hope for peace. When
the Palestinian people themselves tell the Islamic terrorists to leave their
land, there will be peace. When
these long-suffering people realize that Israel is not the sole reason for their
misery, there will be peace. When
the Palestinian people realize that Islam is the root cause of the hatred, there
will be peace. Until that time,
there will be war and death and misery for the Palestinians and Islam will
rejoice. The cause will live on.