Islamic Suicide Bombers: Coming
Soon to a Bus Near You
By Barbara J. Stock
There are two things about the Islamic attack on
that surprised me. One, that is was
and not
and the other is that more people were not killed.
Reports say that two of the bombs did not explode as planned.
The terrorists are getting sloppy. Most
British citizens are scoffing at such a pinprick attack.
The British people are tough. Many
are still alive that survived the yearlong blitz of
leading up to World War II.
I would like to remind the Islamic terrorists that
was on the winning side in that war.
The murder of the kidnapped Egyptian ambassador to
by followers of true Islam has not gotten the attention that it deserves.
When the announcement was made on Arab television about the execution,
there was a statement from al Qaeda: "We
announce in the al-Qaeda in
that the verdict of God against the ambassador
of the infidels, the ambassador of
, has been carried out. Thank God."
Egyptian Muslims are now “infidels.” Al
Qaeda has called the Muslims of Iraq traitors.
Islam is officially eating its own.
It is sad that Ambassador Ihab al-Sherif’s
daughter reported that as her father left for
, he told her not to worry. He was
going to a Muslim country. He
assured her he would be safe in a Muslim country.
It should be apparent to Muslims that they are no
longer safe anywhere from the long arm of true Islam.
Perhaps many Muslims who have long been denying that such acts are carried
out by fellow Muslims will wake up from their life-long stupor.
Moderate Muslims must realize that if they are not willing to strap
a bomb on themselves and die for Allah, they will be considered “infidels.”
There are some who will declare that there is no proof that Islamics carried
out this attack. But there is.
There is no other known terrorist group on this planet that uses its own
bodies—and the bodies of its children—as bombs.
It is being reported that the
bus was probably blown up by a suicide bomber.
This attack was a classic example of an al Qaeda attack.
Only Islam holds such little regard for the lives of its own.
I also have a message for the bleeding-heart, blame-America-and-England
crowd. The Gulf War, the war in
Afghanistan, the Iraq War, Abu-Ghraib, and the prison at Guantanamo have nothing
whatsoever to do with the attack on 9/11 or the attack on London.
Those wars had nothing to do with the numerous attacks on our embassies,
ships, American citizens in airports, or our planes blown out of the sky by
Islamic bombs.
It is past time for the Michael Moores and Barbara Boxers of the world to
wake up and shut up. Islam has been
planning this war on western civilization for decades.
Islam has quietly waited for this chance for centuries.
The first shot was fired in
over thirty years ago.
Most homicide bombers are young. Most
of these eager killers are in their twenties.
Some are teenagers. Why are
they so eager to blow themselves up and kill innocent people?
The answer is quite simple. They
are eager to die because they have been taught from birth that Allah will be
pleased with them if they kill the infidels.
The more people they kill, the more pleased Allah will be.
Paradise and virgins await them if they just die for Islam.
In fact, they are taught that this is the only way to paradise.
These unfortunate young people know little else.
Many cannot even read. They
were born and raised for one reason. Islam
bred an army to kill for them. No
one can reason with such a person.
Islam has indoctrinated an entire generation of its youth to kill for them on
command. It is likely that a second
generation is nearly ready to be unleashed on the world.
Islamics kidnap babies and toddlers from
and take them to camps where these children are taught nothing but how to kill
and die for Islam. Islam has planned
for this war for a very long time. All
of their screaming that this or that attack or beheading was because of the war
, or abuse at some prison, is a smoke screen for the gullible western liberal
media and dim-witted politicians like Senator Durbin.
Those bombers have been dispersed around the world.
It is only a matter of time before the American radical Islamics receive
their long-awaited orders to die for Allah and Islam.
The world is about to learn what it is like to be a war zone as
has been forced to be for over 50 years.
I heard a British reporter on television say that now the British know how
the Americans felt on 9/11. He said
that the people of
were taking their cue from how New Yorkers picked themselves up and got on with
life. I disagree.
I have long believed that what makes
great is the fact that our forefathers and early immigrants brought with them
the best their native countries had to offer.
We are a blend of those wonderful traits.
We Americans got our in-your-face attitude and backbone from the British.
That is why even though we have fought two wars against each other, our
two countries now stand together.
As I listened to the British reporter, the speech came to mind that the great
Winston Churchill gave to his people when he felt a German invasion of the tiny
island was imminent. It bears repeating for the Islamics.
“We shall go on to the end, we shall
fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with
growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island,
whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the
landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight
in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment
believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then
our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry
on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power
and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”
Well said, Mr. Churchill. Well