Americans Care About CAIR?
J. Stock
The first attack on
American soil by Islamic terrorists was the 1993 bombing of the
. On 9/11, Islamic terrorists
had hoped to kill 40,000 people. The 1993 attack was a dry run that did
not give them the bang for their buck.
Only six Americans lost their lives that day.
It was a great disappointment to the terrorists.
Cyanide was in the van that was blown up in the basement parking
garage of the WTC that day, but the extreme heat of the fire destroyed the
poisonous gas before it killed anyone.
It was a failed experiment. But
the Islamics learned from their mistake.
The Islamic cat was
out of the bag and so it should surprise no one that in 1994, CAIR—the
Council on American/Islamic Relations—was born.
It’s called damage control. Islam
needed it, badly. Bill Clinton
was able to take some of the heat off of Islam for the 1993 attack on our
soil by calling it a “crime” and not what it actually was—a bold
Islamic attack on American soil.
When one visits the
CAIR website, it seems quite wonderful.
CAIR only wants equality, justice, peace, and mutual understanding.
Isn’t that what all good people want?
Two statements from
its “Mission Statement” appear to be quite straight-forward:
“CAIR condemns all acts of violence against civilians by any
individual, group or state” and “CAIR advocates dialogue between faith
communities both in America and worldwide.”
All is not as it
seems, however. First, one
must understand “Islamaspeak.”
In the first
statement is the word, “civilian.”
What we Americans see as a civilian is not always what Islamics see
as civilians.
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
states that anyone who gets in the way of his great plan and holy jihad,
civilian or soldier, will be eliminated.
Omar Bakri Mohammed, the spiritual leader of the British extremist
sect al-Muhajiroun, stated that killing women and children in
would be justified because he believes British soldiers have murdered
women and children in
a ruling cleric in
, stated that a Muslim country should drop a nuke on
, assuring his fellow terrorists that only
would be destroyed. It’s
obvious Mr. Rafsanjani doesn’t know much about nuclear weapons.
filled with civilians? Of
course it is, but not if you are Muslim.
Every Jew in
is a legitimate target because they are “occupying” Muslim land. Islam
seems to forget that Jews have lived there for 4000 years.
1994, CAIR coordinated meetings for Bassam Alamoush, a Jordanian Islamic
militant who told a
audience that killing Jews was "a good deed."
Saudi cleric gave permission to bin Laden to use a nuclear bomb in an
American city but only as
a “measure of reciprocity.” Has
dropped a nuke on an Islamic country and no one has reported it?
Often in Islam,
anything is justified because it says, “They did it first.”
A “civilian” is a legitimate target because he supports the
evil government of his country. Americans
re-elected George Bush therefore, we are no longer “civilians.”
In all fairness,
these men are all terrorists or radicals.
CAIR implies it don’t support such men.
So what do the members of CAIR have to say about justice, equality,
religious freedom, and terrorists?
Ghassan Elashi,
founder of the Texas Chapter of CAIR, was convicted on 21 counts of
laundering and funneling money to known terrorist groups.
Then there is this
outrageous statement from Omar Ahmad, co-founder of CAIR:
"Those who stay in
should be open to society without melting, keeping mosques open so anyone
can come and learn about Islam. If you choose to live here, you have a
responsibility to deliver the message of Islam ... Islam isn't in
to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the
Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in
, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth."
While professing
religious tolerance and understanding around the world, Nihad Awad,
CAIR’s executive director, was outraged when he received word that
Christian aid workers dared hand out literature about Christianity to the
tsunami victims. He said,
"Just when our nation's image in the Islamic world was improving as a
result of the outpouring of American aid in the tsunami disaster area, we
hear from those who would exploit the tragedy to advance their own
extremist agenda…"
Just to refresh your
memory, one of the mission statements of CAIR is to promote justice and
mutual understanding in
and around the world. In
practice, CAIR will cram Islam down the throats of Christian Americans,
using our freedoms and laws to protect it and Christians shall never,
ever attempt to teach Christianity to any Muslim.
That is an “extremist agenda.”
CAIR does not consider its plan to replace our Constitution with
the Quran extreme, however.
CAIR does not
recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization even though Hamas is
responsible for numerous attacks on Israeli civilians.
Dancing on the head of a pin, CAIR reverts to the “legitimate
resistance to Israeli occupation" excuse to overlook the bus bombings
and the killing of children in an ice cream shop.
There is that “who we see as a civilian is not who Islam sees as
a civilian” loophole again. All
can be justified in Islam. It’s
just a matter of what the definition of “civilian” is.
What is CAIR’s
purpose? Perhaps this
statement from CAIR spokesman, Ibrahim Hooper, gives us a clue:
"I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like
the government of the
United States
to be Islamic sometime in the future...But I'm not going to do anything
violent to promote that. I'm going to do it through education."
While CAIR may not
carry out attacks on
with bombs or missiles, its cause is quite obvious and its goal is very
clear: the United States of
Islam. Personally, I like my
country the way it is right now—mostly Christian and free.
There is hope that
our government is waking up to the double-speak of CAIR.
A conference in
to explore ways to deal with religious intolerance is CAIR-free.
Kamal Nawash, president of the Free Muslim Coalition, is on the
government’s list to represent
. Dr. Imam Khaleel Mohammed, a
friend of Mr. Nawash, has this to say about CAIR:
“…these organizations stand up and preach to the press how
opposed they are to terrorism-and since, unlike Kamal Nawash, I do not
have the necessity to be politically correct, I can mention bloody names,
and I can call names and I call names like CAIR and MAS.
They stand up and preach hypocrisy...”
Honesty is
refreshing, isn’t it?