Islamic Propaganda Machine
By Barbara
J. Stock
Recently, I read an
article written by John Kaminski,
who is a conspiracy theorist who sees a plot behind every tree.
Sadly, Kaminski is an American who claims to live in a “leaky
trailer” in
even though he is the author of several books. Obviously, the books are
not selling or he could repair his trailer.
Kaminski absolutely believes that the
evil right-wing neo-cons carried out the attack on 9/11.
He disregards the admission from bin Laden, believing it to be
faked. Kaminski believes there
is no threat from Islam or the Arab world at all.
He feels that the only threat to the world is
. Kaminski claims,
“…everyone but the comatose American populace — blinded by its
Orwellian media and stupefied by its demented diet of physical and mental
poisons — can see it.” After
researching this man it was no surprise to me that he is considered a
genius by the Islamics who often use his work to advance the terrorist
man has become the darling of Islamics who love nothing more than pointing
out that Americans hate George Bush and all he stands for and that Islam
only wants to live in peace and harmony and that
is the source of all things evil.
latest epistle shows the glaring flaws in his train of irrational
thoughts. He has decided that
the constant attacks in
are not being carried out by terrorists or Muslims but by American
soldiers. It is his belief
that innocent Iraqis are stopped at checkpoints, and their cars and driver
licenses taken, and to retrieve their property, they must go to an Iraqi
police station. In the
interim, the cars are loaded up with explosives and then those
unsuspecting men pick up their cars-now-bombs and unwittingly drive into
crowds where the evil Americans blow them up.
Kaminski claims to have discovered all this and says, “It (his
discovery of the American conspiracy) happened quite by accident, as most
revelations do.”
The absurdity of such
a “revelation” is demonstrated by the inability of the author to
answer the simplest of questions. Perhaps
Mr. Kaminski could have another “revelation” and answer some of those
Iraqis allow themselves to be hypnotized into wearing suicide belts?
Are they somehow coerced into perpetrating drive-by shootings?
Is Muqtada Al Sadr an
American agent? If Muslims
never harm other Muslims or blow up mosques, can Kaminski explain the
recent attack in
by Sunni Muslims on Shia Muslims at a festival at a holy Muslim shrine?
Can he explain the mountains of weapons and ammunition found in
mosques all over
? Perhaps he has an explanation for the roadside bombs that are clearly
placed to kill Americans? Are
all the other types of attacks carried out by Islamic terrorists and only the car bombs the work of Americans?
Do we kill our own “just to make it look good?”
Articles such as the
one written by Mr. Kaminski are largely ignored by Americans but are
seized upon by the Islamic propaganda machine.
His charge that Americans carried out the attack on 9/11 is akin to
claiming that American fighter planes, disguised as the Japanese, attacked
the fleet at
Pearl Harbor
December 7, 1941
While Americans have
freedom of speech, when that speech gives aid and comfort to the enemy,
some of us begin to view that speech as borderline traitorous.
When articles such as Kaminski’s are sent to me by a member of
the Islamic propaganda infrastructure called, “The Party for Islamic
Renewal” there can be no doubt that this American is being used to
advance the cause of the enemy. The
problem is that Kaminski seems delighted about that fact.
Groups such as The
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim Public Affairs
Council (MPAC) add fuel to the fire because these groups are high-profile
and very vocal.
Recently both of
these Islamic groups refused to join moderate Muslims calling themselves
the Free Muslim Coalition at a rally called the “Free
Muslims March Against Terrorism.” The goal of the group is to
condemn Islamic terrorists. Kamal
Nawash and his group also believe that there should not be any government
under the strict control of Islam. Since
total domination of the world by Islam is the unspoken goal of groups such
as CAIR and MPAC, they have no desire to join moderate Muslims in any
march against terrorism.
When groups such as CAIR
condemn the mutilation of the murdered bodies of four Americans but not
the murders, it becomes clear where CAIR stands on the issue of
terrorists. Forget what these
groups say but watch what they do. CAIR reminds me of a pickpocket who
smiles broadly at you as he lifts your wallet.
Then we have the United
Nations branch of Islamic terrorist supporters.
This bumbling, rape-ignoring, oil-for-food money-grubbing,
bureaucratic bunch of air-bags are so afraid of the terrorists that they
refuse to even settle on the definition of a terrorist.
This should not surprise anyone since this amoral and useless
grouping of human protoplasm can’t even recognize genocide. These
people are far too busy counting their money and living the good life in
New York City
to trouble themselves with such matters.
Muslims around the world are bombarded with
hate-speech and calls to jihad. Blasted over the loudspeakers and radios
are words such as these spit out by Skeik Ibrahim Mudeiris:
“Jews are a
virus resembling AIDS; Muslims will finish them off!
We have ruled the world before, and by Allah, the day will come
when we will rule the world again. The day will come when we will rule
don’t know how to break this to the sheik, but Islam never ruled the
world and it never will. There
are millions of heavily armed Americans that will see to that, even if the
U.N., CAIR, Amnesty International, and European Union continue to play the
“see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil” game.
Islam still has
to deal with and we are a formidable force.
I suspect the time will come when the
will be forced to save
from itself, once again.