Written by Barbara
J. Stock
Friday, May 07,
People may wonder why I write so often about the War with
Islam. There is no “War on Terror.” Our war is with
the violent ideology of Islam and those that follow that doctrine and
there are millions of such followers. Americans need to
understand the seriousness of the situation in which we find
ourselves. Islam is in full jihad mode and Islamic leaders know
that to succeed they must destroy the United States.
On one hand, we have moderate Muslims denying that Muslims kill and
behead innocent people. When they are forced to admit the truth,
the argument switches to, “They are not following true Islam.”
The problem is this: The terrorists are following true Islam
because Islam is founded on fear and violence.
Do all Muslims believe in the true teachings of Islam? No, but
they believe they do. There are many Muslims who truly believe
that Islam is a peaceful religion whose followers would never harm a
fly. These Muslims probably wouldn’t harm a fly until they are
exposed to Muslims who do follow true Islam.
Perhaps an example would be appropriate. A perfectly normal
British Muslim man went to Saudi Arabia to make his required
pilgrimage, called the Hajj. This normal father of a teenaged daughter
returned to London a full-fledged Muslim. Just that brief
encounter with Arab Muslims turned this man into a killer.
While in Saudi Arabia, this man was convinced by the true Arab Muslims
that his daughter was no longer “pure.” He was ordered to
kill her to restore his “honor.” So, this man returned to
London and slit his daughter’s throat in front of his other
children. The two younger children ran screaming from the house
covered with their sister’s blood. Their father was convinced
their sister was no longer a virgin. The autopsy proved him
A young, innocent girl is dead. Her younger siblings are forever
traumatized and their father is now in prison for life. An
entire family was destroyed because of a few fateful days the father
spent with Arab Muslims. That is the power of true Islam...
About the Writer: Barbara J. Stock is a registered nurse who
enjoys writing about politics and current events. She has a website at