Christians of the World: Unite!
By Barbara J. Stock
receive an English comic book several times a week via e-mail called:
“The Party for Islamic Renewal.”
In one of their latest issues, British Muslims are wailing about
how badly Muslims are treated around the world.
The Muslims of England must unite to protest the horrible, evil,
cruel, and completely unjust persecution and oppression of Muslims.
Muslims complain that in
, the locals don’t like the Muslim girls to wear their hijabs.
This is an outrage.
understand that in
a woman is encouraged to wear the hijab.
In fact, I believe it’s mandatory, especially if she is going to
open fire on innocent and unarmed tourists with an AK-47.
you know that Christians in Muslim countries are not even allowed to pray
or wear a small cross? If they
do, they are thrown in prison and tortured.
Do Muslims see this as oppression?
Of course not, Christians have no rights.
Christians are barely considered human, unlike Jews, whom Muslims
consider to be monkeys.
Muslim Brits are protesting the killing in
. Apparently, these particular
Muslims are illiterate as well as deaf and blind.
These Muslims that enjoy western freedom of speech in
must protest the Muslims being killed in
. The only real problem is
that many of those doing the killing in
are from
Saudi Arabia
, and
. The rest are bought-off
Iraqi Muslims. The people
being killed are indeed mostly Iraqi Muslims.
Are they being killed by the Americans or the British?
No! They are being killed by Muslims.
There were over 70 Iraqis killed in just the last two days.
Do these
British Muslims protest the slaughter of Muslims by Muslims?
Don’t be silly! That
is never mentioned. Have these
pampered British Islamics noticed that the only place Muslims are truly
oppressed is in Islamic countries?
because of the prevalence of the “politically correct” ideology in the
free world, everyone bends over backwards not to offend Muslims, while
Islamics are doing everything that they can to take over the world.
What fools these Muslims must think we are.
I have a surprise for the followers of Mohammed. We
aren’t all fools.
think if the Western Muslims feel that life under the decadent western
lifestyle is so horrible, they should immigrate to a strict Muslim
country. I hear that
is the perfect Islamic society. If
it is unbendable Islamic law Western Muslims want, then go to
. There are plenty of gallows there—no waiting.
Holes to be buried in for stoning are already dug and waiting for
those women who violate Sharia law.
British Muslim women: don’t be afraid to move to
Saudi Arabia
. Of course, driving a car
isn’t allowed by women; or having a job; or leaving the house unattended
with anything more than your eyes showing.
But hey, that’s Islam. Muslims
tell me that Islam is paradise! Embrace
the oppression!
hear over and over how brutally the poor, innocent Muslims are being
treated in the prison at
. They have showers; they have
three Islamic meals a day; they are allowed to pray five times a day; they
have a copy of the Quran to read, air conditioning and an Imam that visits
them. I have read that—and
this is so horrible that I want all readers under the age of 18 years to
stop reading now. These men,
who have slaughtered innocent people with wild abandon and great joy in
the name of Islam, are forced to stand—sometimes for hours—in a room
with the air conditioning turned up! Some
have even missed afternoon tea. Oh,
the humanity! Life must be
hell for those poor men. The
younger prisoners are forced to attend school!
How much more inhuman can it get?
I think Muslims should rise up and protest such barbaric treatment.
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