The Hypocrisy of Islam
By Barbara J.
Islam means peace and love and Muslims only want to be left alone
to practice their beliefs--in peace. This
is one of the greatest lies of the last century but many Muslims continue
to say it, over and over, like a mantra, perhaps more to convince
themselves than the rest of the world.
In these modern times even nomadic Bedouins have cell-phones so it
is difficult for Muslims not to read or hear about the suicide bombers,
the genocide, the constant attacks in
, and beheadings carried out by their fellow Muslims all over the world.
When it is against infidels, it is easier to accept.
All can be justified, somehow, in the Quran.
But more and more, Muslims are turning on other Muslims and this is
not as easily explained away. For
some Muslims, it must seem as though the very foundations of Islam are
crumbling and there is no amount of shoring up that will save it.
A recent article from the on-line Telegraph exposed the story that
Shia Muslims are easily bought off not only with money but promises of the
title “emir” for killing more than ten Iraqi Shia Muslims.
For $1500 a month and a promise of fame, they happily killed fellow
Muslims. This reveals more
Islamic hypocrisy: Muslims
never kill other Muslims. Sunni
Muslims often kill Shia, but for Shia to be so easily bought to kill other
Shia Muslims is a shock.
Islamics seem to be still fighting the Crusades.
Anyone who fights back against Islam is called a “crusader” and
thus, is evil. We Americans
have the clarion call, “Remember the
.” Islam has, “We are
still fighting the Crusades and
belongs to Islam!”
The re-taking of
is underway as Muslims flood into every European country.
Some startling statistics are starting to be reported.
Everywhere that there is a large number of Muslims, the report of
rapes of non-Muslim girls and women has tripled.
These statistics expose another Islamic lie:
Muslims never rape women.
People must understand that Mohammed himself told his
followers that the rape of non-believers was not rape.
This justified the raping of the many women taken as slaves in
their conquests. Non-Muslim
women are not women to many Muslims, they are just whores.
For Muslims, doing everything in God’s name is at the
core of Islam. Any sin is
justified if it is done in the name of God.
Killing can’t be a sin if it is God’s will.
Rape is accepted as long as the woman raped is a non-believer.
Mohammed said as much.
I have been told that women in Islam are treated with more respect
than any western women who run “nearly naked in the streets to please
men.” Muslims seem to think
that all we in the evil West do is watch pornography, drink, and shoot up
heroin. All American women are
prostitutes. What has amazed
me is that these Muslim men who tell me this seem know more about American
pornography than I do. But
then, they claim to know more about America than I do.
I only live here. What
do I know? I’m a stupid
Muslim men tell me the reason Muslim women must be covered head to
toe is because of the respect Muslim men have for them.
Any woman who shows any of her skin is “asking to be raped.”
And so, since Muslim men apparently can’t control themselves, out
of respect, women must be suffocated in 120 degree heat by only showing
their eyes. Muslim women are
even supposed to look down, rather than into a man’s eyes because that
is considered to “provocative and tempting.” There
seems to be a serious lack of control among some Muslim men.
Also, out of respect, Muslim women need not concern themselves with
voting, driving a car, leaving the house unattended, or talking to any man
that is not their father or brother. Should
women stray from the ways of Islam, they will receive a respectful
demonstration of an “honor killing.”
Zacarias Moussaoui, a French Muslim, has pleaded guilty on all
counts of conspiracy pertaining to the attack on 9/11 and now faces the
death penalty. According to
Moussaoui, his mission was to highjack a 747 and crash it into our White
House. Moussaoui made the
statement that he expects “no leniency from the Americans.”
Does he deserve leniency? Did
Daniel Pearl or Nicholas Berg receive leniency?
Did either of those men even commit a crime?
Did the Bulgarian man, brutally gunned down just the other day in
Iraq receive leniency? Yet, I
have no doubt that when Moussaoui receives the death penalty, Muslims
around the world will scream foul, racism, and will claim Americans are
uncivilized butchers.
Mr. Kostov, the Bulgarian man identified as the pilot of the downed
helicopter in Iraq, was executed as he surrendered to the Islamic
terrorists. As they riddled
his body with bullets, they shouted, “Allahu akbar!”--“God is
great!” The last words Mr. Kostov heard was a man yelling "Carry
out God's verdict." The
Islamic terrorists stated that he was killed “in revenge for the Muslims
killed in the mosques of Fallujah.”
The pure hypocrisy of it all was that the same day a car bomb blew
up outside a mosque and killed nine fellow Muslims.
The bombing was carried out at prayer time for maximum kill.
Saturday, April 23, another mosque was targeted and two more
Muslims were killed by fellow Muslims.
April 24 brought more death at a mosque from a car bomber as well
as a bomb outside an ice cream shop, meant to target children.
Muqtada Al Sadr, a Muslim cleric, used the mosques in Fallujah to
judge and convict over 200 fellow Muslims and behead them as punishment
under the ruthless Islamic Shari'a law.
But if an American bullet scratches the paint on a mosque the hue
and cry is heard around the world. Yet,
Muslims in Iraq are free to blow up any mosque or church and kill as many
people as they can because it has been ordained and they are “Allah’s
The hypocrisy is that mosques are only “holy places” when
Muslims are killing in them. If
a non-believer even gets near a mosque it’s a sacrilege and someone must
die for it.
The reality is that anything Muslims do, any crime, any execution,
any bombing, is all justified because Allah has instructed them to do it.
The hypocrisy is when moderate Muslims deny that those committing
these hideous crimes are Muslims. The
truth seems to be that it is peaceful Muslims that do not follow true
Islam. This is a truth many
Muslims must realize. They
must realize the hypocrisy of Islam. If
Islam means peace, then why does death, oppression, genocide, and war
follow Islam everywhere it goes?