Muslims Enjoy Public Beheadings and Executions
Barbara J. Stock
Did I get your attention?
I hope so. Are there
Muslims who have not only enjoyed beheadings and executions but
celebrated them? Yes.
Does this mean all Muslims enjoy such things?
I hope not. Do I
believe that it is the goal of Islamic pages to make sure its readers
hate Americans? Absolutely.
Not long ago, I read an article on the website of The Muslim Weekly
titled, "
Now Shoots Iraqis for Fun." I wondered: When readers see that
title, what visual picture does it present?
The picture given was exactly the picture the website wanted the
reader to have: That
American soldiers are picking off innocent Iraqi citizens and probably
placing bets on whether they would score a hit.
Perhaps the soldiers got more points for a child.
After all, a child is a smaller target.
The article that followed had absolutely nothing to do with the
title. The title had one
goal. That goal was to
enrage and inflame Muslims against Americans.
When I complained to the site editors, I was told that their
sources were trustworthy and that nothing from their sources had been
changed. The basis of the
article is the statement of an American Marine General.
The BBC had written:
'War-Is-Fun' General Rebuked.” Fox
stated: “Marine
General’s Comments Stir Outrage.”
The Sierra Times
article had this title: U.S.
General Says It Is 'Fun to Shoot Some People.'”
From this array of articles came the article title:
now shoots Iraqis for fun.” I
would be very interested in learning how that title was chosen.
The sources for the article are a moot point, since they had
nothing to do with the outrageous title.
would also like to point out that the general was referring to
, not
. In fact, in a letter to
his men while in
, General Mattis told his men: “The enemy will try to manipulate you
into hating all Iraqis. Do not allow the enemy that victory. With strong
discipline, solid faith, unwavering alertness, and undiminished
chivalry to the innocent, we will carry out this mission.''
His mission was to seek out and destroy the terrorists now
killing innocent Iraqi civilians, police, and national guardsmen.
Does that sound like a man who kills indiscriminately?
Does that give one the impression that Americans are shooting
Iraqis for the fun of it?
After the fall of the Taliban in
, videos were found showing the public executions of men and women in
soccer stadiums. Women were brought in the back of pick-up trucks and
forced to kneel on the ground. They
were then shot in the back of the head for the entertainment of the men
gathered there. What were
their crimes? Who knows.
It didn’t take much to be executed under the harsh Islamic rule
of the Taliban. The simple
act of a child flying a kite was considered a sin and “un-Islamic.”
, under the Saddam regime, was no better.
One description of a prison in
reads: “Pictures of dead
Iraqis, with their necks slashed, their eyes gouged out and their
genitals blackened, fill a bookshelf. Jail cells, with dried blood on
the floor and rusted shackles bolted to the walls, line the
corridors.” It has been
estimated by Iraqi officials that nearly a million Iraqi citizens died
at the hands of Saddam Hussein. Yet,
Muslim web sites imply American soldiers “shoot Iraqis for fun.”
Just two days ago, an American soldier gave his life trying to
rescue a wounded Iraqi woman injured by a suicide bomber.
Oddly, I did not see that reported on any Muslim website.
I cannot speak for General Mattis, but my late brother was a
career officer in the Army of the Untied States and I suspect I know
what General Mattis meant when he said “it’s fun to shoot some
Our soldiers are among the best trained and most
disciplined soldiers on the face of the planet.
They are prepared to meet any enemy on the battlefield.
Contrary to Muslim popular belief, our soldiers never target
women and children. American
soldiers are disgusted by cowards who call themselves warriors as they
blow up cars with the intention of killing innocent civilians.
Our soldiers would spit on a man who ties another man’s hands
behind his back and then executes him by sawing his head off with a dull
knife. It is disgusting that
some Islamic coward yells over the screams of his helpless victim that
God is great. Afraid to face
real soldiers, these brave Islamic terrorists can only blow up children
and behead helpless people.
And yes, it is very possible that many of our soldiers would
gladly shoot any man who finds pleasure in shooting an innocent woman in
the head and then disemboweling her and throwing her body in the street
to rot after torturing her for days.
Such was the fate of Margaret Hassoon, the director of C.A.R.E.
She was an Iraqi. She
was a Muslim. Her body was
found by Marines on a street in Fallujah--a little “gift” left by
the brave “freedom fighters.”
Before any readers ask, “What about Abu Ghuraib,” let me
remind them that there are over 150,000 American troops in
. Those who committed those
crimes are few, and they are on trial and facing long prison terms Those
that killed Margaret Hassoon are revered as heroes by many in the Muslim
world. To our soldiers, they
are low-life cowards, not men of honor.
These murderers are to be despised, not placed on pedestals.
Also found in Fallujah was the horrific scene of over 200
beheaded bodies in a mosque. They
were murdered at the hands of Muqtada Al Sadr and his band of merry men
called the Mehdi Militia. Al
Sadr was judge, jury, and executioner--in a mosque.
A supposed holy place became a place of brutal death reminiscent
of a Roman coliseum. Bodies
were found stuffed in a bread oven.
They had been burned to death.
This is the image Islam presents to Americans.
What we Americans are constantly told is that Islam is only peace
and love. Tell that to the
1300 Iraqi policemen executed over a two month span.
Tell that to Margaret Hassoon who had spent her adult life
helping the people of
. Tell that to the Afghani
men who were beaten because their beards were too short, or those
executed because they were caught listening to music.
Tell that to the families of those burned to death in a bread
oven. Tell that to the child
beaten for flying a kite.
With all this death and carnage being carried out in the name of
Islam, it seems to me that websites such as The
Muslim Weekly should be working overtime to convince Americans that
there is some redeeming value to be found in Islam, not lying to its
readers about how evil Americans are killing Muslims for “the fun of
it.” Every day in
, Muslims are killing fellow Muslims and it is those Islamic terrorists
who seem to be enjoying every minute of it.