Islam Dupes the Liberal
By Barbara
J. Stock
seem to have the memory span of the average sand flea. The vicious
attack on American soil has been brushed aside by many.
The fact that the enemy’s plan of attack was discovered,
discussed, and published for all to see, also seems to have been dropped
into the dumpster and forgotten.
soldiers discovered in
“The Al Qaeda Manual” quite some time ago but Americans didn’t
learn anything from it. This
manual lays out in great detail the plans of the Islamic enemy and
everyday on the news anyone can see that Al Qaeda and other Islamic
terrorists are following it to the letter and we are helping them.
organization has a “mission statement” and terrorists are no
different. What is their
goal? They have only one: “The overthrow of the
godless regimes and their replacement with an Islamic regime.”
The terrorists have some other minor goals, but they are all in
place to achieve the main goal of world domination.
In case no one has noticed, Islam considers
one of those “Godless regimes.”
way to accomplish this goal is: “Assassinating
enemy personnel as well as foreign tourists.”
Of course, with Islamic terrorists, “enemy personnel” can be
anyone from a Jewish toddler to an Iraqi humanitarian or a Dutch
filmmaker. In short, the
enemy is anyone not a Muslim who believes the world is destined to be
ruled by Islam.
personal favorite from the mission statement is:
“Spreading rumors and
writing statements that instigate people against the enemy.”
Does the overblown behavior of a few at the Abu Ghraib
prison in
come to mind? The
saddest thing for
is that it was our own media that did the terrorists dirty work for
them. The
New York Times had that story on its front page for over 48 days.
Who needs Al Jezeera when you have The
New York Times?
lesson two, it is established that members must be Muslim.
How can an unbeliever do Allah’s work?
It is also put in black and white that all must be willing to be
martyrs for the cause.
“He [the member] has to be willing to do the work and undergo
martyrdom for the purpose of achieving the goal and establishing the
religion of majestic Allah on earth.”
There is that reminder of the goal of Islamics:
establishing the religion of majestic Allah on Earth.
Are you listening Senator Kennedy?
Do you hear the words of the enemy, Representative Pelosi?
Bin Laden and company plan a hostile takeover of your jobs.
four tells the enemy how to seek out and find the proper living
quarters. Terrorists need to
blend in with the locals, find good places to spy, and store weapons.
Their apartments should be near the intended target so they can
study movements and security and achieve the best results from the
attack. Terrorists are
taught to get the most blood for their buck.
five through nine go into great detail about member safety, security,
buying weapons, communications, and all the mundane but necessary items
for waging war.
11 and 12 give direction on espionage of both covert and open methods.
How can a good Muslim live among the beasts and stay a good
Muslim? After all, the good
terrorist must blend in and not bring attention to himself.
Dropping to his knees five times a day to pray would be noticed.
He must dress and act as the people around him and as disgusting
as he may find it, he must do that for the cause.
The terrorist-in-training is given example after example of how
Mohammed himself used spies of all kinds to achieve his goals of looting
and pillaging. Allah will
understand. This behavior is
not seen as “sinning” but suffering for the greater good.
All will be forgiven.
the expert Islamic terrorist will find himself in the hands of the
infidel on occasion. What to
do? Knowing that the
foolish, liberal West will fall all over itself to be fair with an enemy
that doesn’t know the meaning of the word “fair,” the terrorist
will be given a trial. When
the trial begins, the first thing the good terrorist must do is claim to
have been tortured.
“At the beginning of the trial, once more the brothers must
insist on proving that torture was inflicted on them by State Security
[investigators] before the judge.”
Very vocal complaints of torture should be given to the judge
and shouted to any media that is within earshot, and the names of prison
guards should be memorized and repeated.
These names should be passed on to the other “brothers” in
prison so that they can use them as well.
well the enemy knows us. While
Islamic terrorists kidnap, torture, behead, execute, and rape with wild
abandon in the name of Islam, they know liberal Americans will howl for
the head of any and all that are accused of mistreating one of these
little darlings by making him stand for eight hours in a cold room or be
blindfolded for a day.
When a
guard gets bitten by a prisoner and smacks the man doing the biting,
accusations of mistreatment are heard and the liberals, pacifists, and
American Civil Liberty’s
scream for the head of the guard.
When a Marine kills two terrorists who are coming toward him and
they refuse to stop when ordered, it is the Marine who is the criminal,
not the two dead men who had just carried out a terror attack on our
troops. Did they have
suicide vests on? Did they
have hidden weapons? No one
knew. These two terrorists
had just killed. Were they
following the orders in their handbook and becoming martyrs?
That is the dream of all Islamic terrorists.
Remember, they have those 72 virgins waiting for them in
When a Marine shoots a man playing dead after seeing his best
friend killed the day before by someone using the same tactic, the
liberal media wants his head on a pike.
The video is shown over and over again on the American cable
channels. Again, who needs
the enemy press when our own media and press outlets carry out the
terrorist’s plans to the letter?
When will this madness end? When
will Americans realize that we are at war?
When will we realize that our very lives and freedom are in
serious jeopardy from an enemy that follows no rules, knows no bounds,
will kill anyone in its way, and is expert at using our own kindness and
gullibility against us?
The Islamic terrorists have given us a roadmap to follow and we
ignore it and play right into their hands.
As to our media, had today’s media been in place prior to
D-Day, the headline of The New
York Times on
June 5, 1944
would have been: “Largest
military force ever assembled ready to land on the beaches at
tomorrow!” After all, we
wouldn’t want to give our soldiers an unfair advantage.