Let’s Blame Everyone But the Muslims
By Alan Caruba
The latest whipping boy for the mess in Mesopotamia
is Newsweek. According to one mullah over there, printing anything that
might offend Muslims is sufficient reason for some of them to riot in the
streets and end up killing one another.
That is, when they are not blowing up each other’s
mosques or innocent civilians in the marketplace. Or those Iraqis who risk
their lives to become police or military to bring order to societies where
bombings, kidnappings and beheadings lead the daily news.
Muslims never have to look to themselves for their
problems. Since the founding of Islam by Muhammad when he received his
first revelations in 610 CE and its spread beginning in 630 CE, Muslims
could always rely on the Koran to blame anything on the Jews and still do
to this day. When the fanatical Islamic Revolution began in earnest in the
1970s, imposing Sharia law on Iran, the United States of America became
the next to blame for its failures.
In Israel, where the Sharon government has turned
around 180 degrees to appease the Palestinians, agreeing to pull thousands
of its people from Gaza and parts of the West Bank, the response has been
Hezbollah’s mortars from Lebanon and those fired by Islamic Jihad from
Gaza. Muslims provide daily evidence that violence is the only answer to
the Israeli offer of negotiations and statehood in exchange for peace.
It never seems to occur to Americans that most of the
active conflicts in the world today involve Muslims, whether they are at
war with Russia in Chechnya or fighting the governments of the Philippines
or Indonesia. Or the continuing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Instead, Americans are encouraged to believe we are the bad guys because
we have some Muslim terrorists under lock and key in
or Abu Ghraib.
Meanwhile, millions of US dollars are transferred to
the Palestinians to help establish some kind of government despite his
obvious failure to assert any control over those who prefer bullets and
bombs to peace. Billions more pour into Iraq as the US attempts to bring
democracy to a nation emerging from thirty years of the most oppressive
regime of the modern era.
And, if a single newspaper or news magazine makes a
stupid mistake reporting inaccurately on how evil the US treatment of
terrorists is, the blame shifts back to us.
There are an estimated 1.2 billion Muslims in the
world and most are described as “moderates”, but a tenth of that
number is estimated to support the Islamic Revolution. That adds up to a
hundred million! I keep waiting to hear from the “moderates”, but I
doubt they will unite to deal with those who believe that Islam should
replace all other religions and Sharia law should rule everyone’s life.
Those that try the route of peace always seem to end
up being assassinated, like the Egyptian president, Anwar Sadat, who ended
the conflict with Israel.
I ran out of any patience I might have had with
Muslim apologists back in 1979 when Iranian revolutionaries held US
diplomats hostage for 444 days. I understood the threat of Palestinian
“freedom fighters” when they killed Israeli athletes during the 1972
Olympic games in Munich after several wars against Israel failed to
annihilate that nation.
Then, of course, on 9-11, everyone presumably got the
Too many Americans and others around the world
apparently have very short memories. We can hope Muslims eventually grow
up and except a world in which other religions have a right to exist and
where innocent people can expect to live out their lives without being
killed in the name of Allah, but Islam has been around now for some 1,400
years and there’s been no Reformation, no modernization, no tolerance.
Wherever Muslims immigrate and begin to grow in
numbers, they do not integrate into new societies. Instead, they begin to
demand those nations such as Great Britain or in Europe, and elsewhere
re-write their laws to accommodate the delicate sensitivities of the
Muslim population. Even in Muslim nations like Algeria, they are prepared
to kill thousands to achieve the very definition of Islam, submission.
So, when seventeen Muslims died in riots after the
Newsweek error of judgment and reporting, why is anyone surprised?
Alan Caruba writes a weekly column, “Warning
Signs”, posted on the Internet site of The National Anxiety Center, www.anxietycenter.com.
© Alan Caruba, 2005