A Worldwide Criminal
By Alan Caruba
I don’t know when it first dawned on me that the
study of history was the study of a worldwide criminal enterprise, but a
look back at just the last century reveals that the Nazis had it in mind
to control and loot all of Europe, while the Empire of Japan sought to do
the same with China and Pacific Basin nations.
If you go back in history, Pax Romana, imposed by the
Roman Empire was, in essence, a huge extortion scheme in which the
conquered nations paid
to “protect” them and provide some good roads. If you come forward to
our times, for some seventy years until 1991, the
Soviet Union
basically plundered its captive nations in the Baltics and elsewhere until
it fell apart due to the inability to do anything in a rational and
productive manner. The examples are endless and the most recent is the
massive United Nations “Oil for Food” rip-off of billions of dollars
intended to benefit the people of
, but which Saddam kept or used to bribe the French and others.
I got to thinking about this as I read “Funding
Evil” by Rachel Ehrenfeld ($14.95, Bonus Books softcover); an
extraordinary book about the way the Islamic Jihad is funded largely
through the sale of narcotics and a variety of other criminal schemes. It
also derives much of its funding from donations to “charities”, mostly
by and from Saudis, the worst perpetrators of Wahabi fundamentalism on the
face of the Earth.
Think about this, however. The whole justification
for Islam is that it is morally superior to all other religions. The
Saudis and their Middle Eastern brethren are forever denouncing America,
Israel, and the West in general as dens of iniquity, places of corruption
where pornography is rampant, people gather to drink and to dance
together, casual sex is the norm, and just about everything else we do
needs the curative effects of Sharia (Islamic) law.
May I suggest that any religion that funds worldwide
terrorism to advance the destruction of Judaism, Christianity and all
other religions, and to attack the citadel of liberty and freedom, the
United States of America
, is the new criminal enterprise that has replaced those of the past? They
do this through the worldwide sales of illegal narcotics and other
schemes. Moreover, they are funded as well by the billions Americans,
Europeans, and other nations spend to acquire their only legitimate
natural resource, oil.
The appalling hypocrisy of this seems to have escaped
many otherwise law-abiding Muslims, but it is increasingly clear that the
relentless terrorism which they claim is intended to advance Islam is
wearing thin. So much of it has been directed against other Muslims that
it was only a matter of time before the illogic of this began to set in.
In addition, there appears to be evidence that, throughout the
Middle East
, the universal, human desire to live in freedom, under a system of laws
that provide human rights and real justice, is beginning to manifest
If you think about it,
was a criminal enterprise run by the family and cronies of Saddam Hussein.
, under the control of the Assad family, is yet another example.
, under the control of its mullahs, poses yet another threat as it pours
its wealth into various terrorist organizations.
When one looks at the Middle East, one sees nation
after nation controlled by oligarchies passing themselves off as monarchs,
mullahs, or we see warlords in places like the
running the show.
is, for all intents and purposes, a dictatorship, as is, of course,
. Under the control of Arafat, the so-called Palestinian cause was little
more than a way to line his pockets. Much of
is a sinkhole of corruption.
The greatest legacy George W. Bush and the
much-maligned “neo-cons” in his administration will leave behind is a
Middle East
Ehrenfeld has provided a detailed look at the
billions being spent by the Saudis in particular and the Islamists in
general. For anyone who wants to gain an insight to the scope of the
Jihadist war, this book is required reading. “A significant portion of
the financing of many terrorist organizations stems from the illegal drug
trade,” says Ehrenfeld and then she meticulously documents how it
stretches from
South America
Along the way she notes that, “It was bin Laden who
had managed the drug profits (from
’s production of Heroin) for the Taliban and arranged money laundering
operations with the Russian Mafia.”
She traces the drug trade, its Islamic producers and distributors,
to Uzbekistan, through the Balkans, and to yet another center, South
America where a “lawless jungle corner of Argentina, Brazil, and
Paraguay is “the heart of Islamist terrorist activity in Latin America,
and home to tens of thousands of Muslims, mainly from the Middle East.”
Jihad may be the justification for this criminality
that includes every kind imaginable, but the driving force behind it and
the on-going threat to peace and stability is traceable to the complete
and utter corruption fostered by Saudi billions and the billions derived
from the scourge of illegal drugs.
Do not be fooled by the presence of Saudi
“charities”, some of which still function openly in the
United States
, nor the pretensions of groups such as al Qaeda, al Fatah, Hamas and
Hizbollah. These are criminal enterprises whose purpose is to line the
pockets of those who control them. The war against
, against
, and “the crusaders”, i.e., Christianity, is just a subterfuge for
the power being exercised by Middle Eastern dictators and others who use
Jihad as their excuse and Islam as their instrument.
Alan Caruba writes a weekly column, “Warning
Signs”, posted on the Internet site of The National Anxiety Center, www.anxietycenter.com.
© Alan Caruba, March 2005