Call It Eurabia Now
By Alan Caruba
I used to wonder why the Jews of Europe, particularly
German Jews, didn’t flee the Holocaust that would destroy six million of
them by the end of World War II. Some did, of course, but many simply
could not conceive that their fellow countrymen would conspire to kill
In a similar fashion, many Americans still want to
believe that Islamists, the extreme Muslims characterized by the Taliban
and al Qaeda, are just a minority of greater Islam.
The wish that, once isolated and destroyed, we will be embraced by
those to whom we have brought freedom and democracy, ignores the long
history of Islam’s quest for world domination.
Recent history bears witness to the fact that Arab
Muslims kill each other and anyone else with impunity to insure Jihad
succeeds. Why would we ever think they would not want to continue to kill
us as well?
This is also a question Europeans had to ask
themselves after the oil embargo of the 1970s that was intended to achieve
what several Arab wars on Israel had not. They opted for appeasement. They
put themselves in thrall to the Arab bloc. Deeply anti-Semitic, they
embraced the lies intended to isolate
In my lifetime,
brought freedom to
, a nation that had quickly surrendered to
. During the war, the
collaborator government under Marshall Petain established twenty-eight
detention camps where French Jews were then deported to Nazi death camps
Eastern Europe
, today, is one of the most anti-Semitic nations of modern Europe and the
closest ally of Arab nations and their ruling dictators minus, of course,
Saddam Hussein whom the
does not like
. Neither, for that matter, does
and several other European nations. All those lovely headlines about
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s recent visit, suggesting that
Europeans will forgive us for killing their Arab friends in response to
9-11, are the foolish notion of journalists who haven’t a clue that
has been taken over by Arabs in particular and Muslims in general.
These Muslims do not like Christians and Jews, and
that is going to make things worse for the Jews who still live in Europe
and very unpleasant for the Christians, most of whom have long since
embraced secularism, socialism, and the anti-Semitism that existed for
centuries before the Nazis and swiftly reasserted itself after their
Europeans do not see what is coming and like the Jews
who in the 1930’s refused to see what their fellow countrymen throughout
Europe had in mind for them, they face a fate that Bat Ye’or, the author
of “Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis” ($49.50/$23.95, Fairleigh Dickinson
University Press, hard/softcover), calls “a civilization of
It comes from the Arab word, “dhimmi.” As Bat
Ye’or explains it, “It refers to subjugated, non-Muslim individuals or
people that accept the restrictive and humiliating subordination to an
ascendant Islamic power to avoid enslavement or death.” And then she
adds, “The entire Muslim world as we know it today is a product of this
1,300 year-old jihad dynamic, whereby once thriving non-Muslim majority
civilizations have been reduced to a state of dysfunctional dhimmitude.”
Two nations stand against the worldwide Jihad being
waged by Islamists in the name of all Muslims and they are the
United States of America
Great Britain
. And even today there are Americans who, like the European Jews barely a
lifetime ago, do not fully comprehend how utterly determined Islamists are
in their desire to destroy or enslave us.
In early February, Daniel Pipes, the director of the
Middle East Forum, was continuing to warn Americans about the internal
threat revealed in a recently published study, “Saudi Publications on
Hate Ideology Fill American Mosques.” The study was undertaken by
Freedom House, a New York-based organization, founded in 1941 and
dedicated to the spread of democracy and freedom around the world.
This is the same freedom to which President Bush devoted his
inaugural speech.
What Freedom House discovered was that American
mosques are filled with writings, more than two hundred books and other
publications disseminated by the
Saudi Arabia
, that espoused “an anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, misogynist, Jihadist,
and (a) supremacist outlook.” Somewhere among those categories is YOU.
If you’re an American Christian, the Jihadists hate
you. If you’re an American Jew, the Jihadists want you dead. If you’re
an American woman, the Jihadists want you covered from head to foot in a
burka. In brief, if you are not a Muslim, you have no rights except those
permitted to a dhimmi, an unbeliever under the control of Islam.
Aiding them in every way is France and the European
Union whose hatred for
is as strong as its Muslim allies. So, while the air is filled with talk
of “peace” or a “truce” between the so-called Palestinians and the
Israelis, do not be deceived.
The Muslims divide the world between dar al-Islam,
the world of Islam, and dar al-harb, the world of war, a region that must
be conquered until the entire planet bows down to Allah and declares
Mohammed his prophet. There are more than a billion Muslims worldwide.
They are not all Jihadists, but they are all devoted to Islam.
As for any truce with the Israelis or with any
non-Muslim nation, Islam limits such treaties to a period of ten years,
after which Jihad must resume. The wall
built between itself and the Palestinian Arabs remains its best defense.
Ceding any land to them is a mistake.
Welcome home, Madame Secretary.
will betray you.
will do little to support the war on terrorism. Just as they did with the
millions the European Union sent them each month, the Palestinians will
take the forty million US dollars we have given them and buy more weapons
for the day when they can drive the Jews into the sea. The Iranians will
continue to build their nuclear bombs. The Saudis will conspire against
us. No diplomacy on earth will diminish the Jihad. Only our will to defeat
it will save us from dhimmitude.
Alan Caruba writes a weekly column, “Warning
Signs”, posted on the Internet site of The National Anxiety Center,
© Alan Caruba, February 2005