Real Islam Strikes
Abul Kasem
July 10, 2005
Fight against them so that Allâh will punish them by your hands and
disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing
people, And remove the anger
of their (believers') hearts. Allâh accepts the repentance of whom He wills.
Allâh is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
verse 9:14-15)
ES, THAT’S CORRECT. Allah, in the
hands of the Islamists, punishes the infidels (or non-Muslims). Should not the
western infidels, who have fallen in love with the Islamic apologists (or
peaceful Islam) learn a few lessons from this verse? The pithy message in this
verse is so loud and clear that even a primary school kid, after having
diligently read those infallible words of Allah will tell you that the
perpetrators of mayhem of 9/11, 11/3, 7/7……….are
simply carrying out what Allah has asked them to do. Even if 0.1% of the Muslims
(this will be around 1.2 million nascent Jihadists)
around the globe, with complete conviction in their faith, decide to act fully
on this verse, this should be enough to annihilate virtually all the infidels.
TV news reports that around 1% (yes, one percent) of
1.6 million Muslims are al-Qaeda supporters. This means around 16,000 potential
Islamic terrorists—16,000 prospective suicide bombers might be lurking right
in the heart of one of the greatest modern citadels,
. This is more powerful than all the atom bombs that the infidels possess.
Isn’t this mind boggling? Therefore, the simplistic logic that the vast
majority of the Muslims are peace-loving, law-abiding and are not Islamic
terrorists is completely void. You see, it is not the 99.9% of the Muslims that
matters. It is just that microscopic 0.1% that is the gravest concern of
today’s civilisation. This is akin to a virus attack. I wonder why such a
simple and perfectly clear logic does not enter the heads of infidel PC
politicians. They are vaguely satisfied that since that elusive 99.9% Muslims
are against Islamic terrorism; therefore, Islamic terrorism is bound to go away,
sooner or later.
This delusion has paralysed the western policy makers. They believe that
somehow, by resorting to PC politics, those utterly unchangeable verses of Allah
will disappear—or at least become ‘not acted upon’ by the overwhelming
majority of Muslims. I would request these ‘blind’ and ‘un-enlightened’
PC politicians to visit an Islamic Paradise, and, instead of negotiating deals
with the corrupt rulers, visit a mosque, a university, a college and a madrassa
and enquire the Muslim students about the meaning of Jihad or what do
they think of terror attacks on western cities. The glib answer from these
newest breed of Islamists might make these un-informed infidels quake in
absolute fear. For sure, these Muslim students will, provide a clear explanation
of the above verse: that is, the Qur’an unmistakably calls for the complete
destruction of infidels in the hands of Muslims by any means.
Let us now briefly review what the rest of the civilised world is doing
to face such an implacable foe.
Here are some of the steps (I recalled
from memory) the infidels have adopted to assuage a ‘raging’, seemingly
unstoppable Islamic terror:
- Passing
a resolution in the U.N. to ban the spread of Islamphobia. (Note: no mention
is made about the barbaric/terrifying Qur’anic verses, such as I quoted
- Guaranteeing
the preaching and indoctrination of Islam through construction of a plethora
of new mosques, madrassas, mussalas, Islamic colleges, Islamic primary
schools/nurseries….and what not. Mind you, in Islamic Paradises,
proselytizing any religion other than Islam is a serious offence; it might
be punishable by with death sentence.
- Imposing
a ban on critiquing Islam (refer to the draft EU constitution).
- Arresting
and incarcerating those who dare to expose ‘real Islam.’
- Allowing
unabated immigration of Islamists in infidel territories, forgetting that
the only reason these Islamists migrate to infidel lands is just to convert
these haram/najis (impure) lands
into pure Islamic Paradises by hook or by crook, and if necessary, by
colluding with the Islamic terrorists living and flourishing amidst them and
in the middle-east.
- Allowing
unrestricted growth of Islamic centres and Islamic student’s organizations
in universities and colleges. These are the fertile grounds for the hidden
Islamic terrorists.
- Permitting
the Islamists to use valuable space in educational institutions, offices,
factories, to be reserved for prayer purposes. This right of prayer space
(the infidels refers this gesture as religious freedom; the Islamists laugh
at the stupidity of the infidels) is not extended for other religions, or
denied when requested. One might wonder why there is such a policy of
duplicity. Why the Muslim students/workers/staff members should have such
privileges—even when some members of their community are hell-bent to
destroy the western civilisation? Is this the correct approach to combat
Islamic extremism/terrorism?—by feeding these barbaric Islamists with
nutrition and let them breed unchecked?
Just to confirms that the infidels have reaped what they had been sowing
for many years, a few day’s ago (
), the ‘real Islam’ struck
with crushing alacrity—Allah’s unbound vengeance.
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