Short List of Islam Bashers
May 14, 2005
Dr. Taj Hashmi is an eminent
Islamic scholar. He often writes about non-political Islam by espousing
that ‘true Islam’ is apolitical. He vehemently opposes Sharia
and chides the Mullahs for using Sharia
to defame Islam. Recently he wrote an essay, Sex
with Slave Girls and POWs in the Hadis Literature In this essay, he, surprisingly, attempted to
chide the ‘Islam bashers’, implicating that they are similar to the
Mullahs who are bent upon tarnishing the pristine, peaceful and
non-violent face of Islam.
In reply to Dr. Hashmi’s
assertions, Mr. Mohammad Asghar wrote a
In his rebuttal Mohammad Asghar
"Despite the fact that we,
the so-called Islam bashers, rely on materials and information provided to
us by such Muslim luminaries as are/were Abdullah Yusuf Ali and Pickthall
et al, and even after confessing that these and other Muslims are guiltier
than the Islam bashers are, even than our learned friend Mr. Hashmi did
not have the courage to call them blasphemers or the enemies of Islam,
preferring, instead, to sooth his injured Islamic feelings by making Syed
Kamran Mirza and me the victim of his razor-sharp knife (read keyboard!).
This is a bizarre behavior, to say the least, and I did not expect it from
a person of his caliber and status. "
Here is my response to the above
Please consider the following
logical deductions:
According to the original essay of
Dr. Taj Hashmi the Islam bashers misinterpret the Qur'an and use Hadis to
bash Islam relentlessly.
The Mullahs and the Imams also
misinterpret the Qur'an and use Hadis to expose 'real Islam'.
The logical conclusion is: THE
That is, the Mullahs and the Islam
bashers are one and the same.
Funny, isn't it?
Now, consider this.
Allah wrote the Qur'an and the
Mullahs and the Islam bashers bash Islam using the Qur'an.
Therefore, Allah too, is bashing
Funny, isn't it?
Extend this logic a little
Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam
Dawud....et.al. compiled the Sahih (authentic) Ahadith.
The Mullah's and the Islam bashers
are using those ahadith to bash Islam.
Therefore, Bukhari, Dawud, Muslim,
Tirmizi, Nassai, Ibn Majah are also bashing Islam
Continue this logic until you meet
Muhammad More? Here is a short-list of the
recent bashers of Islam.
Imam Bukhari
Imam Dawud
Imam Muslim
Imam ibn Majah
Maulana Yusuf Ali
Marmaduke Pickthal
Ibn Ishaq
Imam Ghazali
Imam Bayhaqi
Umdat al-Salik
Imam Tayimiah
Imam Hasan al-Banna
Imam Tantawi
Al-Azhar Unviversity
and so on.
So, who are the latest Islam
bashers to join the above list?
Syed Kamran Mirza
Abul Kasem
Mohammad Asghar
Taslima Nasrin
Imran Hussain
Syed Munir
Sher Khan
Ali Sina
Jamal Hasan
.and so on
Very funny, isn't it?
Please feel free to remove your
name from the above list if you think you are no longer an Islam basher.
Conversely, feel free to add your
name in the above list if you want to be an Islam basher.
You have nothing to lose except
the eternal fire of hell. Look at the head of the list. It is Allah.
Abul Kasem
writes from Sydney Australia. Comments can be forwarded at [email protected]