Question 69 |
Your site promotes racism. |
In the forum of this site ex-Muslims are in excellent term with people of all
the races and nationalities. We have Arabs and Jews who are no longer enemies
but buddies. How can you say we promote racism? All you have to do is leave
Islam, this cult of hate and join the rest of mankind who have no hatred towards
you as a human being. They are afraid of Islam and that is for very good
reasons. Islam is dangerous and evil. Every sane person must be afraid of it.
Only fools still trust Islam and don't fear it. Didn't Muhammad himself promise to
cast terror in the hearts of those who do not believe in him? ( 8.12,
3.151 )
Well, he succeeded. How can you not see this hatred among mankind is promoted by the Quran? We are
bringing people together. We are making people see that if we shed our bigotry
and irrational beliefs that divide mankind we are one people and very much
alike. If you want to end racism and hate, fight Islam, not us.
Islam must be banned. Neither the antiquity, nor the
big numbers of adherents are valid excuses to vest this cult of hate with the
mantel of legitimacy.
If you are of Arab or Middle
Eastern descent, all you are doing is hurting yourself, your families,
and your friends. |
You are mistaken. We are showing the world that there is also another side to us
Arabs and Middle Easterners. We are making people see that we are not all
terrorists and mindless bigots. We are making them see stupidity has nothing to
do with race. Those who commit these acts of barbarity are infected by an
insanity called Islam. They have lost their humanity. We are not all like them. We
are humans, not Muslims. Once we are cured from Islam, we are as good as anyone else.
This is the
underlying message of this site. People
who read this site get exactly that message
You are making people hate
Muslims. |
That is what Muslim terrorists and their apologists are doing already. People
don't hate Muslims because we say Islam is evil. They hate them when Muslims
rape and massacre children as they did in Beslan, blow up buildings and commuter
trains or plan to kill thousands by poisoning foods in hospitals, schools and
supermarkets. They hate Muslims when shameless apologists of Islam keep lying
about the nature of Islam presenting it as a religion of peace when by now, only
a diehard fool would believe in that nonsense. We are trying to put things in
perspective and demonstrate that this insanity has nothing to do with us as
people. It is the product of a nefarious and anti-human cult. We are not evil
and dangerous just because we are Middle Easterners, but those who believe in
Islam and follow it to the letter, are.
We are also showing this insanity can infect anyone
from any nationality and once a person is infected by Islam, he becomes a
zombie. True Muslims are dangerous. An American or a British true Muslim is just
as dangerous as a Saudi or a Palestinian true Muslim is. Evil is not racial. No
one is born with murderous genes. It is all in our upbringing and beliefs. Islam
is extremely evil. You take a saint, convert him to Islam and indoctrinate him
with the Quran and chances are that he will become a terrorist. Even if he
does not become a terrorist, he will start hating the rest of mankind like the
terrorists do. The loss of humanity in Muslim
converts is gradual and incremental. It happens without them noticing it. Any person who converts to Islam becomes less human. How less human he becomes,
depends on how much he puts his faith on Muhammad. In our forum, we had a British nurse
convert who openly supported the death penalty for apostates and approved of
slavery in Sudan. If you are a Muslim, there is an easy way for you to see how
inhuman you have become. All you have to do is reverse the table and think how
would you feel if another religion holds views similar to Islam. How would you
feel if, for example Christianity, taught Muslims are najis, that they must be
subdued, humiliated, pay Jizyah or slain? What would you think of a people who
worship a rapist, a pedophile, a thief and a mass murderer? Of course you would
not think of such people as humans. As Saadi said:
"The sign of humanity is in humanness. Otherwise
what is the difference between a human and a painting on a wall?"
Not all the Muslims are terrorists. That is because not all of them are true
Muslims. But as long as they remain Muslims, they are in danger of
becoming terrorists. Muslims hate mankind to the degree that they love
Muhammad. This is an undeniable fact that can be readily observed by anyone.
Once you leave Islam, you see mankind as one people.
You won't talk any longer about Islam and Muslims. You only condemn injustice
and cruelty irrespective of where it happens and you will start seeing Muslims
are the MAIN culprits of injustice everywhere. They are the ones who
can't live with others and start the wars and killings.
If Islam is true, prove it; if you can’t, leave it. This cult is hurting us
all. Why cling to something false that hurts us? Islam is demonic. There is
nothing good about it. If you can find something good in Islam that you can't
find elsewhere, show it to me.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. On one hand you are the partner of the
thieves and on the other, you want to be a friend of the caravan. It does not
work that way. Islam is the enemy of mankind. You are either with us or with our
The following is the answer of a Muslim cleric to
someone asking what is the ruling for those defaming Muhammad. His chilling
response demonstrates the evil of Islam. Those holding such views can't be
called humans. If you disagree with him, prove that he is wrong. You certainly
can't because he has the Quran and the hadith on his side and you have nothing
but a baseless denial that you have concocted for the the uninformed
non-Muslims. But these uninformed non-Muslims are becoming informed rapidly and
your denials are not going to fool anyone.
Islam is sinking. Leave it now!