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New postPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 7:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear friends,

Please examine and analyse islam all you like and shread it to pieces but avoid using wording that shows ill will towards muslims. In other words let us not be like muslims.

This thread especially is not fit for emotional out bursts. So please avoid using negative emotional language and if anyone has please do not hesitate from editing yourselves. Our objective is not to defeat muslims by killing them or by insuting them but to help them win against islam by helping them think logically.

Muslims are not stupid=lacking intelligence but many lack information and therefore are unable to think rationally. We exmuslims are proof of what I am saying. So dear brothers and sisters, be patient and believe me things are changing for the better.

Serious debates are beginning to take place even on muslim forums between themselves if you have visited some recently. Such a thing was unheared of a while back. I think muslim are beginning to realise that islam is cause of their problems hence the race for reinterpretation of islam has started. Of course, it will take time to reach new equilibrium so I think we should not attract unwanted attention of muslims by our careless remarks.

Back to the discussion, I see our dear brother nadir, has not posted anything yet, all the while he seemed so desparate to talk about science in the quran. It would have helped him understand our points of view better if he had read some articles here because we have already discussed quite a lot of stuff about quran and science. On the other hand it may be that he is quietly preparing some article for response. Well good luck to him, it will only educate us better about the islam and the science.

Once again please fellow members keep your eyes on what we wish to achieve.

Love and
All the best, from Mughal at

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New postPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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New postPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 12:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ExamineTheTruth.com accepts Ali Sina's challenge:

"I invite you to disprove my accusations of Muhammad and Islam. If you can show that what I say is unfounded I promise to remove this site not before confessing that I was wrong and Islam is a true religion. "

Ali Sina stated the following:
"Muhammad and his followers destroyed all the books that belonged to the pre Islamic era of "jahiliyyah". If no other book prior to Muhammad mentions this city it is because Muhammad burned those books."

What the..... this is a complete LIE !!!!!!! Now, Ali Sina, by the grace of God, you have been exposed as a liar just like Robert Morey:


I am challenging you.... to show your evidence for this statement which you have made, if you can not, then this will expose you as a liar once and for all.

rather, we have several examples of PRE ISLAMIC POETRY:



Nadir Ahmed
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New postPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 1:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nadir wrote:
dude.... listen.... you aint no scholar in Islam, youre a "POSER"... you dont even have the prerequisites of being a scholar.. have you mastered the Arabic language??

If you want name calling and insults, you don't need Ali. It is "I" you want. So take your brainwashed monkey ass out of here before you look like a complete idiot. Go ahead...
"I have built my organization upon fear."

Al Capone (1899-1947), The American Gangster
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New postPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 2:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nadir, did you change your name when you became Muslim or have you lost your accent? You sound like a white guy on those tapes.

ANYWAY, the Moderator should edit that n-word post since the forummer refuses before it gets out of hand and used against FFI.

edit: Too late. Nadir already quoted this guy in his Rebuttal #1. Seems convient. Doesn't it? After reading Nadir's rebuttal, it is obvious that his modus operandi is to goad more well-known opponents into some sort of exchange using insults, etc. then provide "rebuttal" in the form of emoticons, cliches and casual conversation-style language in hopes that the oponent will get frustrated with the non-scholarly debate and ignore Nadir at which point he can claim victory.

His probability arguement only works as long as he continues to ignore the mistakes the Koranic author made. Especially about the sun setting in murky springs.
Being anti-Islam, Naziism, Communism, and Zionism does not equate to hating Muslims, Germans, Russians or Jews.
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New postPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Peace Nadir,

Nadir_ahmed wrote:

Ali Sina stated the following:
"Muhammad and his followers destroyed all the books that belonged to the pre Islamic era of "jahiliyyah". If no other book prior to Muhammad mentions this city it is because Muhammad burned those books."

What the..... this is a complete LIE !!!!!!! Now, Ali Sina, by the grace of God, you have been exposed as a liar just like Robert Morey:


I am challenging you.... to show your evidence for this statement which you have made, if you can not, then this will expose you as a liar once and for all.

Ali Sina's statement was a NEGATIVE claim. Logically the proof of burden lies on the shoulder of the positive claimant. If you are claiming the positive existence of pre-islamic books then it is up to you to prove it.

Also take note that Ali Sina said "accusations". This is a generalization which implies that you have to disprove at least 51% of his accusations.

Nadir_ahmed wrote:

rather, we have several examples of PRE ISLAMIC POETRY:



those were mere comments, not examples.

thanks. Smile
Islam - the religion invented by Mohammed.
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New postPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 3:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Greetings dear brother.

Your response to brother ali sina,

Response #1 to Ali Sina


dude.... listen.... you aint no scholar in Islam, youre a "POSER"... you dont even have the prerequisites of being a scholar.. have you mastered the Arabic language?? Have you mastered any of the disciplines of the Islamic sciences, fiqh, or jurisprudence? Do you have a letter of recommendation from an accredited Islamic University verfing that you are a master of a particular field?

The TRUE scholars have responded to people like you, who go around the ignorant masses, passing themselves off as "Islamic Experts".... and have simply stated...

" The scholars are who the scholars say are the scholars...."

and everyone knows who the scholars are, even, they are in their gatherings, and at times they refute them....... right? Here are some:


I dont see you name there Ali lol Smile

Rather, Ali Sina, what you are, is a garbage man. Seriously, I'm not trying to be a jerk. You recycle garbage.The material on your website is simply a "cut and paste" from other websites, you simply recycle and polish the material and display it on your website. Thats all. Recycling garbage does not make a person a scholar. The truth is, people like you are a dime a dozen...

But that doesn't mean that your website is useless. In today's world there is a great want for people like Ali Sina.. there are many bigots and hate mongers who have extreme hatred and loath for Islam, they would like nothing more to rekindle the fire of the crusades and they need some kind of outlet. Ali Sina gives provides exactly that.. and caters to that crowd... here is an example of an Ali Sina fan who just wrote this post on his website forums:

"I try to interprete Islam in a language that nigger Muslims understand.

As far as I am concerned all Muslims are lowest of the breed."

in addition to that, I invite you to visit yahoo Islam chat room, or paltalk social issues room, there you will find many Ali Sina's clientele... "high" off Ali Sina's website, frothing at the mouth, hurling all kind of slurs at Muslims from nigger to camel fu@#&r., "throw all the Muslims out of America!! posting www.faithfreedom.org everywhere....

and it is a big market out there... But that does not mean that Ali has the same intent has his audience, he stated that his intentions are different.. So, you see, its all bout supply and demand. Thats all.

Now I will respond to your "refutation" of the evidences for the Quran and Science. As God is my witness, it had to have been one of the worst refutations I have ever read...I mean.. . Ali.... this is realllllly bad..

I would like to point out that it is a prerequisite to first listen to the Ahmed-Giron debate on Quran and Science which is located on my website: www.ExamineTheTruth.com

to put Ali Sina's refutation in a nutshell, he basically said, that all the scientific statements in the Quran were ALL coincidences and good guesses. And he gave some examples of hypothetical possible scenarios of how these alleged coincidences may have occured.

these arguments were clearly refuted in the debate,infact, I was the one who bought them up, and I even went soo far as to provide the human possibilities for these statements which matched up with modern science!! here they are again:

IF Statement = Scientific fact THEN

(it can be one or more of the following 8 possibilities)

A. Perhaps the author of the statement was a genious

B. A very good guess,luck

C. Perhaps the author of the statement was a great scientist

D. Coincidence (ex: a poetic statement which just happened to match

up with science),luck, and the author had no intention of talking

about science; it was an accident. No intention.

E. Common sense (ex: rain causes grass to grow)

F. The scienctific fact is observable.

G. The information already pre-existed in history

(this can only be entertained if we have historical errors)

H. A source greater than man was involved

I also refuted the possibilities of all these scientific arguments being coincidences or lucky guesses:

1. Bee = 1/2

2. Iram = 1/500,000

3. Barrier between the seas = 1/500,000

4. Barrier between salt and fresh waters= 1/500,000

5. complete darkness in the deep ocean = 1/500,000

6. Lowest point on earth = 1/500,000

7. Iron = 1/500,000

8. Orbit = 1/500,000

Therefore, the chances of all 8 scientific statements being

a coincidence is the following:

1/2 * 1/500,000 * 1/500,000 * 1/500,000 * 1/500,000 * 1/500,000 * 1/500,000 * 1/500,000 = 1/3.5 *10^36

What if we say that the following 8 scientific statements in the Quran were all the product of a good guess, then the following would be the probability:

1. Bee = 1/2

2. Iram = 1/10,000

3. Barrier between the seas = 1/10,000

4. Barrier between salt and fresh waters= 1/10,000

5. complete darkness in the deep ocean = 1/10,000

6. Lowest point on earth = 1/10,000

7. Iron = 1/10,000

8. Orbit = 1/10,000

1/2 * 1/10,000 * 1/10,000 * 1/10,000 * 1/10,000 * 1/10,000 * 1/10,000 * 1/10,000 = 1/2.0 *10^28


Smart people who have listened to the debate realize that you CAN NOT pass off all of the scientific statements as guesswork and coincidence, look what one of Ali Sina's fans who listened to the debate said:


"I listened to Denis Giron's debate and I thought the argument of 'chance' was rather ridiculous"

here is a smart kid, he knows the pit falls that lie ahead... I only wish Ali Sina had the same common sense Smile

so I will simply be repeating my arguments... perhaps, the next time around Ali will attempt to refute them. This is going to be a cakewalk.....

Quran and Bees....

"You have chosen a few verses from the Quran and reinterpreted them to correlate with the modern science"

the same charge was made by Denis in the debate as a "hail marry" attempt because he was losing the debate, so I came back and challenged him to show me where? He could not. Perhaps you can?

"Aristotle observed that the brood of drones appear even when thereis no ruler bee in the hive. This is an accurate observation. As we know today, unfertilized female workers can lay eggs in the absence of a queen, but the eggs develop into drones. Aristotle gave a fairly accurate description of the bees with only few mistakes like confusing the genger of the Queen and calling it the King."

So, where did you learn this fact about Aristotle? ME! thats where lol,I have already refuted this argument in my debate! Rather than addressing my refutation, you can back and simply restated the objection!!!!!!! omg

Therefore, LET ME REPEAT MYSELF!!! The point I made in the debate, which you were suppose to respond to, was that were the following:

1. Showing a scientific statement already pre-existed in history means nothing. As I have already explained, how did the author of the quran know know to select this explanations versus the other wrong explanations which pre existed in history... the books of antiquity are riddled with scientific errors! How did the author of the Quran know to select this piece of

truth, in an ocean of falsehood and myths?

For example, if a person were to copy from his neighbor on test day because he did not study for the test, he runs a risk of still flunking! Because if his neighbor did not study, then he will be coping the wrong answers to his test paper,along with some correct answers. So, likewise doing a copy job in the 6th century,is a even more dangerous job, because the books available are riddled with myths and legends!

Therefore, if someone were to say that the Quran was a copy job of Aristotle, then he must also show where the author the Quran also copied the scientific ERRORS in Aristotle's book, here is an example of some of the scientific errors pertaining to bees in Aristotle’s book:


(where honey comb is made from)

Aristotles errors on bees:

1. Aristotle thought that the queen bee was actually a MALE.

2. bees do not give birth to young but fetch their young from flowers

(bees are actually grown from eggs)

3. bees come from olives?

4. honeycomb is made from flowers (it is made of wax)

5. wax comes from the gum of trees (it comes from wax glands of the bees)

6. female bees do not sting, because nature does not provide females with weapons", i.e., sting

Unless you can show one of these scientific errors in the Quran pertaining

to bees in the Quran, then you can not accuse the author of the Quran of coping.

Another logical error is that people attempt to show alleged scientific errors which are

not in Aristotles books to accuse the author of the Quran of coping! Nevertheless,their are no scientific errors in the quran

Since we see that NONE of these scientific errors pertaining to bees from Aristotle are in the Quran, therefore the author of the Quran DID NOT palgerize from Aristotle.

"All Arabs used the same word even before Muhammad"

yes, but not but the point which I was making was that the CORRECT roles were given to the female bee a word which was used by all Arabs.....

In conclusion, the books available to Prophet Muhammed(P) said that the worker bee was male, some books said female, and some said both. Which one is correct?? Which books should I choose ?

Therefore, as you can see, Ali Sina refuted NOTHING!! All I have done here is repeat my ORIGINAL arguement!! Ali didnt even attempt to try and refute my argument Smile

Therefore, here are the 2 take home points of the issues of bees which has gone UNCHALLENGED!!

1. The Quran is scientifically acurate as far as the role of the female bees.

2. No evidence exists of plagerism.

3. If we were to say the author of the Quran guessed, or it was a coincidence, than the probability is 1/2 (actually 1/3 but I want to go easy on your guys) .....

#3 is the most important arguement here... because if you say this was a guess, I have 7 more "guesses" .... you know what that means?

1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2

yes, you got it FACTORING! So, you be very careful and use this explanation sparingly Smile You dont want the probability of all these statements to be guesses to be soo high, that it is impossible Smile

to say that these scientific statements were all guess and coincidences is ultimate disaster for the atheist, because of the probability involved. And you better believe im going to pull out my calculator and do the math in the end....

these were there the arguements which Ali Sina was suppose to refute but he did not

City of Iram

"The destruction of a city is a big event. It is obvious that people will talk about it and tell its tales to their descendants."

if that logic was true... then that means we have a record of EVERY destroyed city from the time of Adam, which would go back BILLIONS of years ago, I would like to ask Ali Sina to please provide for us that list Smile

"Who said no books prior to Muhammad mentioned Iram?"

All researchers agree on this. National Geographics did an article on Iram, and the only reference they came up with which mentioned this city was the Quran.

One of the critics of the Qur'an (Wellhausen) stated that Iram was a fictional place. If Ali knows of a book before the Quran which states Iram as a city, please do share

Please also read what I wrote about this "borrowing" allegation that I just wrote above. But, I really dont have a problem with this hypothetical possiblity, because when i calculate the probability of SELECTIVELY CHOOSING the name of a city which the world does not know from a book, only to be discovered 1400 years later through archaelogical find... the number will kill you... Smile and to add insult to injury, I will multiply that

number with 1/2 (from the bee)

math is a bi@#@ isn't it?

"Muhammad and his followers destroyed all the books that belonged to the pre Islamic era of "jahiliyyah". If no other book prior to Muhammad mentions this city it is because Muhammad burned those books."

What the..... this is a complete LIE !!!!!!! Now, Ali Sina, by the grace of God, you have been exposed as a liar just like Robert Morey:


I am challenging you.... to show your evidence for this statement which you have made, if you can not, then this will expose you as a liar once and for all.

rather, what we have several examples of PRE ISLAMIC POETRY:



Now, Ali Sina, you have stated:


"I invite you to disprove my accusations of Muhammad and Islam. If you can show that what I say is unfounded I promise to remove this site not before confessing that I was wrong and Islam is a true religion. "

Therefore, if you can not provide evidence that the Prophet Muhammed did what you accused him of, then I would like for you to fulfill your promise.... and take this website down

"The tales of Iram with its lofty pillars must have been in the lore of the people of Arabia"

this is your self self-delusion. Scholars have researched this, and have come up with nothing. THERE IS NO BOOK OTHER THAN THE QURAN WHICH MENTIONS IRAM.

"and the way Muhammad casually mentions it with no further explanation is clear that his audience already knew what he is taking about. "

petitio principii. Your premises are as false as your conclusion. The Quran does not state that you are suppose to know every thing mentioned in this book. This is a false assertion. Rather, the Quran states the exact OPPOSITE of what you are saying, the Quran clearly states that there are things about this book which will not be known to you:

3:7. It is He Who has sent down to you (Muhammad SAW) the Book (this Qur'ān). In it are Verses that are entirely clear, they are the foundations of the Book [and those are the Verses of Al-Ahkām (commandments, etc.), Al-Farā'id (obligatory duties) and Al-Hudud (legal laws for the punishment of thieves, adulterers, etc.)]; and others not entirely clear. So as for those in whose hearts there is a deviation (from the truth) they follow that which is not entirely clear thereof, seeking Al-Fitnah (polytheism and trials, etc.), and seeking for its hidden meanings, but none knows its hidden meanings

save Allāh. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in it; the whole of it (clear and unclear Verses) are from our Lord." And none receive admonition except men of understanding. (Tafsir At-Tabarī).

therefore, my points stand unrefuted:

1. The Quran mentions a city named Iram, and this city was later discovered 1400 years later during an archaeological find.

2. I have no problem accepting that the false assertion that the author of the Quran plagerized from another source, even though, you have not provided a single shread of evidence.. the reason why is because you are not excempt from the math! So here is my probabilty on any person SELECTIVELY CHOOSING a city which the world does not know of from a book, and that city being discovered later in an archaelogical dig..

how does.... 1/10,000 sound? Using the Subjective theory of probability. But if you would like me to go lower no problem, I will accept any reasonable assessment.

So, here is what we have:

1/2 x 1/10,000 = 1/20,000

the same holds true for coincidence, and guess.

Quran and barriers.

"anyone going to the sea watching sweet waters carrying sediments flowing into the salty waters of the ocean can see they do not mix immediately"

it is a known fact that there is

NO VISIBLE BARRIER between salt and fresh water..

but I dont have a problem with your hypothetical scenario, therefore, what you are saying, is that the author of the Quran meant to describle sediments

flowing into the ocean, BUT BY COINCIDENCE, he left out of the Quran that he was observing sediment, and by COINCIDENCE, this verse matches up with a scientific fact which researchers have only come to know today, that there is a barrier between salt and fresh water. What do you think the probability of that is??

You see, critics are literally hanging themselves with a rope when they come up with these silly little stories... it is working against them! Because they forget that every time they raise an issue of coincidence, MATHMETICS IS AUTOMATICALLY INVOLVED! The more stories they can come up with, the more they dig themselves in a hole...

"Sailors must have noticed more buoyancy of their boats in the salty waters of the sea than when they were navigating in rivers and lakes of sweet water"

another hypothetical COINCIDENCE that it matches up with science?

proability.... probability...... probability....

"Waters that have different salinity, density and temperature do not mix readily, however they do eventually. But Muhammad states that there is a barrier between them and a partition that is forbidden to be passed. This

is of course not true."

we are not talking about waters that have different salinity,rather we are talking about a barrier between fresh and salt waters..this barrier has been illustrated here:


as we know, there are many different types of barriers, for example, there are radiating barrier, Iron curtain barriers, leaky barriers..etc. The Quran does not state what TYPE of barrier, and the ambigious phrase,forbidding, inviolable barrier (barzakhan wahijran mahjooran) does not tell us what TYPE of barrier.

"Muhammad must have heard about this phenomenon but his knowledge was not complete and he assumed that the waters never mix. "

total baseless assumption, show us proof of what you are saying if you are truthful

"That is why he is talking of barriers between the seas. There is no such barrier at all and all waters do mix. "

this is a false statement, there is indeed a barrier between the seas.. science has confirmed this,


but is also important to point out that the Quran does not state what TYPE of barrier(radiating barrier, Iron curtain barriers, leaky barriers..etc.)

therefore, here is the conclusion:

1. Quran accurately affirms that there are barriers between the

seas and and between fresh and salt water.

2. To sum up what ali states, he passes it off as a coincidence.. I am

willing to hold this as a possiblity, but we would need to calculate

the probability of this coincidence, and multiply it with the Ali Sina's

other probabilities he cited:

1/2 X 1/10,000 X 1/10,000

3. Ali's attempt to show scientific error was thwarted.

Quran and Darkness of the Ocean

"Isn’t this obvious to anyone who has taken a dive into the water to know that the deeper you go the darker it becomes"

you obviously seem lost here... from the very beginning of my debate, I said I would entertain all possibilities, infact, I even gave you all the logical possibilities:

IF Statement = Scientific fact THEN

(it can be one or more of the following 8 possibilities)

A. Perhaps the author of the statement was a genious

B. A very good guess,luck

C. Perhaps the author of the statement was a great scientist

D. Coincidence (ex: a poetic statement which just happened to match

up with science),luck, and the author had no intention of talking

about science; it was an accident. No intention.

E. Common sense (ex: rain causes grass to grow)

F. The scienctific fact is observable.

G. The information already pre-existed in history

(this can only be entertained if we have historical errors)

H. A source greater than man was involved

all you have done thus far is give examples of A-G , nothing else. Therefore, you are refuting nothing.

anyhow, you are saying, that the author of the Quran saw light getting less, then made a correct guess, that out of the following possibilities:

A. at the very bottom it will be completely dark

B. the ground is refracting the light back

C. there is a point of equilibrium of light meaning the amount

of light stays constant the rest of the way down.


So, as you can see, there are atleast 4 possibilities.

it would be common sense for a person to pick D , but I will be agreeable with Ali here, and put the GUESS as 1/4 probability.

1/2 X 1/10,000 X 1/10,000 X 1/4

Iron sent down to earth

"The verse actually should not be taken literally. In this verse Muhammad is saying that we sent you everything that you need including iron with which has mighty power i.e. is strong and can benefit you as well. He did not mean that the iron, among all the elements, is the only element that has descended from the heaven"

what you are saying is a possibility, BUT CAN NOT BE PROVEN TRUE. But if what you are saying is true, then, this will fall under the category of COINCIDENCE. And as you know, coincidence, is a bizarre accident.

"In Muhammad's language eveything is "sent' to man by God and that is the meaning of this word andalna here"

This is FALSE. Man, Ali, you aint no scholar! No scholar would make such a stupid statement... the truth is..

First, The word is NOT andalna rather the word is anZalna, I dont know of any word in the arabic dictionary "andalna" perhaps you can go to the Hans Weir dictionary and show me? Smile Another point, this error of yours tells me that you dont know Arabic, Mastery of the Arabic language is a prerequisite to becoming a scholar pal......

the Quran mentions things which are from the earth, and things which are

not from the earth, here are some things which the earth produces according to the Quran:

36:36. Glory be to Him, Who has created all the pairs of that which the earth produces, as well as of their own (human) kind (male and female), and of that which they know not

so human beings are from earth:

71:17 . And Allāh has brought you forth from the (dust of) earth.

[Tafsir At-Tabarī, Vol.29, Page 97]. but it does not talk about the individual

elements. A human is a composition of the many elements which have settled on the earth, but the quran does not say where those elements come from

"He did not mean that God sent the iron from they sky but since the giver of the iron is God so the verb nadala is used."

A statement with Absolutely NO proof, what Ali Sina is doing here, is just showing another hypothetical scenario of a COINCIDENCE. thats all....

"Mr. Ahmed in the defense of his theory states that the energy required to create one atom of iron equals several times the energy stored in the sun."

you careless idiot, I did NOT say that.. rather I said to create one atom of Iron takes about 4 times as much energy of our SOLAR SYSTEM

Do me a favor, STOP MISQUOTING ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1. This statment of the Quran matches up with Science 100% . Science does indeed tell us that Iron could not have been created by the earth, rather it had to have been sent down.

2. Ali, suggests but can not prove that it MAY BE a bizarre COICIDENCE, and you know what that means....... you got it! PROBABILITY!!!!!! How does 1/500,000 sound?

Quran and Orbits

"Anyone looking at the sky can see that the Sun and the Moon follow a fixed orbit"

False. Many different cultures had different explanations for the sun and moon, like birth and death, and all kinds of stuff.. here is an example:


"The Quran is talking about neither the actual orbit of the sun around the central star of the Milky Way that takes 226 million years nor the orbit of the moon around the Earth that takes 29 days. Muhammad is talking about the "perceived" orbit of these objects that takes 24 hours. "

A statement with Absolutely NO proof, what Ali Sina is doing here, is just showing another hypothetical scenario of a COINCIDENCE. thats all.... Nevertheless, it is a hypothetical possibility...

From this point on, this wild-eyed fanatic Ali Sina flies off in a frenzy.. spinning his own personal interpretations, building straw man, and reading into the Quran what is NOT their, I think someone needs to call in his nurse so he can be sedated. Let me respond to just a few of this lunatics rantings:

"Dr. Morey, obviously saw you are not a scholar and did not think you are worth his time. You go around claiming you have defeated him? How you have defeated him when he did not even dignify you with a response? "

you idiot, you are making a complete fool out of yourself, here is his response:


but look here … see how Ali Sina idolizes and looks up to a known pathological liar!!!

Birds of the same feather flock together…

Ali, you make this to easy for me. Smile

"You try to debate with some recognized names on the net and even though they do not respond to you add them to your portfolio to make yourself look bigger that who you really are"

For God sake take your medication, you are not coherent, man, you are making a complete ass out of yourself and Im loving every minute of it... Smile

If you see my website, I have a public debate for all those so called "big names" between me and them on my website, and future debates are on the way..

as for Robert Morey, he is toast. My article on him has damaged him irrevocably. The really cool thing is MANY of his fans are writing me and agreeing with me that he is a liar.. currenlty I have 2 radio shows which both me and Robert Morey have been invited to debate... Morey is aware of them.. lets hope he accepts...and as for debating Morey, I believe he said yes, but I have fill out some kind of paper work, and get a letter from my Imaam lol lol lol

"claiming to have won when we did not even start to debate"

what did i tell you? You didnt listen to me, I told you DO NOT LIE ON ME.

Where did I say I have won?? ( before you make an ass out of yourself again, a knock down is not the samething as a knock out.. right?)

Where did I say I have won, Ali? I warned you to stop your lying, But by the grace of God, you have been exposed as a liar, just like Robert Morey, and I believe my mission is accomplished here in this post, what you have demonstrated, even when I gave you fair warning, you still could not stop lying... because this is your nature.

Dont forget, you must show us proof for the following statement:

"Muhammad and his followers destroyed all the books that belonged to the pre Islamic era of "jahiliyyah". If no other book prior to Muhammad mentions this city it is because Muhammad burned those books."

If you can not come up with the evidence, you promised to shut down your filthy website.

Remember these wise words:

Birds of the same feather flock together..

And as for your claim, Prophet Muhammed ((PBUH) is a truthful person and not a liar like you Ali Sina, you bum Smile


Nadir Ahmed


End of you response.

Regards and
All the best, from Mughal at

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New postPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 4:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Such a long winded brainwashed person. Totally illiterate in terms of science, history, logic and probability.

Truly one of the worst cases of Islamitis.

This man obviously didtn go to secondary school. (Madrassa doesnt count)
Bread, proudly a former Muslim who saw the light.Islam is the only personality cult dedicated to a dead man, MuhamMAD. MuhamMAD is the only paedophile, antisemite, ethnic cleanser and rapist who is worshipped and praised for ``moral``behaviour.
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New postPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So far this is my analysis of the debate.
Another sad day for me, I didn't realize the caliber of Mr. Nadir was sooo below average. It is no wonder that people cannot debate with this man. I find him very typical of Islamic debaters where you can only hear noise. Name calling and insults make up the bulk of his rebuttal, it is very disconcerting to read comments like this...
Nadir wrote:
This is FALSE. Man, Ali, you aint no scholar! No scholar would make such a stupid statement... the truth is..

Nadir wrote:
A statement with Absolutely NO proof, what Ali Sina is doing here, is just showing another hypothetical scenario of a COINCIDENCE. thats all....

Let us decide that, please. Nadir please do a better job, so far you're loosing on all fronts cut the Math it's worthless.

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New postPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

what a pathetic attempt at a rebuttal Saracen. Your rebuttal on the issue of the bee was the worst.

And your Lord inspired the bee: build homes in mountains and trees,
and in (the hives) they build for you.

if the arabic word for bee is feminine Mahomet is simply stating the obvious. Even I as a kid new that the bees made hives. Mahomet had no idea that the bees building the hives were female. There is no revelation here. He was simply using a feminine word to describe something that is obvious to everyone.
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New postPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

- The only religion, is the religion of truth. Without truth there can be no reason.

Last edited by TruthSpeaker on Tue Jan 06, 2004 7:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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New postPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Could someone please tell me how the heck does Nadir come up with these figures?
Why is everything 1 out of 500,000 ?
In the case of Iram; as if a person knows or happens across 500,000 legends on ancient cities in order to somehow pick the correct 1 out of the supposed 500,000 others? (Which is such a high figure, you take it as miraculous)
I dont think I will ever know 500,000 of anythings in my entire lifetime! : )
As if there even were 500,000 ancient cities at all ???

What is likely, is an ancient city being mentioned in an ancient book.(Qur'an)
What is coincidence, is being able to find that city today to verify its existence. Not the other way around.

As for pre-Islamic Arabian poetry, is this something which was not under threat and survived through books, or was this something that was passed down by word of mouth? We know Mohammed destroyed idols, we know early Muslims burnt Qur'ans.
Is it only Pre-Islamic poetry which remains? Wouldnt there have been Historic books, Religious books, ??

As for the barrier of seas, Could you please provide a link that is unbiased ? Your link was from an Islamic website.

As for dark depths of the oceans, Ali Sina was correct in his refutation so please do not call this a 1 in 10,000 chance. lol

As for lowest point on Earth, please you also know Ali Sina was correct.

As for the Iron, I read also that the same wording for "Iron being sent down" was the same as when Qur'an mentions cows are given to you.
So are cows sent from outerspace too?

The very fact that Qur'an is so vague and lacking any real substance somehow invites this type of thinking.

Dear Nadir, Since the Quran does not say anything about the Queen bee, then why do you believe that the Qur'an says the Queen bee is female?
If the Arabic word for a bee was already feminine, then this thing is solved already. I am sorry but, Where is the miracle here?
Simply the Arabs saw some feminine quality in them.
So you are absolutely false in saying 1/2 chance.

You quoted an ayah 3:7. It is He Who has sent down to you (Muhammad SAW) the Book (this Qur'ān). In it are Verses that are entirely clear, they are the foundations of the Book [and those are the Verses of Al-Ahkām (commandments, etc.), Al-Farā'id (obligatory duties) and Al-Hudud (legal laws for the punishment of thieves, adulterers, etc.)]; and others not entirely clear. So as for those in whose hearts there is a deviation (from the truth) they follow that which is not entirely clear thereof, seeking Al-Fitnah (polytheism and trials, etc.), and seeking for its hidden meanings, but none knows its hidden meanings save Allāh. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in it; the whole of it (clear and unclear Verses) are from our Lord." And none receive admonition except men of understanding.

I have a big problem with this ayah I am hoping you can help me to understand. To me this ayah is entirely illogical. Why would Allah purposefully send revelations which are unclear? and that he knows that will cause Fitnah and that he knows people will use the unclear verses for evil. ? Why would I purposefully give unclear directions to my friend when I know the chance could mean the loss of her very life?

Why send unclear meanings at all, because Allah says none know the hidden meaning except Allah. Therefore, it would be useless to study the Qur'an front and back, in fact the ayah implies that searching for hidden meanings cause fitnah. Allah has declared that only he knows the hidden meaning.
Yet, at the same time, Allah expects those people who are knowledgable to say we believe in it, all of it. The clear AND unclear.
How can they believe in the unclear parts when they can not know the meaning?!

P.S. I was dissappointed in your description of the personality in Paltalk named Christian_Prince is unfounded. What is this based on, please?
I have listened to him for nearly a year and have never heard this person say one curse word, not one.
Those "insults" are simply him reading Hadith, or Qur'an to which we find ugly and offensive. (In fact I hear they are even uglier in Arabic?)

Unfortunately, ignorance still abounds in this world and you will come across racist and hateful people easily on the worldwide web.
But to categorize anyone who speaks against Islam as racist and hateful, is entirely unfair and inaccurate.
Remember, you can just as easily find hateful, ignorant Muslims talking trash about Americans, Christians and Hindus.

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New postPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 6:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was hoping to follow this debate but the thread has become so cluttered it is making it too difficult. Evil or Very Mad

Has nadir managed to proove anything yet ?
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New postPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 6:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

MrHappy: thread has become so cluttered it is making it too difficult

I agree with you mrHappy.. I wonder whether this could be solved by Making new FOLDER "Debates and Discussion"..where debaters will have their own folder and below that Discussion from the reader about the debate follows.. that may help the reader to focus on debaters ..instead of focusing on responders..
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In any case I would refrain throwing unnecessary insults at Mr. Nadir. necessary is O. K.. I read him doing that often against his debater. .He also sound like as if he is on medicine.. Just a suggestion Nadir.. please read Twice before you post..

with regards
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New postPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 7:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nadir_Ahamad: If you can not come up with the evidence, you promised to shut down your filthy website.

Remember these wise words:

Birds of the same feather flock together..

And as for your claim, Prophet Muhammed ((PBUH) is a truthful person and not a liar like you Ali Sina, you bum

Remember these wise words:
you promised to shut down your filthy website.
For God sake take your medication, you are not coherent, man, you are making a complete ass out of yourself and Im loving every minute of it
but look here … see how Ali Sina idolizes and looks up to a known pathological liar!!!
you idiot, you are making a complete fool out of yourself, here is his response:
Let me respond to just a few of this lunatics rantings:
you careless idiot, I did NOT say that.
This is FALSE. Man, Ali, you aint no scholar! No scholar would make such a stupid statement "I listened to Denis Giron's debate and I thought the argument of 'chance' was rather ridiculous"

here is a smart kid, he knows the pit falls that lie ahead... I only wish Ali Sina had the same common sense

so I will simply be repeating my arguments... perhaps, the next time around Ali will attempt to refute them. This is going to be a cakewalk.....

"I try to interprete Islam in a language that nigger Muslims understand.

As far as I am concerned all Muslims are lowest of the breed."

Rather, Ali Sina, what you are, is a garbage man.

dude.... listen.... you aint no scholar in Islam, youre a "POSER"... you dont even have the prerequisites of being a scholar.. have you mastered the Arabic language??

What all i see above dear Nadir is.. you are indeed a grown up man but walking in diapers....



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