




 Leaving Islam



Dear Mr. Sina:

I want you to know that I admire your courage and knowledge about Islam. I agree with everything you say about this Religion. It has proved itself over and over that it is nothing but a violent Faith that traps people by force in its domain, with the only way out is total rejection from Family and the community and even Death will be the ultimate price paid for the deserter ( MURTTADD).

My sincere apology to these people that are blinded and kept in this awful trap, and I do my share in trying to open my Muslim friends eyes to the truth to the extent that sometimes a seed is planted and on the other hand another friend is lost branding my efforts with blasphemy against his faith.

All that in place, I am very surprised that your attack on Christianity calling
Holy Scripture "mumbo jumbo" and your the one that is promoting all the virtues of Christianity with labeling as such. You want people to love,respect,forgive,help,be tolerant of other people, peaceful  etc....all that and then some is what the Holy Bible preaches, these are the commandments of our lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

You talk about "Morality" as if your Atheist god has invented it. Who laid down the law that the whole world abides by even the secular courts? The definition of morality that you preach is taken almost in its entirety from the Bible and even sometimes you quote our Lord and Savior. You are preaching Christianity without a label. The whosoever power you prescribe for in your ideology is manifested in Jesus Christ.

It is true that you have seen the light about Islam, but you are still on the same destination on a different ship. The Bible says" Every knee that is in Heaven, on earth and beneath will kneel before Jesus Christ." At that point, nobody has a choice but kneel to the Author of life.

You may criticize Christianity (priests, preachers, crusade wars etc.. ) and my response to you is that the "Christian Dogma " never teaches any of that, it is Man that is imperfect in implementing and living God's Will. We have the free choice in accepting God or Not. God is very compassionate and loving and wants every person to come to the knowledge of His Truth. He did not create us as Robots that we do  exactly as He says (He could have done that!) but out of His great love and Wisdom, He gives us the full freedom to accept or reject Him. It is the same with your own children (if you have any) you never force them into doing things, you teach them the right way and continue with love raising them the right way. You want them to know the truth in every manner possible.

Mr. Sina, You cannot attack Christianity and preach it as well. There is in no way shape or form Christianity can be compared to Islam. Islam is man made but Christianity is from above.

I hope the same way you researched Islam, you will give the same opportunity to Holy Scriptures and the Holy Saints of the Church.

If you need any material please let me know.




Dear George,


Thank you for your encouraging email and your kind words. No I do not preach Christianity. I “preach” (if this is what you want to call it) commonsense. It’s not just you, I receive comments from Hindus who say that the essence of what I preach is in Hinduism, Jews, Buddhists, Bahai’s and even someone from Transcendental Meditation cult wrote to say what I say is part of their religion. The reason is that what I preach is commonsense; is ancient values. It does not belong to any religion or cult. It is the patrimony of humanity. We all agree on that. We all believe in it. Even Muslims who follow a religion of hate agree with the message of peace and oneness of human kind when they do not think as a Muslim. 

My question is if we all agree that we should love each other and be like unto refreshing water to one another why we hate each other and burn one another like flames of fire? Why are we divided in so many religions, sects and cults?  Why so much estrangement? Why we have built tall walls of distrust between ourselves? 

My friend, what you claim to be Christian is not Christian at all. It is Human. You take for granted that Christianity has divine origin and therefore assume that all these good things thought in Christianity must have come from a god. But that is not the case at all. Christianity is also manmade. People in all ages and all parts of the world knew that love is better than hate, that forgiveness is better than vengeance, that compassion is better than ruthlessness, etc. It is natural that when they made their religions they attributed all these good things to their religions. But the very fact that in all religions there are also many evil teachings that cause intolerance towards people who do not believe in those religions, that promote disunity, that are discriminating towards women prove that these religions are not from God. They are manmade and since man is fallible religions are also full of flaws. 

You exhort me to research Christianity as I did with Islam. I did that. I studied the Bible from cover to cover after I read the Quran. I can dismantle Christianity with the same ease as I dismantle Islam. I found the Old Testament is full of violence and the New Testament filled with nonsense. This book is an insult to human intelligence. But I do not wish to waste my time writing about the jumbo mumbo of the Bible. Partly because this task has been already accomplished by others. Here is just one site that I find quite informative. http://members.aol.com/ckbloomfld/index.html I challenge you to read few pages of this site to see why I say Bible is nothing but a book of mumbo jumbo. 

Anyway, I am not against falsehood. Humanity has lived with false beliefs for millennia and it can keep living with them even now. What is evil in these religions is hate. All these religions are discriminatory. All of them preach disunity. They make you feel as if you are superior to those who do not believe in the nonsense that you believe. Still I am not trying to take your spurious religion away from you. Obviously you get some benefit from it and that is why you cling to it. Religion is often compared to a crutch, I am not going to take away that crutch from those who cannot walk on their own and need the religion to lean on. There are many people who need someone telling them not to steal, not to do evil, not to commit crimes, be good with your fellow human being, do not covet the wife of your neighbor, etc. These are the people who need the heavy hand of authority or they will go astray. These people need religion and I will not take the religion away from them. But please understand that there are also people who know how to conduct a moral and ethical life, who can love humanity, who can be honest and truthful on their own. These people follow their inner compass. They follow the Golden Rule. They would not do to others what they do not wish done to them. These people do not need an external authority to tell them what is right and what is not. They are mature enough to do the right thing because they themselves are now that authority. 

I am against Islam because Islam tells its followers to kill those who do not believe in it. I fight against this cult not because it is false but because it is evil. Islam is destructive to peace. Islam is a danger to humanity. Islam must go if humanity has to survive. 

You and I have no time to sit and talk about who is right and who is not. If you want to believe that Jesus walked over the waters or he raised from the death or God created Adam and Eve as it is described in the Bible, if a Hindu wants to believe that a cow is sacred or a Jews believes that Moses parted the Red Sea that is none of my business. If these beliefs make you happier, all power to you.  I am not here to make every wrong belief right. I am not the champion of truth. I am a soldier of love. Truth to me is secondary. Love is my main motivation. And please don’t tell me love is also baptized as a Christian. 

Today we have very little time on our hands. Today a dark cloud of hate is building up in the skies of the Islamic world. Humanity is in danger. Millions, if not billions of lives could be lost: all for a religion of madness. You are a Christian; I am a non-theist, and others who believe in myriads of faiths. We do not agree with each other. We do not see eye to eye on many issues. But today we have to join hands and become united because today we have one common enemy. That enemy is Islam. You and I and the rest of the humanity with their diverse and often absurd beliefs can tolerate each other and live in peace despite the differences in our creeds. But Islam is poised to destroy our world and kill, subdue and enslave all of us. This danger is now looming. 

My friend, there is a time for everything. There is also a time to preach your religion and promote your god. But today we do not have time for that. It does not matter who is right and who is wrong when millions of lives are in imminent danger. 

Please my fellow human being; stop preaching your religion for a while. Join my cause and let us destroy Islam together. When the danger is passed, when Islam is slain, you can resume preaching your faith in peace. I will not convert to your religion but as long as you preach love, I wish you success.

Kind Regards


Ali Sina 






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