




 Leaving Islam



Dear Ali,

I stumbled on your website a while ago and since then I have visited and read some of the articles and your thoughts. I find much of the material very interesting. I wanted to also point out that I am a Muslim and proud of it. I realize you think that Muslims have nothing to be proud of, and you have a right to say and think whatever you want.

Today I was reading the section where readers comment and you sometimes give a response.

I am confused as to why, in your note to KI who visitied France, you say that Muslims like myself who are open minded and believe in Democracy, should stop calling themselves Muslim? Why should the majority of us change our name and give up our Faith because of a few violent psychos. I would think we should all demand that THEY (the terrorists, psychos, fanatics) give up on calling themselves Muslim. Just a thought.

Another thing that I wanted to point out is in regards to your note on immigration of Muslims. You said that Muslims will not integrate ever in to their host society. Just wanted to let you know that my parents, who immigrated to the US , have integrated into US society, I think fairly well. So have most of my extended family who also immigrated. Your comment is just too all encompassing and overly dramatic. Maybe alot of Muslims do not integrate into their host society, but this is not true of ALL Muslims. I think this is a problem faced by many immigrant societies in Western countries, and I believe it is mainly due to the economic situation of the group, rather than their religious beliefs. This is just my opinion.

You say on your website that you are such an advocate of Democracy. So am I. I thought Democracy allowed freedom of religion. It seems to me that your website is aimed at spreading hate against Islam and Muslims. If you chose to leave Islam, that is your decision, and of course you have the right to share your experiences. But is it necessary to insult Mulsims for their beliefs? Obviously you think it is necessary.

In the article you wrote describing why you left Islam, you say mention all of the different forms of Islam and the "real" Islam. Faith is a personal thing and each individual believes and thinks differently than the next. Yes, we all read the same words, but we interpret them differently. That is human nature and a scientific fact. So I do not believe you can say there is a "real" Islam, resembling that of the Wahabbis in Saudi Arabia . Islam takes many forms because it is practiced by many people from many backgrounds. I am a Muslim who grew up in the US and my religion does not take over my life, and it does not hold me back as a woman like you claim. I don't support terrorists! I have never been beaten by a man, I have never killed anyone in the name of Allah, I do not discriminate against minorities, and I definitely do not want to dominate the world by subduing all non-Muslims. I believe that you should not judge people based on their religion, race, hair color, or whatever, but rather on their moral character and personality traits. You choose to judge all Muslims based solely on their faith. Why put a label on people? To me, that is denying logic.

Nevertheless, I will continue to read your website periodically, to hear a different point of view. Good luck!


Dear elus  

You are a good human being, but you are not a good Muslim. Your thoughts and your lifestyle are not Islamic.  

You say that you and your family integrated in America . By this I assume you mean you have American friends and associate with them in amity; go to their houses and they visit you in your house. You probably do not mind marrying an American guy who is not a Muslim and in all intent and purposes you are an American without any prejudice and dislike of the Americans and you treat people of all religions and even atheists and polytheists just as you treat the Muslims.    

Well in that case you are very unIslamic. Muhammad ordered his followers not to take any unbeliever as friend and confidant and not to associate with them. [Q. 9:30 ; 9:28 ; 9:23 ]  

You ask me why as a democrat I do not allow you to believe in Islam. Of course I allow you. But it is my duty to warn you and the world that Islam is a dangerous belief. There is nothing undemocratic about this. Would you call one who denounces KKK or fascism as undemocratic?

You can argue that I am wrong about Islam, in that case I invite you to enlighten me and show me where lies my error. But you can’t condemn me for saying what I believe to be the most important message in these trying times.

I invite the Muslims to debate with me.  Let us find out the truth. If I am wrong, someone should be able to point it out. Where is that person? Why Muslims shy away when it comes to dialogue? Why their “eloquence” is confined to violence.

As a Muslim woman you have never been beaten. Good for you. But what if your husband decides to beat you because he finds you uppity? What if he demands you satisfy him sexually in times that you do not fee well and have no desire for it? Would you condemn him? Do you know that as a Muslim you have no right to do that? As an American you can put such an abusive husband in jail and divorce him but as a Muslim you have no recourse. Women like you in Islamic countries do not have your freedom. They have to bury their pain and endure their abuse and remain silent. They can’t even divorce their abusive husbands. And if they do the husband keeps the children. What do you say about that? Under which law you rather be? American constitution of Sharia law?  

Why you should stop calling yourself Muslim? It is because you are not a Muslim. If you do not agree that a woman should be beaten if her husband finds her disobedient, then you disagree with a tenet of the Quran and you are not a Muslim. If you think all people are alike and no one is filthy (Nadjis) because of his or her belief then you disagree with a fundamental teaching of Muhammad and you are not a Muslim. If you think it is wrong for a man to have several wives and it is wrong for him to marry a nine year old child then you disagree with Muhammad and you are not a Muslim. If you are proud of your intelligence and feel you are no less than men, then you are not a Muslim because Muhammad said women are deficient in intelligence and the majority of them will go to hell for disobeying their husbands.

You say I have all the rights to leave Islam. In that case you are contradicting Muhammad who said anyone who leaves Islam should be killed and therefore you are not a Muslim. If you dislike the terrorists and think they are wrong then you disagree with a pillar of Islam which is Jihad and you are not a Muslim.

I can go on and on and show you why you are not a Muslim.

Now that you are not a Muslim, neither in belief nor in practice I urge you to leave Islam and do not be a Muslim in name either. Your adherence to this cult of hate provides moral support to the terrorists. Leave Islam so they become demoralized and realize that “Islam is not the fastest growing religion” as they have made themselves to believe that haply they leave this insanity too. Islam must be defeated and eliminated. This is a very dangerous cult.

You are not a Muslim my dear, the terrorists are. It is not that each person has a different interpretation of Islam. First of all this is absurd. A book of guidance must have no doubt in it and should not be interpreted differently according to each person’s whim. It must be clear and unequivocal. If any person can take that alleged book of guidance and interpret it in the way that best suites him, that book can not be a book of guidance. A roadmap must be clear to everyone. It should not be left to people’s interpretations. This is enough proof that the Quran is not a book of guidance but a confused collection of hodgepodges and nonsense.  

Secondly the Quran is not as unclear as you make it sound. It is actually very clear. Those who study it carefully fully understand what it says. Why do you think the more a person is Islamic the more are the chances that he become a terrorist? It’s because the Quran is a manual for hate. If you believe in it and try to follow it you become a terrorist. All the Muslims are potential terrorist. The more they believe, the more are the chances that they act upon their belief and murder innocent people for their faith.

Since, you do not like anything that these terrorists do, then leave Islam. You do not belong to this cult of terror.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too. You can’t be a member of the KKK and at the same time claim you are not racist. If you are not racist what the hell are you doing in KKK? Likewise if you are not a terrorist why you keep calling yourself a Muslim?

People of the world are awakening and are realizing that Islam means terror. They are learning that Muhammad was a terrorist. So you have nowhere to hide my dear. You have to make your mind very soon. Which side you stand? Do you stand on the side of the terrorists or are you with the humanity?

You can’t have it both ways. We can no more let terrorists live among us? We have to be able to identify them and eliminate them before they act upon their killing instinct.. We can distinguish them through their belief. Those who believe in the terrorist cult of Islam are terrorists.

People are coming to see Islam for what it is. Soon you’ll find everyone looking down at you. They treat you as a terrorist. Do not complain. The game is over. If you belong to a terrorist cult you are either a fool or a terrorist. In either case you do not deserve respect and equal treatment.   

Your choices are very limited.

·       Prove me wrong. Show that Islam is indeed not a cult of terror and Muhammad was not the monster that I have shown him to be.

·       If you can’t do that and no one else can, then leave Islam.

·       If you can’t do that and still want to cling to this cult of hate then do not expect respect. You are a terrorist. You must be treated like one. You do not belong to the civilized world.

These are your choices. Ignorance is not an excuse. Now you know. You must make your choice. Which side you are standing? Are you on the side of humanity, or are you on the side of madness and the terrorists?  The choice is up to you. People of the world are awakening and they want you to make the choice. If you don’t, they will make that choice for you. They will put you in the category that you belong.  

This madness must end. Enough with stupidity! Enough with hate! Enough with ignorance! You can’t follow a psychopath and pretend to be a good and decent human being. This is the time of reckoning for the Muslims. This is the time that you must make your choice.

Wishing you to make the right choice,   

Ali Sina 






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