I believe in Bugs Bunny Part III
Muslims Don't Believe in Jesus
Mohammad al Assadi vs. Ali Sina
" Ali Sina, you are very funny, I said how your
kind read and do not understand, and I really appreciate how you
support me, I told you when you dump a ton of paper debate on me, I
will ignore your insincerity, and will answer one by one, whether
you chose to understand simple English or wish to play Buggs Bunny.
You forgot, I do not believe in the same Joker for a God as you do.
Therefore, I am looking at your claim here, and the first thing I
see is this: |
I answer to all the points you raise in your letter.
If you don’t like that, just stick to one point at a time and I will
respond to that point alone. I am not introducing new topics into the
You said:
Muslims are not the true followers of
Jesus and the Book. Muslims do not believe in Jesus. The
Jesus that Muslims talk about is a figment of Muhammad’s
imagination not the Jesus followed by the Christians. As for
the Book, Muslims think the Bible is corrupted and therefore
following it is the same as shirk or kufr (disbelief).
I say: I would reject anything different coming
from you, especially if it made any sense. Let us see how Muslims do
not believe in Jesus PBUH, is this true, or a lie? Look how you
contradict yourself, one time saying Muslims do not believe in
Jesus, another you claim they do, but the Jesus they believe in is a
figment of fiction Muhammad PBUH made up, are you for real? |
And what part of that is contradiction? Muslims use
lots of words that confuse the listener, but they actually mean a
different thing. For example
Muslims insist that they believe in the same god of Christians, but if you
pay close attention to how Jesus described his god and how Muhammad
described his, you’ll see there is a world of difference. Muslims use a
lot of terms that other use and yet they mean a different thing.
Anyway, you made here many lies, let us pick up
one by one and answer accordingly. You said:
Muslims are not the true followers of
Jesus and the Book. Muslims do not believe in Jesus
Anyone looking in the pages and the teachings
of Qur’aan will easily see how Jesus PBUH was mentioned a lot,
more than you can handle, in what manner Jesus was mentioned? Most
of the miracles mentioned in the Christians so called New Testament,
are mentioned in the Noble Qur’aan as follows:
Ayah 3:49, 5:110 speaks how Jesus healed Leprosy, revived the dead,
and healed the Mute.
Ayah 3:46 speaks how he speaks to humanity as a child, and in old
age, meaning when he returns. And he tells about what blessings/food
people receive before they receive it, and what they hide in the
depth of their walls he can tell as well.
Ayah 2:87 speaks about supporting him with the Holy Ghost, as the
case when he was Baptized by John, and the spirit over his head.
Ayah 2:136 orders us Muslims to say we believe in what Jesus was
given, not by what was given by Jesus as Christians imagine in the
four Gospels.
Ayah 3:45 describes what came in the book of Luke when Gabriel came
to Mary giving her the wonderful News of having Jesus PBUH while she
was a Virgin.
Ayah 3:52 shows how Jesus and the Disciples were Muslims, whether
you come to agree or deny makes no difference.
Ayah 3:55 speaks about how Allah told Jesus PBUH how he will take
him up next to Allah, what Christians say: on the right hand of
Ayah 4:157 shows how it is a lie that Jews killed Jesus, and how
Allah put someone who looks like on the cross instead, I will show
you the same from the so called New Testament some other time which
attests to the truthfulness of what the Qur’aan brought but
Christians cannot see it, and Jesus was not Crucified, what
Christians have is Cross Fiction, not Crucifixion. We do not deny
the cross, but say the man on the cross was not Jesus.
Ayah 4:171 speaks how Jesus is the Word of Allah, given to Mary, and
called him as the son of Mary, I think even in your limited
knowledge you know this to exist in their books as well, and John
1:1 says: the Word was with God.
Ayah 5:113-114 speaks about the table of the last Supper, they know
it too, and in their books is mentioned.
Ayah 43:63 how Jesus PBUH brought wisdom to the Israelis, in Mathew
they ask: is not this Jesus from Joseph, where he brought this
Ayah 57:27 speaks how Allah gave Jesus PBUH the Bible, none of the
men who wrote the four Gospels claims to receive from God.
Ayah 62:6 speaks how Jesus PBUH is sent from Allah, and the New
Testament is full in support, all the time Jesus said: the one who
sent me, and you will come to believe how he sent me.
Ayah 61:43 speaks about how he is coming back, and this is as a sign
for the end. They too can tell you exactly the same, and cannot deny
Sourah 2 says how he was a messenger for the Israelis, as their book
says: Jesus said: I came only for the lost sheep of
, and Christians say how he lied, he came for the whole world. Their
book and their God says how to his own he came and his own rejected
him (wonderful failure who did nothing), Christians claim their God
lied and he sent Jesus on behalf of humanity.
As you see I brought one tenth of what is mentioned in my book about
Jesus PBUH just to give you an idea, and to show how you are lying,
Muslim’s book believe in Jesus PBUH, all those verses are not
speaking about the empty space of your thinking. So, your lies are
obvious, Muslims are the true followers, and Muslim’s book orders
us to believe and love Jesus PBUH. |
Yes Muhammad mentions Jesus many times. But his
version of Jesus is not the same version as understood by the Christians.
He had his own version and condemned those Christians who did not
subscribe to his version.
To not fall into the trap of Muslims you have to
understand their tricks. They use the same words others use. This lulls
people into believing Islam is not much different from what they already
believe. However, once you convert, gradually they indoctrinate you and
make you understand what they actually mean by those worlds is different.
You said:
The Jesus that Muslims talk about is a
figment of Muhammad’s imagination not the Jesus followed
by the Christians.
Another lie, let
us see how from the worshipers of a Joker for a God? All what we
mentioned above are found in the New Testament, if one book is
speaking about a Figment of fiction, then both should fall under the
same. If your knowledge is so limited to where each of such is found
in their books, let me help you to find them, just ask. All this is
figment of fiction, then it is true how Jesus never existed, and
Christians worship their sick imagination. Now let us see, this is
not the Jesus followed by Christianity. I am shocked, true words
spoken through ignorance are shocking to me. Yes, but the question
is: do Christians believe in the true Jesus, or again they are
following ignorance of their hearts, let us see. Let me show you the
Ludicrously Christians live in, which is evil as well, because we
have known this stupidity of man worship through human history, even
today besides Christians in Hinduism which is the source of
(1) Christians ignorance says: God is one in three personality,
faced that is. He is God the Father, God the Son, and God the
Holy Ghost, now see how much ignorance in this. They say God is a
Spirit in the book of John, now we see Jesus the body in a trinity
of one body two Ghost, or fully possessed. God is a Spirit, Holy
Ghost is a Spirit, Jesus is the body, a body full with Ghosts,
Ludicrous big time from the nonsense of Trinity. Two hoodlum and one
I they say he is one, yet one sits on the right hand side of
another, or on the right Hand side of himself, Ludicrous.
II they say one, yet one is the son of another, or the son of
himself, Ludicrously, and Insane to say the least.
III They say one, yet in the book of Luke Jesus prays to the other
all night, are they for real, is there any intelligent left among
IV They say one, yet one is the High priest to another, or High
priest to himself, Ludicrously, and nonsense.
IIV They say ever living, yet he dies for three days and three
night, are there any brain left in those to show them the truth, or
they are as hopeless as asking Quiet from a Barrel of monkeys?
IIIV They say he is better and greater than all creation, yet was
made little less than the Angels in the book of Hebrews, and raised
to a level of a man named Melchisedec, are they sane, really, or are
we speaking insanity and fiction in the name of reality?
If you wish more I have written a book about
Christian Idiocy and what they made of Jesus, this should tell us
where is this figment of fiction, and who is telling lies
from the Joker’s worshipers Sina Ali. So, now we see how you lied
about Muhammad PBUH making fiction, Jesus in the Noble Qur’aan is
the closest to reality than any, and what
Christians made of him is nothing but stupidity. Yes,
I agree we will not accept such nonsense, we are sane, why
should we loose our sanity over such idiocy, we do believe in the
real Jesus? |
(Highlighting and font coloring are mine)
So why are you shocked and call me a liar when you
agree with me that you do not believe in the same Jesus that the
Christians believe? That is exactly what I said and you made it more than
clear. Whether your version of Jesus is the right one or theirs, is not my
point. The point is that the Jesus Muhammad talked about is not the same
Jesus that the Christians follow. You say that Muhammad’s version is the
real one. That is your opinion. As far as I am concerned Muhammad was a
pathetic liar. Virtually everything he said was a lie. How this liar could
have known the truth? But that is another point. My point is that Muslims
do not believe in the Jesus of the Christians. You do not believe in their
Book and you do not believe in their god. You have your own definition of
all these and the fact that you use the same words is misleading. It is
like you and I talk about chair. When I have an easy chair in mind and you
have an electric chair in mind. We use the same word but there is a word
of difference between what we mean.
One good example of that is the word peace. Everyone thinks peace means
harmonious relationship. But for Muslims peace means subjugating others.
You said:
As for the Book, Muslims think the
Bible is corrupted and therefore following it is the same as
shirk or kufr.
I say: O LORD, it is not enough some believe in
Jokers for Gods, but they too are so ridiculously funny. No Sina
Ali, or Sina of Egypt, educated Muslims wouldn’t say such
nonsense, Educated Muslims would tell you how Jews made those books
in there hands, with such evil unequalled, insulting all the men of
the LORD, including what they worship for Deity. Qur’aan speaks
about the Bible given to Jesus PBUH, not the
man made nonsense that came from the four Gospels, books of
Hadeeth about Jesus PBUH. The Bible is a Heavenly book given to
Jesus, not a book given by, or speaks about Jesus by ignorant men,
and a book full with lies. Believing in the Bible is Obligatory, but
believing in mad made idiocy is evil and unacceptable on the part of
Let me show you some of the lies in Christians hands, I have
hundreds, reading the genealogy of their God from Mathew, their
invented God came from David, and Solomon, reading the same from
Luke, their fiction God comes from David and Nathan, now following
this nonsense all the way through, we will see both end at Joseph
while supposed to be about their false God, and while in all books
Jesus asked them: how the son of man is the son of David (Math
22:45, Mark 12:35—37, Luke 20:41-44). Through the whole so called
New testament it says how Jesus PBUH is the son of David, count how
many lies that is.
Yes, In Qur’aan, he is the son of Mary, closer as could be to the
truth, and supporting what came in Luke how Mary was a relative of
, who was from the children of Aaron the brother of Moses PBUH, and
Jesus PBUH is the son of Moses PBUH, not David PBUH. It is
Christians who have figment of fiction, not what Muhammad Brought,
and while you lie about all things, we will show you the truth about
everything we say, and able to do it as well. |
You should convince the Christians that your version
of the Bible is the right version and theirs is corrupted and false. All I
said is that you do not believe in the same Book that they do and this is
what you tell me after calling me a liar. Which part of what I said was a
lie? I think on this point we both agree. Why you attack me when I said
the same thing?
You said: Disbelief, between brackets Kufir, now let
us tell you how Christians are the worst disbelievers in Jesus, Paul
says: they left the creator and worship the created, the Old
Testament according to them says in the book of Isaiah: you are my
son, today I have begotten you, another says: I made you. They
left the true worshiped, to worship Jesus in his place. Their evil
against Jesus PBUH and His LORD Allah is so horrible, and so
inexcusable, yet they have the blind leading the blind into
believing Islam is the bad thing, how sad is
the example of those who worship men like Jesus. |
we go again. You confirmed what I said. It is important to make this clear
that when Muhammad said: “and
say, we believe in what has been sent down to us and sent down to you. Our
God is the same as your God. 29:45
he was trying to deceive the
Christians. The truth is that Muhammad did not accept the Christianity of
the Christians and said “Allah's
curse be on them, because they are deluded away from the Truth!” 9:30
Whether Muhammad is the liar or the Christians is another subject that I
am not interested to get into.
Muslim are the true followers, you lied about such,
and you know so little, and know nothing except the hate in your
heart for Allah, Muhammad and Muslims, which is blinding you. Also
those like you who are so blind attacking the truth in Islam,
instead of giving themselves a chance to see reality. Jesus and
Muhammad spoke about those who have eyes but see nothing, have ears
cannot hear but evil preaching, and have hearts and understand Zero
or below freezing Gravity. Your kind say: hey allow me to put Oxygen
on your eyes to heal, while trying to damage their sight
permanently. |
This is all ad hominem and I am not going to dignify
it with a response.
The last time I did not ask you to tell me how Allah
spoke about the clouds, I asked, how Muhammad PBUH knew about the
Smoke the Universe came from, I am still waiting for an answer, if
you cannot do; say so, I know how this is beyond Buggs Bunny. " |
You don’t seem to have read to the my
previous response to the end. I already responded to this nonsense. That
was the main subject and the title of my response.
I also asked you to tell me which mosque you preach.
Which books you have published? If you have a website, what is your
website? I don't know even your email. Why can't you send your responses
directly to me and why you have to go through someone else?
< Part
II Part IV > |