




 Leaving Islam




History is a proof that in every age real believers were terrorized by all the other religion of the world, Muslims have the same situation.

History shows that Muslims have been the ones who have terrorized others throughout the history. Muhammad bragged that he owed his success to terror. At no time and no place Muslims where persecuted, not even in Mecca. It has been always the other way round. Today, as always, Muslims are the terrorists. One objective of my book is to awaken the world so they can turn the table to Muslims and give them a taste of their own medicine. Mankind has two choices, either perish or defend itself against Islam and that can only be done by instilling fear in the hearts of Muslims. Once Islam is unmasked people will see their very existence is in danger and they will rise to defend their own lives and freedom. The only way to do that is to speak to Muslims in their own language and that is the language of fear and terror. Muslims speak the language of violence and understand only that language. Muslims must become frightened in order to come to their senses and behave. They converted to Islam through fear and they will leave it through fear. It's time that we pay them back with their own coin and cast terror in their hearts. In a sense I am teaching Islam to non-Muslims. I want them to adopt the following teachings:       

·        We will cast terror into the hearts of Muslims. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.   8:12  

·        Let not the non-Muslims take for friends or helpers the Muslims.   3:28,

·        Rouse the non-Muslims to the fight against Muslims. 8:65

·        Then fight and slay the Muslims wherever ye find them, 9:5

·        Fight the Muslims, and God will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame. 9:14

·        O ye the non-Muslims take not for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love Islam.9:23

·       O ye the non-Muslims! Truly the Muslims are unclean. 9:28

·        O ye non-Muslims! fight the Muslims who gird you about, and let them find harshness in you. 9:123

·        Therefore, when ye meet the Muslims, smite at their necks; At length.   47:4,

Do you have any problem with that? I wonder why? If they are good, then taste them. If they are bad remove them form you satanic book of Quran. If this does not jolt Muslims to reality, what will? If this does not bring them to their senses, can we still call them humans? Give me one good reason why we should not do to you what you want to do to us? Only a fool can't see these teachings are satanic. 


See the condition of Muslims in this world and see other religions. Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikh, Janis, Bodhs, communists and others. All have different faiths and no one except the faith of others, but when Islam is concern they all come together in one platform to speak against it.

No, they have not come together yet. That is why I have written this book. I want to bring all mankind together to rise against Islam. Islam is our common enemy. Muslims kill everyone, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, pagans, atheists and everyone else. They make no distinction between their victims. To Muslims all of us are kafirs and should be killed. Today the leftists are foolishly supporting Islam. This is insanity. I want them to see what they are doing is suicidal. This is not time to play politics. Muslims will use them and then will slit their throat as they did in Iran. The leftists must come to their senses and realize that they are sleeping with the enemy. 


In the whole world only Islam is a danger cause it submits itself in front of one god. Not in front of thousands of gods, not in front of church and trinity theory. Never bow down in front of imaginary Gods. Never cared powerful kings, never obeyed the rich.

Which god? Allah is not God. Allah is Satan. Where is your proof that Allah is God? Present it! You have no such proof. On the other hand I have proven that Allah cannot be God because he is ignorant, violent and insane. I have evidence for what I claim, where is your evidence? 

Only Islam is dangerous because only Islam has Satan as its god. Why a religion of God should be dangerous? A true religion of the real God must be full of love, mercy and forgiveness. It must uplift the soul and unite the hearts. This cult of death and terror is certainly not from God. It is the machination of Satan to seduce people and lead them to hell. It is not important to me if Muslims choose to go to hell, what concerns me is that they are turning this world into hell as well. This we have to stop. If we can help them recover from this satanic cult, that is great, if we can't, we better stop them turning this world into hell by all means even if it means responding to their jihad with a bigger jihad. They want to subdue us with terror, let us show them terror. 


Truth is only one, that’s why they are afraid, that’s why everyone attacks Islam.

If Islam is truth, one person should be able to prove it. Where is that person? Read the debates I had with numerous Muslims. They have all lost miserably. This is enough to show that Islam is not true. 

It is stupid to say people attack Islam because it is truth. Why would anyone want to attack the truth? This is the biggest lie that psychopaths invent. It is Muslims who attack the truth and want to suppress it. Muslims are free to preach in non Islamic countries but are non-Muslims free to preach or even practice their faiths in Islamic countries? So who is afraid of the truth? Who is fighting against the truth? If Islam is true why are you so scared of opposing views? Islam will fall if not defended with violence and force. Islam has advanced so far because it has silenced any voice of dissent. This has changed with the advent of the Internet. With the Internet, Muslims are helpless. This is the end of Islam. Islam will collapse in our own lifetime. Five years ago, I said Islam will end in about thirty years. Today I am more convinced of that. The question is however, would it collapse under the wait of its own lies like communism did or would it go with a bang, after bringing about the biggest holocaust to billions of people, like Nazism did? My goal is to make Islam collapse from within and save lives. If I fail the end of Islam will come through nuclear disaster. But there is no doubt that Islam will end in the coming quarter of century. I am not making this prophecy because I have psychic power. I predict the fall of Islam the way a meteorologist predicts the coming of a storm. All evidence point to the fact that Islam will fall soon. 



Islam is false. That is for sure and that I have proven already. This does not mean other religions are true. However, we should not be concerned about truth or falsehood of any religion. I see no problem in believing in false religions and in fairytales. The problem arises when the follower of one religion want to kill others. This is the problem with Islam, not the fact that the Quran says sun sets and rises in muddy waters, mountains are pegs to keep the earth from shaking, sperms are formed in the vertebra, Muhammad climbed to the seventh heaven or other stupidities. These asinine beliefs don’t kill us. What kills mankind are the hateful and violent teachings that call for murder of unbelievers and produce mindless killing machines like bin Landen and those millions who poured into the streets rioting for a few cartoons. These mindless zombies are dangerous. Muslims are dangerous. To the degree that they believe in the Quran and follow the hate mongering teachings of Muhammad such as 9:5 or 8:12  they are all terrorists. 


Be a Muslim, Allah will take care of you.

Why would any sane person want to be taken care of Satan? That is the stupidest thing to do. Intelligent Muslims are seeing this lie and are leaving Islam. Those who stay are Satan worshippers and will end up in Hell. They live in hell already. Islamic countries are hell on earth from which all Muslims want to escape and yet when they come to the West they strive to reduce these countries also into hell. 


I am not going to come in this forum again, i will not reply anyone.
My job is done, i invited you in this religion, its up to you to accept or reject.

May Allah bless you

Your job is done? What did you do? You want me to believe in Islam without giving a single proof? Would really the maker of this universe be so stupid to send a thief, an assassin, a rapist, a pedophile, a liar, a plunderer and a mentally sick man with no proof whatsoever as a prophet and then burn humans for eternity if they do not believe in this evil man?  All you have proven is that you are a fool. Paradise is not for foolish people. You will go to hell. That is where you and all your terrorist brothers will end up, not in the Paradise.  There you'll find Allah laughing at you fools while blood is dripping from his mouth and his teeth are like the teeth of dog. He will torture you for eternity the way this prophet tortured Kinana and will say now taste you foolish people who believed in my lies and did not dare to use your brain to see my actions are all demonic. I promised God to fill the Hell with people and I succeeded. Now I torture you to the delight of my heart for eternity. You can worship me if you like or not, It makes no difference anymore. You are my slaves and I do with you what I please.

Isn't that sad my miserable Muslim friend?

Keep the blessing of your damn Allah for yourself. Why would I need the blessing of that devil? Accepting the blessing of Satan is abomination. The real God has nothing to do with Allah. If God exists, he must be a loving god. Many say that God is love. I say Love is God. Where is the love of Allah? Apart from absurdities and contradictions, the Quran is a book of hate and violence. There is no love in that book. Muslims are most violent after they say their prayers and read their Quran. Islamic riots, in which Muslims kill innocent humans, start from the mosques.  

If you had brain you would ask yourself if Allah is God, why no Muslim can respond to the critics of Islam and why Muslims are always the losers. Why the only way Islam can be defending is through violence? If you had brain you would save your soul because by dying as a Muslim you will for sure go to Hell.  



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